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FranCis Veillon avec Jan W. Casselman, Philippe Meriot, Sophie Cahen-Riehm, Henri Sick l'oreille et de l'os temporal anatomie et imagerie normales imagerie de imagerie médicale dirigée par henri nahum Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (3.7M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References. significant reduction in the size of lateral meningoceles ( Fig. 3) and satisfactory canal decompression. Discussion Lateral or anterior spinal meningoceles are relatively rare congenital anomalies where protrusion of the dura mater and arachnoid extends laterally through an enlarged intervertebral foramen into the paraspinal, intrathoracic, or View PDF; Download Full Issue; Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale. Volume 130, Issue 6, December 2013, Pages 346-349. Cas clinique. Méningocèle nasale congénitale traitée par voie endonasale chez un nourrisson de deux mois ☆ Author links open overlay panel E. Gassab a N. Krifa a S. Kedous a A. Zrig b N. Hattab c K. Harrathi a J. Koubaa a A Anterior sacral meningoceles (ASMs) are rare defects in the sacrum with thecal sac herniations and symptoms that com- monly include constipation, dysmenorrhea, and urinary disturbances. An ASM causing hydronephrosis and acute renal failure from compression of the lower portion of the urinary tract is a rare clinical entity. Encephaloceles-meningoceles are most commonly associated with Meckel's syndrome and amniotic band syndrome (11). Congenital encephaloceles-meningoceles are divided into three major types: cranial vault, frontoethmoidal, and basal. Secondary encephaloceles-menigoceles are acquired lesions that are most commonly the result of trauma or postsurgical A meningocele is a birth defect in which a baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly. The sac is often visible on the skin. Contact the UPMC Department of Neurosurgery, To make an appointment or ask a question: Call us at 412-647-3685. Call us at 1-877-320-8762 (outside the U.S.). Fill out our UPMC Neurosurgery contact form. Overview, amyelias, and four various degrees of encephalo-meningoceles. The anencephalies have total lack of cranial vault and conservation of the face, the cranial basis and vertebral channel. In the cases of anencephalo-amyelias the posterior arch of a more or less high number of vertebrae also lacks. Encephalomeningoceles are characterised by an opening of various size in the cranial vault through Request PDF | Les kystes du médiastin : approche diagnostique et traitement | Mediastinal cysts (MC), mainly from embryonic origin, are benign and rare malformative lesions, gathering several Spontaneous transethmoidal meningocele in adults is a rare condition. It usually presents with clear rhinorrhea with or without meningitis and an endoscopic multilayer reconstruction is advocated for treatment of such conditions. Go to: 1. Introduction, A cephalocele is a herniation of cranial content through a defect in the skull base. Fichier PDF créé le dimanche 10 avril 2011, Campus de Neurochirurgie Page 1/12, Spina bifida, I - INTRODUCTION, Les spina
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