Jimmy Carnley
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  • Milton, FL
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Jimmy Carnley's Discussions

Christmas CD
9 Replies

  Michael's christmas CD will be realesed 12/07/10!  Is this true?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dianna Shipman Nov 29, 2010.


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At 6:28pm on January 14, 2018, Sally Turner said…

Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval.
I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like.
Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year.
I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me.
For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US.
Email me, Sally, at MYSCRTPSSN@gmail.com and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).
A second option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture.
When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us.
It might seem early, but it’s something that we can work on Now through January. I’d like to be finished by February since I would need to get a box and mail it off to Michael.
Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65!
Looking forward to hearing from you,

At 3:18am on October 9, 2013, sylvie boisvert said…

Hey Jimmy, Gail just posted another date for Florida: March 8 in Miami. Here are the details:


I sure hope you can make one of those! Take care Jimmy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

At 4:49am on August 14, 2013, sylvie boisvert said…

Hiya Jimmy, Gail just confirmed 2 more Florida concert dates for 2014: March 10 - Clearwater, FL and

March 12 West Palm Beach, FL. You guys are spoiled! :D In case you didn't know, it seems Michael is launching into a symphonic tour and has done a few dates with orchestra so far. Take care Jimmy and hope you can make at least one of those. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

At 3:45am on August 6, 2013, sylvie boisvert said…

Hey Jimmy, I'm not sure how far that is from your neck of the woods exactly, but Gail just confirmed this date fror Florida:

Friday, March 14 2014 Florida Theater

Jacksonville, FL

Tickets on sale 8/9/2013

Hope you can go! Take care Jimmy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

At 4:19pm on September 12, 2012, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Jimmy, just wanted to pop by for the latest news. Well just to let you know, I’ve just heard from Amazon and it looks like “The soul of it all” is postponed at least until the end of January. I’m very disappointed, but trying to focus on the  fact that Michael will be on TV on “2 ½ men” in 2 weeks and God willing, we should hear something about the new CD when Michael returns from the Dave Coz cruise...  Take care Jimmy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

At 4:53pm on August 10, 2012, sylvie boisvert said…

Hiya Jimmy, long time no see! Listen, I was just doing the rounds on the forum and touching base with my friends. I just wanted to let you know, in case you don't already, that Michael is coming your way in December! To my knowledge so far, he has 2 dates scheduled for Florida: one in Naples and the other one is St-Petersburgh. I don't know how close that is to you, but thought I'd mention it. I hope you and yours are well and hope you can make one of those concerts. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D 

At 2:14am on May 15, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hey Jimmy, sorry to hear you’ve been so severely scolded by your wife! :D Out of curiosity, do you have any kids? I have 2 grown daughters and 2 boys who are sadly too exposed to “Lonely Island” type music. Now about “Gems”, have you checked out all the cool blogs on the main page? The song “Love is everything” sounds so fantastic! Also, I was really glad to hear that it looks like all the other bonus tracks (Agnes Monica, Coco Lee duets etc) will be on only one deluxe CD to be released overseas at a later date. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking! Lol Out of curiosity, when OAWLY came out, how many versions of the album did you buy? I bought 2 full versions of the album plus 4 singles to get all the songs. I just hope they don’t do that again, since Michael seems to be back on Sony. From ’93 to ’99, Sony always seemed to put bonus tracks on foreign releases. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Take care Jimmy and have a great weekend. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 3:15am on May 10, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hey Jimmy,  I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on the “Lonely Island” thread. I do understand your feeling about it and even though I enjoy the song very much, I’m very torn about it because I don’t like my kids listening  to gratuitous swearing, although it’s sadly everywhere. My friend described the video and it really sounded hilarious and I’m  very happy that Michael considers it a highlight of his career. I think Michael has learned a lot about himself and his capacities since last year with DWTS, becoming a grandpa etc. Michael is always happy to stretch himself as an artist and I think he’s getting more comfortable in earning his comedic and acting chops. As Jennifer said, I think this’ll give Michael a lot of “street creds” with younger people and younger fans. It’s apparently called: moving with the times. I’m just glad Michael is happy, God bless him. Well, enough with my rant! Lol Thanks for indulging me Jimmy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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