I think that this guy Michael Grimm and Michael Bolton should work together. Take a listen to this guy. Him and Michael Bolton will be a perfect combination. Let me know what you guys think about…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by sylvie boisvert Jan 23, 2013.
Posted on April 25, 2013 at 2:05am
Every time I hear this song, it just gives me goose bumps. And the reason why I say this is because Michael sings this beautifully(if that is a word). You can hear the passion in his voice and you know that it is coming from his soul. It seems like the music takes over and he lets his natural talent shines. You do not have that many artist today doing this. In watching the many interviews and the many videos as well as listening to the beautiful songs that Michael has sung, I can say…
ContinuePosted on March 20, 2013 at 3:23am — 1 Comment
I have watched a couple of Michael's recent performance on You Tube, and I must state that there is a different element to them that I like very much. There is that one particular song " To Love Somebody" He performed at the Royal Albert Hall. The way that he sang that song it seems more soulful than when he performed many years before. I like when he put in the ad lib to the crowd "sing it to me" that took the song up a notch in performance. It seems to me that now he is more…
ContinuePosted on January 7, 2013 at 7:41pm
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Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval.
I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like.
Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year.
I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me. You could even send your note on a 2x3 size paper and I’ll attach it to a card. Send your picture to if you like. That would take out the SASE step.
For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US.
Email me, Sally, at MYSCRTPSSN@gmail.com and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).
A second option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture.
Just let me know the option that works best for you.
When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us.
It might seem early, but it’s something that we can work on Now through January. I’d like to be finished by February since I would need to get a box and mail it off to Michael.
Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65!
Looking forward to hearing from you, Sally
Welcome to the forum Sandra Lee!
I read your blog here, and was wondering if you have only recently become a fan of MB's due to Yoeu Tube? Or have you always liked him? Have you ever seen him in concert? If you are a fan, that's what you must do! He is so amazing live! I see you live in NY, he does concerts there quite often. Hope to talk to you on the forum.
Hi Sandra and WELCOME to the website and I do hope you will join us in the forum section we have here which can be found by going to the "Connect" heading on your page and then clicking on "forums" when that appears above and that is where we all come together and discuss everything to do with Michael and below I have given you links into two of our more popular threads that we have and the first is within the section called "Tours, Gigs & Announcements" and in it we leave reviews of shows we have been at and we also place video links that people have uploaded to youtube from shows they have been to as well as photos that maybe taken......basically everything that Michael does whilst on tour we try to capture in this thread and then secondly is a link into a very popular thread of the moment as it is to do with Michael's autobiography which will be published on 29th January and where we are now discussing the possibility of book signings....very exciting times ahead on that one so I do hope you will take the time to look through and enjoy as well as looking through the rest of the forum and enjoying also. Obviously as we are into 2013 a new thread has been started for the Tour Reviews but obviously, very little there so far and that probably will not kick off until nearer 25th January, when Michael is playing at the Jamaican Jazz Festival, but do hope when that gets going you will look in and follow what is going on !! :)
If you have any questions about the website or forum please do not hesitate to come onto my page and I will try to answer as best I can and I have to advise you that Gail Atkinson is the moderator of the website so, obviously, you can approach her too if any questions and I should also add someone else's name on here and that is Sylvie Boisvert who is affectionally known as "Sylvie the Solver" ....believe her nom de plume speaks for itself.....and you can also go onto her at anytime to ask any question !!! :) I should like to make it clear that I am in no way connected to admin, it is only Gail that holds any admin position on the website but I just like to welcome people onto the site and let you know that if you have any questions you do not have to hesitate to ask !! :)
As I say I hope you enjoy being with us and please feel free to leave any contributions you feel are relevant on anything pertaining to Michael in any of the threads that we have for that purpose.
Please enjoy your look around website and most of all, please consider staying with us and giving Michael all the support he so richly deserves !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.