  • Female
  • Louisville, KY
  • United States
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Meggy's Friends

  • Alayna Maire Ayres
  • Joy Baxter
  • Deborah C Owen
  • Petra
  • Kathy Tulsa
  • sandy brooks
  • Katrin from Berlin
  • Sheroda Hutchinson
  • Anna Horn
  • Marie Rusova
  • sylvia doughty
  • Diane McKane
  • Joy Arban
  • Nicolette
  • Amie Angeli


  • 1.
    Hope It's Too Late
  • 2.
    murder My Heart
  • 3.
    Sign Your Name
  • 4.
    Invisible Tattoo
  • 5.
    just One Love

meggy's Page

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At 3:56pm on February 4, 2017, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Mary Lou, always great to hear from you girl! You’re very welcome for the link. You know, I have yet to watch the original “Willy Wonka” and “Charlie & the chocolate factory” is in my “to watch” pile too. I picked up “Charlie” in a thrift store. I’m really glad for you that you have this nice project to work on. I know what it’s like to organize pictures: my “she cave” walls are full. :D I understand about not wanting to change Meg’s room and although we had to change, our guest room is themed with our kids stuff. :D Thanks for writing Mary and I hope to catch up more soon. Big hugs, sincerely, your friend Sylvie :D

At 3:34pm on January 30, 2017, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Mary, ask and you shall recieve:

The video to the “Honest trailer Willy Wonka featuring Michael Bolton”, enjoy!

Big hugs to both you and Meg, sincerely, your friend Sylvie xxxxx


At 10:38am on July 7, 2016, Nicolette said…

,Afbeeldingsresultaat voor belated birthdayNicolette xx

At 8:43am on June 2, 2016, Nicolette said…

Hey Mary, Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes! Very sweet of you!

I hope you are doing well? take care. Hugs Nicolette xx

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor flowers

At 12:41am on February 27, 2016, sylvie boisvert said…

Hey Mary, sorry for the delay. Thanks for the tip about Adele, but Ellen comes in in he afternoon on the East Coast. Ellen does put most interviews on YouTube anyway. Girl, are you still watching "American Idol"? Kelly Clarkson was on last night and gave quite a performance of her song "Piece by piece" and it's an incredible song! I already have a favorite and hope she lasts for a good while. My favorite is Sonica: great name and she just sings beautifully and effortlessly. Well anyway, I will write a longer message soon sweetie, I haven't forgotten about you! :D Talk to you soon Mary, take good care and say hi to Meg for me. Big hugs, sincerely, your friend Sylvie :D

At 1:36am on October 13, 2015, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Mary, sorry I haven’t written much lately: the forum, the PledgeMusic site and real life have kept me busy. We’re all doing reasonably fine here, but Olivia and family have all been sick, so we haven’t visited in over 2 weeks. I miss my granddaughter terribly and haven’t been able to snuggle much with my grandson yet, but we’ll see next weekend. I’m glad to hear you’re having so much fun with your painting Mary and it’s something you and Meg can do together. I’ve been taking care of stuff I’d put aside while finishing my last creation last month and it’s taking some time, so I have no idea when the creative juices will be able to flow again. My shows have started also and it’s a weird feeling to have to tape some because I have too many on the same days. I’m still not watching “The voice” and I’m holding out for the last season of A I in January. I hope to catch up more in a PM soon sweetie, be patient. Hubby’s got a lot going on in the next couple of weeks, so I might have another update in that department too. Well anyway, thanks so much for writing Mary, good to hear from you, even if it’s a quick message. Say hi to Meg for me and hugs to both of you, take care, sincerely, your friend Sylvie :D

At 4:54pm on August 14, 2015, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Mary, long time no see! I hope you’re doing well sweetie. There’s tons of news you’ve missed out on recently, but I’ve posted all the latest on my blog, whenever you have time to check it out:

Also, since you had been asking about Michael’s sitcom that never was, there are details about it, along with info about another sitcom in this wonderful article:

I thought of you when I read it, so thought I’d pass it on. I hope we can catch up soon, but we’re all fine here and hope you are too. Say hi to Meg for me Mary, take care. Hugs, sincerely, your friend Sylvie :D

At 7:58pm on September 9, 2014, robin rehder said…

Hi Mary/Meggie, I'm glad all is well. Your work @ the candy store you transferred to sounds neat. Wow! Winning $250.00 in bingo is cool. I'm glad for you. I hear you about concerts. I'll be glad when Michael comes to Vegas. I now live in Henderson, NV 5 months now. I found out in July that I have an enlarged heart as well as a hole in it as well. I've had 3 EKG'S, 2 echocardiograms, & some kind of a bouble study test. I get the results tomorrow. I've been @ the casinos from time to time. I'm glad you both are well.H

At 7:50am on August 5, 2014, Marie Rusova said…


please add Me among  Your friends

my regards from Prague

At 5:21pm on August 4, 2014, sylvie boisvert said…

Hiya Mary, I already have a music box under way for Safya, but since she came early, it’s not done. Man, I wish there would be music box movements with Olivia’s music! I know it’s possible to make your own music box with paper strips, hole-puncher and metal comb, but that’s a little   out of my realm! :D I did find an appropriate one that’s even special to Olivia. I’ll keep you posted, don’t worry! Lol Take care Mary and have a great week. Big hugs, sincerely, your friend Sylvie  :D