dear michael hope u get well real soon love u for years cant wait 2 c u in may at wolverhampton lots a love for a speedy recovery xxxxxxContinue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Robin Mar 3, 2014.
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Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval.
I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like.
Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year.
I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me.
For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US.
Email me, Sally, at and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).
A second option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture.
When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us.
It might seem early, but it’s something that we can work on Now through January. I’d like to be finished by February since I would need to get a box and mail it off to Michael.
Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Hi Pam, I just wanted to say thanks for accepting my friend request. I've been told the weather is pretty awful in your neck of the woods, so I hope for you it clears up and spring isn't too far off! Take care sweetie and have a great week. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
Hi again Pam, I know exactly how you felt. Believe it or not, the same thing happened to me in 2010. The admin had started a blog for us to post our questions to Michael, to be printed in the tour book and out of 20 pages of questions, Michael picked 13 questions, including 2 of mine. It’s simply magical to just wrap your mind around it. :D Incidentally, never worry about late replies, this is not Facebook. :D By the way, I rechecked your questions to Michael and I was wondering: in what area did you want to know who inspires him? Did you mean as a person or as a musician? Just wondering. As far as Michael and his brother, not sure if they co-wrote the songs, but they did collaborate in their band Joy in 1969, not on their first single “Bah bah bah”, but on Joy’s second single “Going back to New Haven”. I’m not sure if Orrin contributed to Joy’s following Pentagram album, but the brothers at least contributed to the “November children” soundtrack in ’70 or ’71. BTW, if you’d like to see/hear them perform together, check this out:
I’m a big fan of Orrin’s too... ;D Out of curiosity, when you held Michael’s hand last year, was that your first concert, or had you seen him before? Well anyway, I hope you don’t mind me asking a bunch of questions, I like to get to know people. :D Take good care Pam and reply whenever you can. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
Hi Pamela, I just read your message on the "Birthday greetting..." thread. I didn't know you were a member of this site. I read that you got lucky and got 2 replies to your questions on FB last week, so just wanted to say congratulations! I'm not on FB, but kind soul Sylvia brought all Q&A's to the forum for those who aren't on FB. Well anyway, I know it's a bit late, but welcome to the forum sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
Hi Pamela and WELCOME to the website and I saw you had started a thread for a get well message to Michael but have to tell you that your message will not go to him and he will not see for he doesn't come on the forum. Robin MD has placed a comment in your thread letting you know that there already was a thread started for messages to be left on and it is that thread that Gail, moderator of the website, will send directly to Michael on Wednesday for him to see all the messages placed on it. If you wish Michael to see your message please consider reposting it in the appropriate thread and here is link for that thread which will take you straight there....
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.