Hi friends,  welcome to my first blog! :D I will see if I can  upload pictures and details about my new creations, wish me luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie <3


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Comment by sylvie boisvert on August 12, 2012 at 7:29pm

Hi friends, I’m coming in today to post pics of an older music box I made for my baby sister, but just now had the opportunity to have a digital picture of it. This was my first flower design and I made it out of umbrella leftovers! :D I’ve accumulated many types of fabric and leftover unbrellas have been helpful for fixing schoolbags and snowsuits in the past, but these colors were lighter and since my sister likes to be able to wipe things clean, that was perfect for her. For the record, I’m still working on OB’s box every day and my fingertips are taking a lot of abuse, but it should be done soon. In the meantime, hope you enjoy these pics. Incidentally, my sister’s music boxplays “Feelings” by Morris Albert. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie <3

Comment by sylvie boisvert on July 2, 2012 at 2:43am

Hey Sylvia, thanks for coming in and posting sweetie! Marie-José’s recitals are always special and yes it was just thrilling to feel I’d given something tangible back to her, feeling like she’s given so much to me. She is an absolute doll, sweet and with such a warm personality: I just can’t get enough of her! :D I have no clue when I’ll “see” her next but I may try and be bold and try for a picture next time, depending on circumstances. Thanks again for caring Sylvia. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie <3

Comment by sylvia doughty on July 1, 2012 at 10:15pm

So, so pleased for you Sylvie  firstly that you got to the recital and secondly that it was free, wonderful but of course the most wonderful part being in you meeting her and giving her your gifts ....that must have been such a so, so special moment and thanks for sharing it on here with us....thanks Sylvie !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Comment by sylvie boisvert on July 1, 2012 at 9:54pm

Hi to all my good friends following this blog. Sorry I’m not coming in to post a picture today but I just wanted to share wonderful news with you all. I had the good fortune of being able to attend a free Marie-Josée Lord recital yesterday. The recital had a latin theme with wonderful Spanish and South American song cycles and folk songs, accompanied with just a guitar   and a stand-up bass I believe and it was just gorgeous. The most special part of the evening was that after the recital, as her usual wonderful self, despite the heat and humidity, she sat at a table near the exit, ready to sign autographs. I had come with no expectations because it was free and in a church, but had still brought my CD and music box in case, even if it were just to show my friend. The place was packed with a long line for autographs, but as soon as we got to the table, my friend asked Marie-Josée if she remembered us and she said yes instantly! She extended her arm and took my hand right away… She remembered I had forgotten my CD the last time so I pulled it out and told her I had a present for her. I had put her music box in a pretty blue box with white roses, tied with ribbon and had a plastic window cover to put a picture. Instead, I actually wrote her by hand: “to my beautiful Marie-Josée, in appreciation of your art and your soul, with all my heart, Sylvie Boisvert” and I brailled it on the window too. She thanked me warmly and also did on my CD booklet. I knew I was pressed for time so I knew I couldn’t witness her reaction to my masterpiece, but my friend told me her face lit up when I told her about it and that I had made it. I  thanked her for the autograph and she held my hand again and since she was closer than last time, I took the opportunity to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and told her there was a letter in there also.  My friend asked me if I’d given her any contact info, in case she’d want to thank me but I really never even thought of it since I figured she wouldn’t be able to and I couldn’t expect it. I was just thrilled to give it to her in her hands and that she was happy to get it. My friend said she didn’t think this would be the last of it so you never know… :D Oh and she told me the fantastic news that she’ll have a 2nd CD in November!!! Well thanks for indulging me girls, God bless. Hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie <3

Comment by sylvie boisvert on May 30, 2012 at 3:45am

Hey both Kathy R’s! Lol Well miz Rosario, it did cross my mind about Whitney and Donna which I both loved and still have their LP’s, but I technically started this doll sometime in December. It was the building of the  face and her body frame that took a while to figure out and she’s supposed to be smiling... :D She was a little bit inspired by my favourite soprano who had a somewhat similar dress on her debut CD, except it was flowery but I couldn’t manage that... :D By the way, your name does appear above your post so I know who you are! Lol Now miss Ruddell, I can’t blame you for trying! :D I actually named her after Alicia Keys because I love that girl and she seems to have such a wonderful personality: sweet, intelligent, talented and just calmly self-aware and in control of her destiny, she’s just cool... All right Kathys, thank you again for your sweet comments, much appreciated. Big hugs to both of you, sincerely, Sylvie <3

Comment by Kathy Rosario on May 30, 2012 at 3:34am

Thanks Kathy about the Whitney -Donna comment. BTW....I like your name...lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by Kathy Rosario on May 30, 2012 at 2:31am

Hi Sylvie....what a beautiful doll and I couldn't help thinking about Whitney and Donna whom have just passed recently. So strange...it was like the doll was going to sing one of their hits. :) I suppose because to me it looks as though her mouth is open. I guess I am reading too much into your creations again!! lol Or...suppose....you do have "magical" sewing fingers ;) Speaking of the background...I like the tartan plaid on the shelf :)))) Happy sewing Solver!!!!!

Kathy R....lol....that doesn't help does it????? Ok....Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by sylvie boisvert on May 30, 2012 at 2:05am

Hi girls, thanks for your comments. Sylvia, you should ask Robin R to show you a pic of her MB doll that she won at a softball event years ago... ;D I was hoping my son would take a pic that would show off only  the one doll but oh well... That's a very small sample of the amount of dolls I have and those are in my "she cave". :D Now Kathy, perfection can't be rushed for OB's box, but it's almost halfway done and I'm really sorry girl, but MB's box will be seen by him first. Well, unless you pass by Montreal before then! lol Take care girls. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie <3

Comment by sylvia doughty on May 29, 2012 at 10:56pm

That is a lovely one Sylvie and hey with hair like that you could have done Mr. Bolton in his younger days !!! LOL.  Absolutely love all your dolls in the background especially that little Eskimo one.....they all look gorgeous and beautifully displayed too !!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Comment by sylvie boisvert on May 29, 2012 at 1:45am

Hi friends, well I finally finished my latest creation which is a musical doll. For the record, I didn't exactly decide to branch out, but a couple of years back, I had bought a lot of  music box movements from EBay and this one was part of the lot. I didn't know the song, but since it was

"Oh, what a beautiful doll", I felt I didn't have a choice. :D


This link is  for you Sylvia… ;D The seed of the idea came one day as hubby and I were shopping at this bargain store and found this  beautiful African American fashion doll with a great gown, I passed on buying her but regretted it and of course it was gone by the time we went back. We did find another one at a thrift shop, but plans went another way for that one, although fixing that one's hair gave me practice for this one. I wanted to actually build her features so she wouldn't have just a flat cartoon face. I modeled her head on another Esmeralda doll from "The hunchback of Notre-Dame" I have, although she ended up being taller. I think she's about 14 or 15 inches tall and her name is Alicia. I used styrofoam and flexible foam for her features including her ears. Her hair is curly wool I braided and sewed on her head and added more layers on top. I used a bent wire hanger and popsicle sticks for her frame and fluff from an old pillow for the body. I used 3 kinds of trim: beeded white lace, beeded blue sheer and tiny flower string, oh and another string of pearls at the bottom. I originally wanted to make her shoes, but since I had sewn her toes, I chose to make sandals instead... :D Her pearl choker was made one beed at a time and the little cross on it came from an old Posh Spice doll. The diagonally placed trim idea came from the first fashion doll I almost bought. So there you go guys. Thanks again for your interest. Hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie <3

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