Уважаемый Михаил! Я, Болотина Валентина, из России, ищу всех родственников своего отца Болотина Александра Тимофеевича, 1929 года рождения, проживавшего в Грузии и имевшего родственников, эмигрировавших в США в начале 20-го века. Мой дед Тимофей, прадед Яков. У Тимофея были братья Иван и Федор. Если вам интересно, то могу помочь найти родину Вашего отца. Есть старые фото, документы.Буду рада контакту. Считаю Вас братом.
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Отличное хобби!
Great picture , glad to see you had some fun :))
That is more beautiful than I imagined it! Hope you had a great game!
I continue to learn English. It is not easy for me. The foreign language is the most difficult to talk about emotions. Meanwhile, the music, singing and art generally consist almost exclusively of the emotions. Every day, I am spending almost two hours on learning. I hope that at some time I will understand better, what you sing in your songs. Now I have started to learn the Past Simple. I learned that there is a lot of irregular verbs. How do I get to learn? Help me !!! Help!!!
A lot of rest before returning to work
If ever anyone needs a break it's YOU Michael, going all over THE WORLD has to put some strain on you! Relax & Enjoy:)! Take in an ice cream, too! You are withering away:)!
Mary (meg's mom)!
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