So proud and grateful for all who make this critical work The Michael Bolton Charities, Inc. possible!

Michael Bolton Charities Raises Funds in Hamptons at “An Evening Under the Stars”

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Comment by Linda Gallo on August 28, 2016 at 1:29am

I wondered what/who was keping you so busy these days. You used to hold the MBC fundraisers around our son's birthday on September 24th.those were lately. I wish you would have held the MBC fundraisers on the Island when we lived there. It's earlier this year - they used to be held around September 24th our son's birthday. He'l be 32 this Sept. 24th - high time Dady steped up and does the right thing for the right people, unles of course he's changed his mind/heart and lied about chosing me "from among the world's most inteligent and beautiful women." Is that how our "great love" is to end? What? No "hapily ever after for "you are the one?". Yes Dear I stil love you. I told you before and I'l say it again - "actions speak louder than words". As Scripture says "God is conquers al things"

Comment by sylvia doughty on August 27, 2016 at 10:04pm

Gratitude has to be extended to you, in bucket loads, for without your vision and dedication there would be no MBC Michael so, a huge THANK YOU, just for you !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Comment by thida duangyai on August 27, 2016 at 6:58am

So proud of you Michael that very nice thing to do ! Love , thida:)

Comment by Dennis Valverde on August 25, 2016 at 3:11pm

Great photo Michael Thanks for sharing!

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