Those in Australia, Michael will be appearing tomorrow with Delta Goodrem on the Today Show and on Sunrise so check your local listings for times and channel.  

Sunrise -

The Today Show -


Michael will also be on The Mornings 9 show next week. The Mornings interview will go to air on Monday June 10 at 0946 (AEST) which will be Sunday June 9 at 7:46pm (EDT)



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Comment by thida duangyai on June 5, 2013 at 5:22am

Thanks for the links girls, Michael ALWAYS WONDERFUL :) thidaxx

Comment by Pannipa Faithy on June 2, 2013 at 3:46am

You are forever awesome...have lots more to share,give & inspire to the world..!!! Read your book twice already. Love & miss u always...From Thailand.

Comment by Sugna Smith on May 30, 2013 at 3:40pm

I think as he gets older he gets better looking (if that is possible)! He looks so rested and refreshed don't know how with all that he does but he really looks great!

Comment by Barbara R on May 30, 2013 at 6:48am
Nice one. Short. But my Aussie friends managed to talk about your hair and sex life! Oh well... The best music video for me is and will always be "I Said I Loved You But I Lied". Loved the colors, the rocks and naturally your performance. I'm from Sydney originally and now live in Calgary. But that video made me travel to that part of the USA several times. Ok, thought I'd see you pop out from behind a rock, alas that was not the case ;) Glad I managed to buy it on iTunes years ago!
Comment by Linda Gallo on May 30, 2013 at 1:01am

That explains all the "references to Australia of late - the golf thrill of bringing the "green jacket 'home" to Australia, the sudden replacement of Melanie Fiona with Delta Goodrem to promote the new album, and my new friend, Williams Wood, going "sailing in Australia for a month."  Hmmmm - has our Maestro become Goodremogenized?  LOL  Maybe this is the "love" to which he referred in his Huff Post interview???  He casts off one blonde for an even younger blonde - he's probably still trying to replace his first love, Corrie, the first blonde with blue eyes wasn't it (according to the book)?  Wonder if he walked across water to get to Australia to see Delta the way he hitchhiked across the country (galaxy) to see Corrie?  Hey, maybe he hitched a ride with Williams on the Kon Tiki.  No, I think Williams must have met up with Jaws because he didn't keep his promise that when he came back, he would call, email, IM me (he wanted to be more than just friends...")  :Wonder what he had in mind before becoming an Australian entree? )check that one out for a double entendre  LOL  How come he always has to "introduced to his "loves" by other people?  He claims that his manager introduced him to Delta and Kenny G's wife introduced him to Nicolette seems to me he wouldn't have any trouble meeting women all by his lonesome. .  Well, at least we have to give him credit for "spending time with those he loves" and "being with the one he loves."  After all, "Love is a Wonderful Thing" isn't it Maestro? Compliments on your latest "choice" - now you can add "talent" to the world's "most beautiful and intelligent women."  ROFL How can anyone ever take you seriously?  Remember: "She who laughs last, laughs best" 

Comment by Kathy Rosario on May 29, 2013 at 10:09pm

Thanks for all the links ladies!!! That was a GREAT interview with MB and Delta!! Adorable :))))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by Pro100lenok on May 29, 2013 at 8:38pm

Внимательно прослушала интервью. Поняла только отдельные слова. Но слушала :)

Comment by Robin on May 29, 2013 at 5:44pm

Both interviews were nice to see. Thanks for the links and info!!

Robin in MD:)

Comment by sylvia doughty on May 29, 2013 at 1:19am

Link into Michael's interview for Sunrise Australia about 2 hours ago.....enjoy !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Comment by Karina Brewer on May 28, 2013 at 10:22pm

 I have just been woken up early by my very sweet husband about this. I am sitting here with Sunrise on.  Talk about a great way to start a miserable, rainy, Sydney day!!! Love you Michael xo


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