of Cary Grant and...feeling inspired

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Comment by Vera Lynn Allen on September 18, 2010 at 3:26am
Hi Michael,
Cant wait to see you on Dancing with the Stars. I hope you gets lots of rest and relaxation. Need a back rub?? Were all routing for you.
Love ya lots
Comment by Spirited Dona on September 17, 2010 at 6:26am
Micheal, you and all your readers MUST see the movie "Notorious" with Cary & Ingrid! I don 't know how many times, I 've seen it, but, incredibly it was a remake of a Greta Garbo.talky vesion! ! i don 't think Greta 's verssion still exists, but, if you are a wild romantic at heart, okay but shy at times , lol, this movie is awild ride,with one of the greatest endings! i have been blogging awhile and Micheal, varied subjects like this-- is the mark of a good blogger!
Comment by Sher Russell on September 12, 2010 at 11:00am
Wonderful Cary Grant; my favorite actor of all time. Still watch old re-reruns and I'm 68 years old. :-) He was a suave man, a nice man, a good looking man, and warm hearted man and you come across as same, Michael. Good Luck on your busy tour line up. May God always have an angel beside you to keep you safe and well.
Comment by Robin Sherman on September 3, 2010 at 1:11am
I just found out you are appearing on Dancing with the Stars! I usually don't watch it but I will this time. And of course, I will vote for you. I am sure you are going to be great! Good luck! I will see you in Branson, Missouri next month!
Comment by Christine Kulhawik on September 2, 2010 at 1:21am
Looking forward to seeing you on Dancing w/the Stars!!! Will also catch you in Chandler AZ next week at your show!! thanks for coming back to AZ.....Christine Marcus- Mesa,AZ
Comment by Judy Minton on September 1, 2010 at 11:32pm
Looking forward to seeing you Michael in Tunica, Mississippi !! How are you going to manage all this plus rehearsals?
Maybe we'll all get to see Chelsea also in October!
Comment by kelly jeffryes on August 31, 2010 at 4:49pm
just seen that michael is on the next series of dancing with the stars, hope that doesnt mean tour dates here in uk will get cancelled, have had my southend tickets since last december, but hope u'll win it michael x
Comment by Cynthia Hood on August 31, 2010 at 3:41pm
Well, you are going to be one busy man! I am happy to hear you will be on DWTS! Take care of yourself and remember your fans love you!!!
Comment by ROSA on August 31, 2010 at 8:38am
Cary Grant: the spirit of "THE GENTLEMAN". Good choice!. But I prefer him when he smiles: irresistible! R.
Comment by thresa arthur on August 31, 2010 at 3:11am
Just thought I'd say Hi, my thoughts and prayers are still with you , have a great time in Biloxi this weekend! Hope you get a chance to enjoy their fabulous pool..hot tubs .. and the great massages..! And request top floor, or highest you can get , center pool... this gives you the most unforgetale view of dawn over the gulf...sip some tea or coffee and marval at the simple beauty of a new day !, O'h how wonderful it will be. I will see you Oct. 14th for sure, in concert! Take care MB! Sincerely Thresa, P.S. And you love golf..think they have that too! Just have fun and please let us know how you are!

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