Regretfully, promoters of the Michael Bolton show in Seoul have elected to cancel his scheduled performance on New Years Eve. The promoters have unilaterally concluded that the current political atmosphere is not conducive to this type of event.  Michael is deeply disappointed by this decision, and hopes to be able to perform in Seoul when conditions allow.

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Comment by Lynne Shirley Maclean on January 20, 2011 at 8:44pm
Shame you couldn't be a 'Seoul Provider' Michael - wish you would come to Exeter, UK and 'Murder my Heart'. Failing that I'd love to see you near Mystic, Connecticut so I could combine your concert with a visit to me son and his wife. How about Foxwoods Casino?
Comment by Jennifer Lyn Walters on January 2, 2011 at 12:11pm

Michael this was a shock but no worry i know ! U are smart to stay away from home and the snow was not all that bad as news 8 and wfsb 3 predicted cause Conn got maybe anywhere from 8-10 and it was mild new years so much of the snow melted !!

 My new boyfriend and i have 2 songs from the new cd they are: "Just one love" & "Hope it's too Late" !

when your music comes on xm/serius raidio in my mom's car we turn it up cause we are devoted BOLTON FANS !!!

 Hope you had a blessed New Years with the new grand baby and the family cause Connecticut had a great start to 2011 !!

When is a concert gonna be here at home in Connecticut for the Conn fans and will u come to harbor arena in strattford,Ct cause that is close to New Haven where u were born and YES I WOULD DEFINATELY BE THERE !!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALWAYS !!!


Comment by Vera Lynn Allen on January 1, 2011 at 4:16am
Happy New Year Michael............Sad to see you cant perform tonite. Politics affect so much. Hope your 2010 WAS AWESOME. With the birth of your granddaughter your new album. Things seem to be looking up. Have a great nite. Cant wait to see u in Daytona Beach. Love Veralynn
Comment by ann on December 31, 2010 at 6:45pm
happy new year to you and yours  where ever  you may be keep the good wishes of this night in your heart all year love to you michael and to all on here keep safe
Comment by Evelyn on December 31, 2010 at 12:16pm
Alle guten Wünsche von Evelyn Schubert aus Chemnitz
Comment by Carol Cameron on December 31, 2010 at 4:32am
My niece is teaching in Seoul, South Korea and knows the place Michael was scheduled to appear.  There is absolutely no problem in Seoul and they only find out about any political problems on the Internet.  Are the promoters sure they made the best, informed decision?
Comment by sylvia mitchell on December 30, 2010 at 11:42pm

How disappointing, both for Michael and also all his fans in Seoul who have waited so long to see him. I can't believe how lucky my friends and myself have been. To see Michael's shows four times in England always managing to dodge the snow and any cancelations.

     Michael your safety is more important than anything. There will always be other times for more shows, as long as you are here with us.

     Hope you and your family have a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2011 To hasten your SPEEDY RETURN to us. Hope the weather is better next time. Lots of Love to you  Always Sylvia XXX

Comment by Jayne Mallia on December 30, 2010 at 7:08pm
It's very sad for your fans in Seoul, but it's better so you can enjoy the remaining  hours of 2010 and start the New Year with your family and close friends. Take care and a Happy New Year to you, your friends and your family. Happy New Year to you all Michael Bolton Fans too! Hope we all have a better year full of love Peace Health and serenity! Take care of yourselves. Mwaaah! Jayne Mallia from sunny Malta-Europe. xxx
Comment by Shannon Chambers on December 30, 2010 at 4:29pm
Micahel that is sad news for the fans in Souel but, your saftey and well being comes first. I was very worried about you going out there with all of the unrest that is going on. Saftey first! I hope you have a wonderful New Year. Love, Shannon xoxo
Comment by Michele Burke on December 30, 2010 at 3:05am

Wise decision my friend,  better to be safe than not.  Glad that you are enjoying your holiday in Bali and nice photo.

Today I had my brothers take my mom to the hospital to get checked out, as she hasn't been feeling well since we've been here in Texas.  Her legs and feet are swollen and her blood pressure went up to 230 walking time bomb.  I don't want to fly back to England with her like this, so I hope that something is sorted out otherwise we are extending our trip.  Not only that but its my birthday, I would rather her be safe than sorry.

Anyway, you have a wonderful New Year and I hope your brother had a sell out show tonight.  Love Michele


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