Hi everyone, sorry it's been a bit since I've posted. I'm working on a new feature where I can try and answer some of your questions via video. So, if you have any questions, fire away and I'll answer as soon as I can. MB
**Note...this new feature will be taking place on Michael's facebook page not on this site so come over and visit him there and leave your questions.

Views: 415


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Comment by R.Lupe.Barcelona on March 17, 2011 at 12:47am




Comment by R.Lupe.Barcelona on March 16, 2011 at 8:38pm

Ooooh, myyyy, God !


Sorry for the chaos in the orthography of my previous post ;(

I am a true disaster writing in English, I can feel it ! Understanding  is easy for me, expressing  myself  is  very difficult !  and quite  tired these days.


Take care and a KISS, my Lord !


 From " Miss-understanding ";)


Comment by Lee Knott on March 16, 2011 at 5:22pm
Hey Michael, I took my mum to see you at Hampton court in the UK and we both had a great time, I just wondered if you would be doing the concert again this year as it was the best present my mum could wish for?
Comment by PETER GEORGE AFFA on March 16, 2011 at 3:37pm
Correction Michael......I met you at Seasons52 in Orlando on Monday Jan 24th.....not the 27th
Comment by Tina Hall on March 16, 2011 at 3:10pm
I've seen alot of concerts and recently seen you in ashland ky.WOW not much else to say.No glitz no glamour no laser lights just pure TALENT.
Comment by Brooke Lynn Hardy on March 16, 2011 at 3:02am

Out of my dreams and into my life... :D

Recent grad from Michigan State University desperately seeking to get Michael OUT OF MY DREAMS AND INTO MY LIFE :D

(Hoping & Praying for a Meet & Greet-- Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center)


Comment by susan farina on March 15, 2011 at 9:06pm
Dear Mr.Bolton,   On Friday 03/11/11 I took two of my Friends see you in concert at Harrah's. It was Fantastic !!  To say the least. What a voice. We ran into one problem... In early January I called Harrah's and talked with a Nice Lady about doing a Meet and Greet with you. She said to call her back on March 8th after she had the chance to talk with your Manager... I called and left her several messages to please call me back..She never did... We found out later that only the High Rollers at Harrah's that spend at least $200,000.00 a year get the chance to meet you.. We were so disapointed... My Friend Held up a sign  during the concert   You so Sexy !  You held her hand and made her night! Thank you
Comment by R.Lupe.Barcelona on March 15, 2011 at 8:26pm

Hola Maestro,

Once more, I enyojed soo much the videos people put on your blog. They are soo nice, so beautiful.

Fans are wonderful arnt they:)  I Love Cara for the vidios and nices coments. You too ? By the way, I put some myself "videos ofcource"

What a surprise the new path you took on facebook. Giving us the oportunity to ask questions, Hmmmm i need to think about which questions, and the most important will be ? in facebook ! Now I will have to make myself a facebook account,"I never try this" but you have POWER in your voice. Times are changing I think and...  to do new thing for a life, maybe is good,"like FACE-and- BOOK. To Portugal, I don't know how I will manage, but I will" every thing to give thanks to your  music. Maybe is not good whether so in the north, but your bois ones more will be the price, and I just to the cood from Holand.


May name to Face-book :) Reina Lupe Estevez

Don,t scared from my pictures :) Pleaces !

Good communication is soooo important for this world.

It,s good think for us to find answer.

Cuidate mucho my Lord.


Comment by PETER GEORGE AFFA on March 15, 2011 at 12:00pm
Hi Michael....

Peter George here....I met you this past January 24 in Orlando, FL at Seasons 52......I'm sure you'll remember me as the singer/pianist at the piano bar while you were having dinner that nite...we talked briefly after I finished the gig....

I have just finished writing a rock/gospel memorial anthem for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and just completed a recording of it....its a very moving and powerful tribute to those lost & involved in the tragedy and a call to all Americans to remember them...

I would love to send you a copy of this song and have you consider recording it......I think your soulful singing style would be perfect to bring this song to the attention of the country as the 10th anniversary approaches.....

Please check this song out....I believe the song is world class, it needs to be heard & you can give it the power it will take for America to hear its message.....

I know you appreciated my singing & playing......I know you will appreciate this song as well........

Thanks, Peter

Comment by thresa arthur on March 15, 2011 at 12:53am
So miss seeing you live..in your element...on stage with all your faithful fans shouting words of love and appreciation out to you.  WE, the audiance, have the time of our life singing and dancing with your songs...I even saw the casino security wanting to dance so bad, he  cold hardly resist.  The people I meet at these concerts all feel like freinds ,such warm sincere people from all over here gathered together to enjoy a night with our sweet Michael and his majestic performance. We all leave with such a feeling of graditude for all the work you and the admin have put into making that night happen for us. Thank you from me...Last Oct in Tunica MS you left me breathless!  Have a Blessed Day.  Thresa

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