In reference to the post on the Dublin Concert,I was in attendance.We were asked not to video or take photographs,I of course ignored this and was nearly thrown out due to the fact that I repeatedly broke the rule.I argued with one of the ushers that as a Michael Bolton fan I was aware of the fact that he has no problems with people doing so.....

Also Michael was running slightly late and I had to use the bathroom,due to this I missed his grand entrance and he had began to sing "Soul Provider"by the time I had got back,I was told I could'nt enter the venue until he had finished singing his first song.I argued this point and pleaded to be let in as it was a birthday treat and I was a die hard no avail might I add.I asked for the manager and when the usher went to get him,I raced in.I had to lie low as the manager and usher were obviously seeking me out!!

Apart from these little issues(all due to management might I add)I had a phenominal night,his performance was beyond flawless.His performance of "Nessum Dorma" was breathtaking and I cannot wait for him to come back to ireland again.....

It was without a shadow of a doubt the best concert I have ever attended and he is a true old school artist with the most magnificent voice I have ever heard.............and i'm really glad he enjoyed it as much as we did xx

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Comment by Spirited Dona on November 15, 2010 at 7:14am
Being Irish sometimes means you have to work harder! lol! I, know, i am Irish American! It sounds like you won out on your birthday! Congratulations on your day-- & seeing Michael!

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