Hi everybody,

Still rehearsing for DWTS everyday while touring. I just took Chelsie and her very sweet grandparents to see Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas and it was phenomenal!! Chelsie and I are in "home stretch" to be prepared for this Monday's "live" performance and I hope to do Chelsie's choreography justice. I absolutely love it!!!!!!


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Comment by pauline g hause on September 20, 2010 at 1:00am
hello !!! i will be watching for sure !!! i have been a fan since day one and you are wonderful !!! love new song >< YOU MURDER MY HEART !!! LISTEN TO ALL THE TIME !!!! <. > all i asked for my birthday on sert 14 th last week was dvd concert at Royal Albert Hall london !! i am originally from Bedford 50 miles from there ! my dear mum rest her soul was born raised there and would have loved you if she had been around when you came on the scene !!! i am going back to visit about mar or april 2010 am hope you be there unless you can come to atlanta ga where i live !!! i am rooting for you and chelsie !!!!!! am glad can see you on facebook as well !!!! your friend and fan always !! love and bless !! brilliant and cheers too !! xoxoxooxoxoxoo !!! p.s p.s you are a georgeous nice man !!!!!! thanx for your time as well >>pauline !! aka bedford polly !!!
Comment by Amie Angeli on September 19, 2010 at 11:44pm
You'll be great! Hasta Manana! Your voters are already lining up to support you.
Comment by samantha powell on September 19, 2010 at 10:22pm
Hi micheal my name samantha and i just wanted to ask if you would allow fans back stage tickets to see you and meet you face to face. My antie is a big, big fan and i would love to get her the one thing she wants for her 50th birthday to meet you. We live near sheffield and it would be great if your next on tour here for her to see you not only on stage but to meet you back stage to speak to you face to face. I dont mind paying exra for a ticket if thats what it takes but as its her 50th im sure as a big fan you could pull some stings.lol :-)
I hope you can get back to me on this matter and that my antie can come see you next time your in the sheffield area. Thankyou for your time sam x x x
Comment by Beatriz Monterrosa on September 19, 2010 at 9:13pm
well.. I know that you will do it very well...
Good luck!....
Love ya!!!!
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on September 19, 2010 at 8:04pm
Michael, I wish you all the best for Monday, you and Chelsie deserve to win, you,re fab together, that was so lovely of you to take her grandparents with you when you went to see Phantom of the Opera. You are an amazing, thoughtful person Michael, and we are all right behind you, glad you,re enjoying yourself.
Good luck
Love you always
Sandra xxxx
Comment by Tina Fair on September 19, 2010 at 7:49pm
You will do just fine. You have a great teacher. Plus us. All you can do is your best and we all have seen you beyond your Best! We are counting the hours down.....for all your fans you've already won 10 times over.

Comment by Robin on September 19, 2010 at 2:41pm
Just saw the photos on WireImage from your visit with the cast of Phantom! Love them!!
Robin :)
Comment by Gwen Bolton on September 19, 2010 at 2:30pm
We have a sense of your life being made even fuller by this wonderful experience. So glad you are having a grand time testing your wings. Like I said when I first became a fan in 2002 it is never to late to start over (and over and over again). Each day has a new dawn. Thankful for being onboard as a fan to enjoy all your sucesses which bring further opportunities to watch you grow. We love hearing you talk about your passions such as the Phantom of the Opera, one of our favorites too. Know it was a night to remember for Chelsie's grandparents.(-:
Comment by Carol on September 19, 2010 at 11:16am
You work far too hard; but go out there and have fun and we will be supporting you all the way.
Comment by Pilar on September 19, 2010 at 8:13am
Good luck!!!!!!! Just be yourself, relax and enjoy... I am sure you are going to do it perfectly... and we will be proud of you no matter what. Show to the world, once again, how wonderful you are and we will be voting and voting and voting... =)

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