"Gems: The Duets Collection" Autographed CD Contest!

To win one of ten autographed copies of his new CD, Gems: The Duets Collection, leave MB a comment letting him know why "Love is Everything" to you. 



Terms & Conditions: Sign-up to leave a comment. One comment per entrant. Entry comments will be assigned a number and the winning comments will be selected at random. Winners will be notified by email so be sure to check the email account used to sign-up for your michaelbolton.com account. Contest ends at 9AM EST on Tuesday, June 28th. Winners will be announced here on June 28th at 1PM EST. Contest void where prohibited by law. 













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Comment by Christine on August 30, 2011 at 4:48pm
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to have participated in the promotion, to win a CD autographed by Michael Bolton. Andfor being one of the lucky ones. Today, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift that I won. The cd is beautiful ... beautiful ...beautiful .... Thanks!
Comment by Ivana on June 28, 2011 at 9:46am

I would rather be alone than be in love just half the way as I want to find somebody that I can trust completely. I want to give my heart to someone who will completely give his heart to only me.  And when I find that one, that is when I will fall in love with him, that is when I will give my love to him. 

Ivana from Prague

Comment by Missy Maynard on June 28, 2011 at 8:54am
Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source. -Tolstoy
Comment by Susan Becher on June 28, 2011 at 6:46am
Love is a feeling I get through the sound of music. Music is a powerful source that starts my day and ends my night. When I'm trying to handle a problem or deal with a situation, I turn to music. When I was 17, I began to listen to your music. I went to your concerts when you came to the Buffalo area and I went to your baseball game when you were on the Bolton Bombers. I fell in love with your voice, lyrics and the power of how a song could change my life. I am now 37 and still a huge fan. I recently went to your concert at the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls, Canada. I was lucky to go up to the stage and ask you to sign a picture I took 20 years ago of you and I. You were in your Bolton Bomber Uniform and chuckled when you saw the photo. I was so nervous when I asked you to sign the photo. You made an unforgettable memory for me. I can never get tired of hearing your songs and I am very excited to hear your new CD. There are few artists that have left an eternal mark on me. Love to me is always being able to go back to that certain song and remember how good it makes me feel. Without music, I wouldn't be who I am.  Thank you!
Comment by Vicki on June 28, 2011 at 5:10am

The feeling of love I have for my family is unconditional!  They are everything to me, just as love is!  Also, I love my ebay name MBOLTON, haha, long story, but def. in honor of my favorite musical artist!!  VBraq

Comment by Karen Christian on June 28, 2011 at 4:29am

Like the saying goes, "It's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all."  One year ago I lost the Love of my life suddenly.  He meant the world to me.  He was my everything.  I'm not sure the Love we had could be put into words.  He was my best friend.  He surprised me many times with tickets to see Michael in concert.  Of course he always made sure I had the best seats. Music comes from the heart and can take you to many places you thought were never possible.

Love is everything that you do for each other.

Love is being there for each other no matter what.

Love is speaking to each other with your eyes without saying words.

Love is missing each other when apart and looking at each other like it was the first time.

Love is sending a message in the middle of the day saying, I'm thinking about you.

Love is holding each other's hand.

If your heart could have one wish, it would be to know what it was like to have someone Love you with such emotion, that you are rendered speechless.

Love is the greatest feeling in the world.  It makes the world look and feel soo much brighter.  You can't stop smiling.

Love is everything to me because I was given the opportunity to give and recieve Love to a wonderful man for over twelve years. It was the best time of my life.  One that will forever remain in my heart. I would do anything to be able to feel that love again.  Wake up to feel his arms around me, and feel his breath on my neck. His Love was neverending.  I miss him with all my heart.  Be sure to let those you love know how much you love them every day.


Michael, thank you for sharing your incredible voice with us.  You are a beautiful person.  I wish you all the best life has to offer.


With all my love, Karen

Comment by Rosalina on June 28, 2011 at 1:26am
Love is everything to me because the meaning in life would be gone, if it wasn't for love existing in this world full of bad, sometimes horrible, matters..I cannot even imagine what life would be without love. I can assure there is a lot more love in my heart after discovering your music, Michael Bolton, you are love. I love love and I love you and your music! <3
Comment by Jan paget on June 28, 2011 at 12:27am
Love is everything to Me
Without it where would I be
Down in the depths with nowhere to go
Right at rock bottom with with nothing to show
For years of devotion, laughter and tears
Heartwarming memories of all those shared years
Love is everything, with you by my side
Who could fail to be moved or filled with such pride
Comment by carmen maria H on June 28, 2011 at 12:19am
Love is everything to me because life without love is impossible. Soul is happy only if you love
Comment by Jennifer Blastorah on June 28, 2011 at 12:04am
Love (of Michael Bolton) is everything to me....so much so that I have a Christmas Bulb with MB's face on it hanging above my desk. Furthermore I have a T-shirt. One time I made a Michael Bolton scarecrow with the t-shirt. Now that's what I call love.

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