"Gems: The Duets Collection" Autographed CD Contest!

To win one of ten autographed copies of his new CD, Gems: The Duets Collection, leave MB a comment letting him know why "Love is Everything" to you. 



Terms & Conditions: Sign-up to leave a comment. One comment per entrant. Entry comments will be assigned a number and the winning comments will be selected at random. Winners will be notified by email so be sure to check the email account used to sign-up for your michaelbolton.com account. Contest ends at 9AM EST on Tuesday, June 28th. Winners will be announced here on June 28th at 1PM EST. Contest void where prohibited by law. 













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Comment by Detlef Benecke on June 21, 2011 at 7:17pm
Just talked to my girlfriend in Thailand and Love is everything .. as it hasn´t to do with social or cultural background .. it is a pure feeling between 2 or more people (in the sense of family). Love as emotion could make everyone happy and feel good.
Comment by Edna Maribel Legaspi Nuevo on June 21, 2011 at 7:05pm
Love is everything to me because I see it in the smile of my little son, the laughter of my oldest son, the eyes of my husband, the shoulder of a friend or the support of the family when you need it. A lot of lonely people don´t know how to express love because never had the experience of peace and security that love can give you .
Comment by Weronica Rose on June 21, 2011 at 7:04pm

Love is to vake up every morning with my husband next to me! My husband ARE "When A Man Loves A Whoman"!!!!

With Love

Weronica Rose

Comment by sylvia doughty on June 21, 2011 at 7:03pm

With reference to the song "Love is Everything" what it means to me is a beautiful, beautiful melody with wonderful lyrics that portray exactly what love is and what effect it has on you.  With reference to the statement "love is everything" - simply because I believe in the adage "love makes the world go round !" 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

Comment by Katelyn on June 21, 2011 at 6:56pm
I had always told myself that I would be fine alone, that I didn't need anyone to make it through my life, i'd be okay on my own.  I dated a few people here and there but never seriously.  This year on January 2nd I met the love of my life, Sam.  He treats me with respect, is kind, caring, loving, and is everything I need to make my life complete.  He cared enough to break down the walls I had built so high around myself for so long.  I never knew Love could be like this or make me so happy.... I feel like I have found the missing piece of me that I never knew was gone.  Just going on a walk with him, holding his hand, means so much more to me than all of these other things I thought were so important.  I now know what it feels like to love and be loved, and how it has healed my heart and made my life what it is today... and that is why Love is Everything to me.
Comment by Robin Morgan on June 21, 2011 at 6:52pm
Love is everything to me! Love is what made me. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. God is love. Love is healing and forgiving. Love will get you through in this world. No surprise MB"s Love songs are truly LOVED:)
Comment by Sunday Sack on June 21, 2011 at 6:44pm
Hi Michael...Love is everything to me since I met my husband 20 years ago.  Russ (my husband) is 86 years young now & I am 51 years old.  We met at our condo complex while I was doing my daily jog & he jokingly said to me, "cookies & milk little girl".  I know that might sound creepy to some with the strange issues that do go on in the world, but he meant it in a joking fashion.  I explained to him that I don't drink milk, but if he showed up with cookies & champagne, that would do....Needless to say, he showed up the next day on my door step with the best homemade chocolate cookies & champagne...& we truly have been together ever since.  We married in 1995...and our life together has been truly magical, a real day fairytale...& each & every day has been filled with love, romance, kindness, respect, passion, tears of joy & sorrow, and a life filled with each day being cherished more than anyone can imagine, as this was my first & only marriage, his second, and we truly know how special this treasure & gift is that we have each other...We celebrate every Thursday & Friday...our wedding day was a Thursday & we first went out to dinner on a Friday...Flowers are always present in the house.  We are still just as much in love today as when we first met...even though the day we met, neither of us had even considered any type of relationship with each other other than just being friends....our first night out to dinner was the most magical ever,   We have brought different generations of family & friends together with our 35 year age difference, as well as likes of music as well...from the Big Band Era to of course, your music.  We love sharing our story of "our magical journey of love" with others, as we truly hope & pray that others can oneday find the "love" that we have been blessed with.  Even if we do not win you CD, we will buy it, as we are huge fans of yours...and we really loved you on Dancing With The Stars.   We have both followed your career for years and are just happy to have been able to share our story with you & your fans.   It always brings a smile to our faces.  Have a magical day & best wishes for a continued healthy, happy, romantic & loving life & career!
Comment by Cheryl Zumberge on June 21, 2011 at 6:43pm
love is all everyone needs...we all want to be loved, it is the best thing ever when you find it.Thanks Cheryl
Comment by Amanda Cowher on June 21, 2011 at 6:40pm
When all else has failed you, love is there.  It is eternal, unfailing, and brings you back from your darkest moments.
Comment by Helena on June 21, 2011 at 6:36pm
Love is a gift.....For single people like myself, love is something worth waiting for.  Until the right person comes along...I have the love of my Family and Friends to keep me going..... Also, the love I have for the people that I admire...they are my hope and inspiration.  :)

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