"Gems: The Duets Collection" Autographed CD Contest!

To win one of ten autographed copies of his new CD, Gems: The Duets Collection, leave MB a comment letting him know why "Love is Everything" to you. 



Terms & Conditions: Sign-up to leave a comment. One comment per entrant. Entry comments will be assigned a number and the winning comments will be selected at random. Winners will be notified by email so be sure to check the email account used to sign-up for your michaelbolton.com account. Contest ends at 9AM EST on Tuesday, June 28th. Winners will be announced here on June 28th at 1PM EST. Contest void where prohibited by law. 













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Comment by Deni Maria Gotimer on June 21, 2011 at 5:12pm
Love is a powerful emotion that opens the heart, soul and mind to positive energy that helps keep us going strong!  The postitive energy of love is contagious too.  Love lets us see and feel things in a new way that helps us grow and even change for the better.  I love, to make my heart feel happy!
Comment by Susan Charest on June 21, 2011 at 5:06pm

My world shattered on Dec 2 ,2010 when my oldest son committed suicide, 19 years earlier my husband, his Dad completed suicide as well. The pain is intense, my heart feels dead, but I know that the love of my other children and grandchildren and family and friends will sustain me ,

Whatever your problem.whatever your cross, you,ve got to believe in love. Having my life altered  again,one thing that I know is there for me is LOVE, and that is a pretty powerful drug. My heart needs to heal so I can once again regain my life ,embrace it and love again !!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Jody Micallef on June 21, 2011 at 5:05pm
Without love they will be war, hate. Love minimizes this hate. Love brings everyone together. However love is all in one. passion, tears, laughter. It makes it all worth it. As we EXPERIENCE and make mistakes and regret which helps us to grow and say "yh I am just a human" "nobody is perfect" expeirence is essential for us to grow and learn and respect others and ourselfs
Comment by ben dewey on June 21, 2011 at 4:56pm
love is everything to me, i love having someone to share things with
Comment by DEBORAH NICOLE BOOKER on June 21, 2011 at 4:54pm
Love is the power,without love the world will be a bitter place to live in. My love has been taken for granted for all of my life.If you were my hubby Michael, I would give you all my love and make you happy for the rest of our lives. I don't care about fame or fortune and just the love I feel for you and thank God every day that I have someone to love but I love you and I wish I could tell you this in person. Love is the most important thing in my life and I wish I have a partner to give it to. So my love is for you and will be yours forever no matter if I ever meet you again. I met you at Georgetown Mall when you have your Vintage cd signing. You are a very sexy beautiful man and I wish I could give you all my love and I never won anything before but if you could just send me and email that would be the best gift of love I received from you. My email is deborahbooker29@gmail.com. no one else needs to copy this email but Michael. I love you very much since early 1989, I  was ten yes 10 years old listening to you now 31 and love you to death. And I hate Bruno for saying those mean things to you. I love you I honestly love you
Comment by Thelma McDonough on June 21, 2011 at 4:53pm

Love Is Everything.No truer statement was ever made.It has been the one thing that has carried me through all the hard times in my life and all of the most wonderful things in my life were given to me  born of love.Such beautiful music is love and Michael you sing it with perfection.Thank you


Comment by Elizabeth Fritzler on June 21, 2011 at 4:49pm
I have someone to spend the rest of my life with. We have had so many good times with laughter and joy. But it's also nice to have someone by my side during sad and stressful times also. I can't imagine life without my husband by my side. Love forever and always. That's our promise to each other.
Comment by Nicole-Elizabeth on June 21, 2011 at 4:47pm
Love is Everything...this song pretty much sums up my life & marriage.
Life can get so insane & in the past few years I've lost most of my family but my one always there rock has been Love and my marriage.
Love has saved me & given me things money will never ever be able to buy.
And Gems is out just a few days before my 6th anniversary. Music has always had a special place in my marriage (my engagement ring was put into a copy of Liza Minnelli's Gently album) and my husbands ringtone for me is Michaels song "The Best of Love". :)
Comment by Anna Rita Damiano on June 21, 2011 at 4:47pm

Love is composed of single soul inhabiting two bodies...Love is nectar of life...Love Is Everything!!! Love Anna Rita ;)

Comment by Tommy Lin on June 21, 2011 at 4:41pm

I'll put you in front of me, so everybody can see my love. & Love is the only thing that will last when you die. ♥ (PS you follow me on twitter @0912) :-)

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