"Gems: The Duets Collection" Autographed CD Contest!

To win one of ten autographed copies of his new CD, Gems: The Duets Collection, leave MB a comment letting him know why "Love is Everything" to you. 



Terms & Conditions: Sign-up to leave a comment. One comment per entrant. Entry comments will be assigned a number and the winning comments will be selected at random. Winners will be notified by email so be sure to check the email account used to sign-up for your michaelbolton.com account. Contest ends at 9AM EST on Tuesday, June 28th. Winners will be announced here on June 28th at 1PM EST. Contest void where prohibited by law. 













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Comment by Kathy Hayes on June 21, 2011 at 4:24pm
Love is everything.  That really says it all.  Without love there is nothing - life would not exist.  We show love in different ways - for your God, your mate, your family, your children, and for so many things.  The list is endless.  There is love for music, arts and so many things in life.  To sum it all up, Love is everything.  Michael you share your love thru your music with us, your fans, and we then in turn love you for you and all you share with us.
Comment by Kimberly Downs Bradford on June 21, 2011 at 4:24pm
My dearest Michael Bolton, Love is everything to me: when it comes to my 3 children. Going through more than we ever should have, their undying love keeps me going. Loving you and your music since a pre-teen has been my strength and inspiration. Your music makes me go on.
Comment by Ingrid Heckl on June 21, 2011 at 4:23pm

Because Love is the wings that make me fly!

Comment by Michael Zürker on June 21, 2011 at 4:22pm
Du bist schon seit dem Album "Soul Provider" mein absoluter Lieblingssänger. Mir würde es gefallen wenn du öfters nach Deutschland kommen würdest..., und vorallem in meine Nähe..., z.B. nach Mannheim oder Frankfurt. Leider kann ich zum bevorstehenden Konzert in Stuttgart, am 04. Juli nicht kommen....
Comment by Michael Howarth on June 21, 2011 at 4:22pm

Within the last 12 months I have found what love truly is. May 2010 I married my soul mate. May 2011 we had our first child, a beautiful baby girl called Mia.

Mia will be brought up on my favourite music of Michael Bolton, Michael Jackson & Darren Hayes. She will grow to adore music like I do.

Comment by Krisztimaci on June 21, 2011 at 4:19pm
I love your songs and your voice for a long time ago. I was so happy when you came to my town...Budapest.
Comment by Belinda Dwyer on June 21, 2011 at 4:16pm
Love is waking up with the one you love and holding your children close. Love is taking a deep breath and knowing your home.  Love is smelling the sweet summer rain and smiling.  Love is your child bringing you a handful of wildflowers and putting them in a jar.  Love is being there for your family when they need you.  Love is holding hands for no reason.  Love is lots of puppy kisses.  Love is me.
Comment by Susan P Ketley on June 21, 2011 at 4:16pm
The love of my life - my darling hubby, John is more that love to me - I wake up with my best friend every morning, we hold hands when we are out all the time, over the past 19 years we have had heartache, illness, sadness, but we are still as strong as ever and love each other more than ever, we laugh together, we fight together (fun part is making up!), he bugs me and I bug him but hey, thats what life is about - being comfortable with each other always!. We love our four girls and 5 grandchildren to bits and they are and will always be a big part of our lives. Living in Portugal hasnt always been easy, but we are very lucky to have our lives here and each other - we celebrate 20 years together next year and I am looking for something secret n special to do together. x
Comment by Maurice Goulet on June 21, 2011 at 4:16pm
Song of Solomon 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.
Comment by Marie Rusova on June 21, 2011 at 4:15pm
Your songs are medicine, your voice is "Devil whisperer of dreams.

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