"Gems: The Duets Collection" Autographed CD Contest!

To win one of ten autographed copies of his new CD, Gems: The Duets Collection, leave MB a comment letting him know why "Love is Everything" to you. 



Terms & Conditions: Sign-up to leave a comment. One comment per entrant. Entry comments will be assigned a number and the winning comments will be selected at random. Winners will be notified by email so be sure to check the email account used to sign-up for your michaelbolton.com account. Contest ends at 9AM EST on Tuesday, June 28th. Winners will be announced here on June 28th at 1PM EST. Contest void where prohibited by law. 













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Comment by Andy on June 27, 2011 at 6:32pm
It has been over three years since I figured out what love really is. Like the (awesome) song says, love IS everything. My life has changed so much since then... I am never giving up on my girl, and it hurts to not be with her. Love changed my life. Love IS everything to me :-)
Comment by Rhonda Sharon Stephen on June 27, 2011 at 6:28pm
Love is everything to me because at the end of the day it is the emotion we all strive for...whether we are happy or sad, love is what makes life worth living.
Comment by Barb Patterson on June 27, 2011 at 6:20pm
Love is so many things to me...Joy, pleasure, frustration; it gives me strength to perservere and sometimes makes me cry. But I wouldn't want to be without in my life, that I know for sure. We are about to enter into a new journey in our lives and move from California to Alabama!!! Since we are driving it would be FANTASIC if we could have the new GEMS The Duets Collection to listen to on our trip. Thanks for making such beautiful and inspiriational music Michael.
Comment by Deborah Gaskin on June 27, 2011 at 6:14pm
Love is everything to me because I have lived a life that has not been full of love. I have gone through life from one abusive life to another. It began when I was a baby. My father was an alcoholic and used to abuse my mother, my siblings, and myself. I thought I had rose above that and got married to a man who abused drugs and alcohol. The only comfort that I ever found through living in these relationships was music. My favorite song in the whole world is "Said I Loved You...But I Lied." The song stirs something deep inside of me. I can relate to that song on so many different levels. The words are inspirational especially the part that says "this is more than love I feel inside." I have overcome so many obstacles and faced so many challenges head-on always hoping for a better life and proof that there was such a thing as the "love" that everyone spoke about. I found it. It took a very long time, but I finally have a life where there is no yelling, no hitting, no getting beaten until you are knocked out anymore. I have a simple life, but fullfilling. My husband has become disabled since we got married in 2007. It breaks my heart to watch him become a shell of the man that he used to be. He is so gentle, kind, and compassionate. He has a terminal illness, but I'm so touched by his presence in my life. I wouldn't trade one more day of being with him than a life full of riches and not wanting for anything. This is my story and this is why love is everything to me.  Deborah Allen Gaskin
Comment by Susan Haley on June 27, 2011 at 6:10pm
Love is like the Air that I breathe.....no air no life....I know I would suffocate without my LOVE.  My husband of 30yrs Mark you are still the one, my air my life my friend, my soul mate.
Comment by Michelle Nugent on June 27, 2011 at 6:10pm
Love is everything to me as it is what makes me get out of bed each morning. My husband and I have been together longer than we have been apart. I met him when I was 16, we are now 38 and he is and the 3 beautiful children he gave me are the reason I exist. Love is the history of my ancestors and their struggles through the years, the sayings and behaviours which can only be attributed to them and which all serve to make me the person I am today and the people my children and future descendants of mione become!
Comment by DeAnnah Baker on June 27, 2011 at 6:10pm

Would LOVE to win a copy of your new CD!!  You have been a favorite of mine for years and years ;-)


Comment by Maribel Alayón on June 27, 2011 at 6:10pm
Love is the reason of my life,without love imposible living for me.
Comment by Debbie Christie on June 27, 2011 at 6:09pm
I am love, I am everything, therefore love is everything..
Comment by Gisella A on June 27, 2011 at 6:09pm

Love is everything. Most pure gift and a complex thing.

It can lighting you up and enrich your life around, making you see things in a different perspective.

It is a valuable gem, than we need to treat with care and respect.



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