Michael will be making an appearance on Glee.  The episode with Michael will air either March 6 or March 13th. Please check your local listings for channel and time and guest.  If the exact episode with Michael is confirmed before hand it will be posted here..  MB Team

**It looks like the air date will be this coming Friday, March 6th.  MB Team

Views: 985


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Comment by Dennis Valverde on February 11, 2015 at 6:03am

I haven't seen The Glee I will check it out Michael!

Comment by Barbara R on February 11, 2015 at 4:49am
Thanks for the heads up. I don't usually watch this show but I will be on the lookout.
Comment by Cattet on February 11, 2015 at 3:31am

i don't watch Glee, but I will check it out on March because Mike will be on. :-)

Comment by sylvie boisvert on February 11, 2015 at 1:27am

Thanks MB team! Lucky I started watching it again this season and the title sounds promising too! :D I'll be watching for sure. sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Comment by Luciana Kappel on February 10, 2015 at 11:51pm

Com certeza será um sucesso sua aparição em Glee, Michael! Encantando a todos com seu charme e elegância, sempre. Obrigado pelo aviso.

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