Help me find my bioloical (Bolton) Dad & perhaps do a :Cross-Country Adopt An American Outcast Reconciliation-Reunion Concert Tour"

      I was taken & hidden from my biological father (US Navy Pilot, Stan Wilbur Bolton Oakland, CA (1920-1976) by my mom

when I was only a year old because he suffered from a severe case of PTSD...  When I was five my mom remarried and my name was changed from Barbara Layne Bolton to Barbara Layne Edenholm.  After that I wasn't able to trace any record of my biological Father  until 1980 - four years AFTER he was said to have passed away. I had a breakdown when I heard of his death, and had to resign from the teaching credential

program I was working on at the time.  Since then I have been totally lost to most of my former friends and my former

husband (David Talmage). I wandered lost & alone many years; conceived and lost custody of three children (I was determined to either 

reconcile my former marriage or stay single (neither of which I was able to accomplish...)   I still would like to find & meet any  friends of my biological father

or people who might have been related to him.  I don't know if Michael Bolton is in any way related; but the one legitimate talent

I still have in musical composition:  I have written a lot of songs (including four Rock/Musical Symphonies) and have produced

one CD collection of my music which I sent to Michael's former manager - Louis Levin - before he passed away.  I tried to meet Mr. Bolton

during a meet & greet after his performance in Jackson, CA (in 2006?) but at the last minute I was refused & told they were only
allowing people of American Indian heritage back stage because there wasn't enough room for all the people who had received a

Rose at the beginning of the concert...!? I'm still to ill to travel very far alone, but I'm also still hoping 

Michael might take a listen to my music and let me know if it's anything he might be willing to perform; and/or if he might help

me do a "Cross-Country; Adopt-An-American Outcast; Reconciliation/Reunion Concert Tour"

I have envisioned doing for the past 20 years. (At the end of every concert all the people with a room to share & all the homeless people

sould be invited to do a "meet & greet" in hopes of reducing the number of homeless people "out there"....  I hear he's going to be in Modesto on May 5th and I live only an hour east of there.  I don't know if I can afford a ticket ( or even be able to make it there if I did! )

but I'd like it if he could at least listen and "see" if he could help promote any of my music....   Anyway, I hope you will enjoy Modesto - it's said to have received many improvements in the past few years.  God Bless & defend us.

     Barbara Layne Edenholm-Bolton (209) 532-5504. 


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