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Comment by Lonna Eskew on July 28, 2016 at 1:42am
Nothing better right Michael?
Comment by Ivana on July 24, 2016 at 2:26pm

Wow, what a nice picture with all your face details :-))

Enjoy your stay at home. I would love to know, where you feel being at home as you are still on the road.

What does the word "home" means to you? Is your house in Connecticut your real HOME?

Most of us have a "normal job", go to work and go home, meet our friends or family. But your home seems to be just a hotel room. Many of us, your female fans, would love to be your girlfriend. But I am sure, it would not be easy.......

How does it feel to sleep in a different bed every night? What are you dreaming about? Or do you sometimes dream about comming home and cooking with your girlfriend or just simply look TV or go for a walk?

Many greetings and love to you

your Ivana

Comment by thida duangyai on July 24, 2016 at 6:54am

Great pic Michael , Always love you :)

Comment by Sharon Arciszewski-Armstrong on July 22, 2016 at 2:01pm

Not only are succulents very exotic and unusual looking, they're also considered low maintenance plants. Succulents retain water for extensive lengths of time, so they don't need constant watering or attention, even in Las Vegas, Nevada. Succulents are very resilient plants and they're absolutely gorgeous. At 63 that is how I still feel about you. Even when your 102 I will always adore you ! "absolutely gorgeous. " rare and exotic. I am so glade your home. I guess I missed you. So I can play a little bit. I Love you.......... your my and always will be my exotic "wonderful" man. That is what I would have said, if I  sat down next to you at that concert. but how could I , I was married than. Now you know. back to differing the odds. check me out on Fb cancer has no enemies. 

Comment by Brigitte G. on July 22, 2016 at 12:48pm

Hello MB, .... what can be better, ....summertime with family and friends !!!   The blue shirt looks good, like a summer sky .........

Thanks for the photo, have a happy weekend and safe travel to Sweden !!!

From Germany - BG   

Comment by Sharon Arciszewski-Armstrong on July 22, 2016 at 12:47am


Comment by Sharon Arciszewski-Armstrong on July 22, 2016 at 12:46am

want to know a secret. ?????????????  I want to ( if i am able) to find the RIGHT cure for cancer. Why ?? I think Iam in love . I think so. My therapist says its for mankind. kind. I cant seem to just hit that bulls eye though. I ll work again on it soon. And If i do . Iam going to contact Harvard. Why because some relatives went there. I need to get the information off of just FB. Its just a dream. .Preferably contents in the USA. Thats hard. 

Comment by Sharon Arciszewski-Armstrong on July 22, 2016 at 12:31am

How did Gail know that i would return ? Am I that readable ? Like an open book ?  Do you know that I love to dream because of you.  It's like life has no boundaries. What is possible. ? It makes me want to cry. You have gone beyond boundaries. For me you Make life enchanting. I wish you could love again. YOu should .. 

Comment by Linda Gallo on July 22, 2016 at 12:08am

It's good to see you looking more rested.  I was really beginning to worry about you. I'msorry about blowing up at you especially when you needed my compassion but I know you'll understand.  As excited as I was, it would have been better if you really came "home" - home to where your heart is.  Those pix would have been better appreciated were we locked in each other's arms don't you think?  I miss you something awful.  This always happens when we're separated too long.  Great loves especially need to be nurtured andnourished certainly not neglected and "put away" as Scripture says.  Wish Holly a belated Happy Birthday for me and wish Isa Happy Birthday on August 3rd. Oh, okay wish the little brat a belatedHappy Birthday - she's like having another daughter!  LOL Remember that "home is where the heart is" - are you really "home" orjust at the home base? I apologize for the long delay.stil working on the cataract surgery. It's ben a long haul - to long.Am Iforgiven? Am I mised? I knowthat I'm stil your "great love." You made that abundantly clear in your very amazing "mental conection" the other night. The angels confirmed it when the theme from "Somewhere in Time" and then "When a Man Loves a Woman" played in sucesion on Kahn 102.1 from Prescot, AZ Talk about Divine Angelic Synchronicities. Got a tracphone - iwil have to learn how to text. Wilgive you the number by phone or in person. Don't want anyone else to have it excepthe kids.

Comment by Sharon Arciszewski-Armstrong on July 21, 2016 at 6:21pm

It seemed like a while since you posted. Your back, life is good. 

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