Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island: Top Ten Animated Gifs of Michael Bolton | Quirk Books : Publisher

I have to admit that I didn't know what animated gifs were until I saw this @quirkbooks tweet, but I'm definitely going to use these - As soon as I figure out how... MB



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Comment by meggy on May 21, 2011 at 3:19pm

Like I've said before, our Michael is Crazy Cool, you never know what to expect from him! And if there is another

POTC, I'll just bet that those producers will be wanting to use this video! LOL! I wonder if Johnny Depp has seen it yet?

MB always Goes The Distance, doesn't he? Thanks for All you do for Us MB:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Comment by Dianna Shipman on May 20, 2011 at 12:31am

Still love "back to the good part"

Thanks again

Love Dianna xxx

Comment by Anna Mason on May 19, 2011 at 11:04pm

Ya gotta love these! Thanks, Michael!


Anna (in MO)

Comment by Gabriele Kinzl on May 19, 2011 at 2:15pm

Es ist ein lustiges Video, man glaubt es nicht was Michael so alles machen kann. Auch mal was lustiges past zu Ihm.

Freue mich schon riesig auf sein Konzert in Wien.

Schöne Grüße aus Österreich, Gabi

Comment by sylvia doughty on May 19, 2011 at 11:59am
Have to say when I read that first on Facebook, especially Michael's caption, thought the dreaded "curse" had come to him as well and he had forgotten how to spell "gift" because like Michael I sure have never heard of "GIF" but, oh boy, it is wonderful and hilarious especially what has been done to "Jack Sparrow" - love the opening scene ! :)    Jennifer, thanks a million for your input below - copied into my "homework jotter" - thanks !!! :).
Comment by Jennifer Steadman on May 19, 2011 at 11:29am

Well, Michael, I'm qualified to teach IT to advanced ECDL level so anytime you'd like a lesson.....for free, I'm your teacher!!  I love all of them and have saved them all.


Seriously, for Michaels benefit and for those who dont already know, heres how you save them and use them.


When you find an animated GIF you like. (which stands for Graphics interchange format. In other words its a series of still photographs that have been linked together as a mini movie in editing software such as Adobe Photoshop) 


RIGHT mouse click on it--> choose SAVE PICTURE AS then --> LEFT mouse click on it, then a folder will open up and ask you where you want to save it. Choose the folder (I've made a folder specifically for these in my pictures  file) click on SAVE in the bottom RIGHT hand corner of the folder box and you will note that the image is automatically saving itself as a GIF file.


When you want to use one, insert them in the same way you would if you were placing a picture or photo in by copy and paste or  if you also save the GIF to an image web hosting site such as photobucket.com, then paste in the images URL as per usual.


I hope this helps.


Love Jennifer XX

Comment by Robin on May 19, 2011 at 1:52am

OMG these are hilarious, I saved them in a separate file on my computer. Too funny not to keep!!LOL  Yes the next movie is coming out like Kathy said, that's right!! Perfect timing!!!!  Back to the good part!!! :)

See you in CT in June!

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Kathy Rosario on May 19, 2011 at 1:46am

That is still LAUGHING and loving the video!!!!!!! LOL My typing isn't the greatest!! Oy vey!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by Kathy Rosario on May 19, 2011 at 1:44am

Now this is FABULOUS Michael!!! Your Jack Sparrow will be a classic like none other. I just heard Depp is thinking about a 5th POC.....please offer up your bit of Sparrow legend and sneak yourself in the next movie!!!! I am certain there is a spot for you!!!! Can't wait to hear that my wish comes true!!!! Still lugging and loving the video....and now for the good part!!!! That fellow's blog is a HOOT!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

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