Working with Andy, Akiva and Jorma on the Jack Sparrow digital short was one of the highlights of my career and most memorable experiences of my life. For the few people on the planet who might not know, these guys are brilliant, funny and beyond super talented. They made me do
things I never would have expected to be comfortable with and I'm so glad I did. Truly grateful to be a part of this project and CANNOT WAIT for the chance to work with the guys again. Now Back To The Good Part.

Jack Sparrow Pictures
Check out all the pictures from the shoot

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Comment by Sandra Jeffery on May 15, 2011 at 1:00pm

Michael, you are so funny, I love your sense of humour, it must have been great fun to do!!

I keep watching it and everytime it cracks me up, you are just BRILLIANT!!!

I hope you do get the chance to work with them again Michael, you are a natural.

Love Sandra xxxxxx

Comment by Carol Bailey on May 11, 2011 at 7:54pm

I just laughed so much my sides hurt. One of the funniest things I have seen in ages.  My son and his friend (both 16) came downstairs to find out what I was laughing at and after watching it again, were doubled over with laughter. They love Lonely Island and were amazed you had been involved with them. You have gained a couple of new fans. Well done Michael, it was brilliant, lets hope you get another chance to work with them again.


Comment by sylvia doughty on May 11, 2011 at 1:48pm

Dianna - NOT BAD - did you not mean :- "absolutely bloody f******** fantastic !!!!! "   LOL LOL LOL

At 12 noon GMT standing at 4,324,734 - come on 5 million - in a week lets make it 10 million !!!  lol.

Comment by Dianna Shipman on May 11, 2011 at 11:38am

9:36am GMT Time and

4,172,555 views  LOL!


and just 1,641 dislikes

Not bad Michael :)

Love Dianna xxx

Comment by Maria N. on May 11, 2011 at 9:17am

Dear Michael,

I had seen only part of the video - and found the Pirate of the Caribbean very cute and funny.

Later on, I saw and heard all the video and realized why there were some different notes and twisted interpretations of notes.

The fact that it relates to some other movies, can also be not very evident at first sight.

I think you were right in your interview when you spoke about some aspects of the language, which relate to the video sketch about the film "Scarface" of Brian de Palma, played by Al Pacino.

- " The Lonely Island guys reached out to my management and said they wanted to do this. I said, “ I love those guys. But what are they thinking? ” I was automatically scanning through my memory banks of the most wicked language and visuals. “ --- " If you’ve seen the Natalie Portman sketch you know their brand is shock-funny, in that order. "
Comment by Zee Gee on May 11, 2011 at 6:32am

The music is amazing but too bad they had to 'filth' it up. 

Comment by Mike F on May 11, 2011 at 3:03am
 i really enjoyed the jack sparrow video.  Maybe it can be included in a Pirates of Carribean movie.  I wonder has anyone of the cast of the movie seen it?  I would say it has the potential of getting nominated for an Music Video Award.  It's good to see that there are artists that have a great sense of humor.  Can't wait for Gems release, had a chance to sample some of the songs on the video section of this site, i'm really impressed, but everything michael has released has always been impressive, and the critics can't change that. 
Comment by Brigitte G. on May 11, 2011 at 12:16am

.....just saw the "Jack Sparrow-Video", what can I say...., a little strange at the first look, but a very great job, .....your performance, brilliant and priceless. It's the combination - intelligence and humor you have, ....very special, ......we all need your 'high quality', because that's your label !!!

Have a successful time and sold-out concerts in South-America "captain" !!!!

From Germany - BG

Comment by Dianna Shipman on May 11, 2011 at 12:02am

Hi Sylvia and Everybody

At 9:55pm GMT it has over 3,416,608 views


Love Dianna xxx

Comment by Jayne Mallia on May 10, 2011 at 10:49pm
I love this video! You are amazing and I like the pirate. Very cool! But better when you are at the beach. It reminds me of our amazing sandy beaches. Jayne from sunny Malta

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