My heart & prayers go to those who lost their lives, were injured, their loved ones -all victims of a senseless, horrific & cowardly act. 

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Comment by Luciana Kappel on October 4, 2017 at 12:43am
A tristeza e a comoção, invadiu o mundo. Pessoas que estavam com a alegria em seus corações, foram mortas. Até quando atos como este, irão acontecer?
Comment by sylvia doughty on October 3, 2017 at 10:55pm

There will never be an answer as to why only assumptions and for those who are grieving and who have to come to terms with the most heinous of crimes it is incomprehensible, how they can ever overcome their grief, on an assumption .... lives shattered; lives changed for ever more, in a moment, of one man's madness!  WHY ???

Sylvia.   YWSF   27

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