If it be your will that I speak no more/ And a voice be still as it was before/ I will speak no more / I shall abide until--/ I am spoken for / If it be your will-- If it be your will/  If it be your will that a voice be true from this broken hill/  I will sing to you / From this broken hill Lord your praises I will sing to you /From this broken hill Lord, your praises they shall ring / If it be your will / To let me sing / From this broken hill all your praises they shall ring / If it be your will to let me sing / If it be your will, if there is a choice----/Let the rivers fill ---Let the hills rejoice--Let your mercy's spill 0n all these burning hearts in Hell / If it be your will / To make us well / And draw us near and bind us tight------/ All your children here in their rags of light --In your (our) rags of light all dressed to kill / And end this night / If it be your will / If it be your will------About "cut # 8" from Leanord  Cohen's Various Positions --------album------ "mine now"---"Lilies and lace / Time doesn't count in this "lover's space" /  The rough of you --/ The smooth of me /  Combine to make the delicate harmony of "Us" ever-wound  together till the end of time's destiny ---Who  chose that "we" should be ?-- Why are you a separate incongruity --Seemingly despondent yet replete distantly ?/  Armored flame of the "homeless" moth / Gypsy to the soul /  Mine almost, but ever-seemingly lost /  Why was your gallant  journey worth more than mine ? Because GOD must have been  angry with me for wanting  more than I should -/  Yet do I keep your trust a secret in bind / Lest others of envy might find (in these days of "female unkind" ) A measurer of  ambition towards what "another" might race against competitively unjustifined  ---Only  "theirs" --The finish line-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Circle "C"--all rights reserved--words by Claire B. Munson whose pseudonym is "Astrix"  6/15/2011-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Excerpts from Learnord Choen's poetry quoted from his "Various Positions " compilation  circa 1984 --CBS Inc.-"Stranger Music Inc."--PBC 6045---LEONARD---!!!--I've loved YOU forever!!---------------------


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