Hi everyone!!! You’ve been asking and the time has finally come to announce plans for my brand new studio album via smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM. I’m inviting you in on the journey from concept to completion. Hopefully it will challenge and inspire you as much as it does me, and I can’t wait to see what we all come up with! Here's how it works! When you pre-order the album, you automatically get access to all kinds of behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me during the recording sessions. I've also created some new merch and will offer a few select personal experiences – everything from personalized lyric sheets and live birthday greetings, to in-studio visits and concert VIP packages. Go check it out!! smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM

Check out Michael's video explanation of how this works:

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Comment by Linda Gallo on August 9, 2015 at 12:49am

Today is 8-8-8 very auspicious sooooo I thought I would post an idea or two for your new album.  Here goes:

It's not in the moon, it's not in the skies

the answer is in your eyes....

The eyes are the windows o the soul.  Your life, your love, your passion, your inspiration has apparently come from your soul so why not vocus on "soul speak?"  You're a "soul man" - express what's in your soul - not in your head.  "Heartwork not headwork"  got it?  If "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," then the way to a woman's heart is through her soul.  It's the "soul connection"  Don't be shy, don't be sly - just be my SOULMATE.  Explore what a dynamic living love is all about....what happens when the soul connection is made?  What next?  Time to live your love not just sing about it - let the music express a victorious love - a love that conquers all things....

Comment by suzanne caroline waterson on August 8, 2015 at 12:07pm
Thank you for the fab opportunity xxx
Comment by Barbara R on August 8, 2015 at 6:44am
Kudos to you Michael! Brilliant concept. Looking forward to being part of this journey.
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on August 7, 2015 at 1:31pm

Sounds great Michael, I shall be pre-ordering my copy of your new cd today.

Sandra (UK) xx

Comment by MaryLynn Borsheski on August 7, 2015 at 9:46am

I think it sounds like great fun!  It will be more then interesting to see and learn how the creating of a CD all comes together.  I'm excited!  Let's go!  Thanks for letting us all be included Michael.  Bye the way, you look wonderful in the above video.  Where is it I pre- order again?



Comment by Marianne on August 7, 2015 at 3:19am
While it all sounds like a great project, not quite sure how/why a man of your means keeps asking fans for $$ to finance your endeavors....
Comment by Robin on August 7, 2015 at 1:03am

Thank you MB for including the fans in the making of this upcoming CD. I placed an order today on the site.  You are the best to include us, we've waited a lot of years to have some input into an album of yours. It's going to be the best!!!

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Caroll Constam on August 7, 2015 at 12:09am

Just placed my order.  Can't wait.  Should be an exciting ride.

Comment by Dennis Valverde on August 6, 2015 at 10:07pm

That's great Michael!

Comment by mark holdaway on August 6, 2015 at 9:35pm

I'd love to purchase one of the personalised songsheets but I want it signed to my fiance not me, filling out the online purchase form it doesn't seem to give you this option??? Help please? Is this possible??

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