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Comment by Tshadayi Nimohola on September 26, 2010 at 8:54am
Mich you are a great singer, today September 26, 2010 seated at home at 08:35am l am enjoying songs from your album Collections, particularly Drift away! It is awasome!- Tshadayi
Comment by Patricia Rieder on September 24, 2010 at 9:29pm
You did great,just like I thought you would..remember..relax..breathe..and glide.You were very nervous even before you got on the floor,I could see it.So follow my advice,and Chelsie'stoo,of course.And,knowing you like I do,being the perfectionist you are ,you will knock them dead in week 2.Here's anidea..pretend ,as you do all the other stuff I suggested,look into Chelsie's eyes and pretend you are dancing with whomever you have very strong feelings for..the rest is easy.That is how I taught my husband,and we were told it was the best first dance ever seen at a have been a dancer since I was 3..Taught someone the Electric slide in the parking lot at a Pizza Hut on Icy concrete..try that!LOL.We love you Michael,and we've got your back...Love,Patty
Comment by Eileen Parr on September 24, 2010 at 2:57am
So proud of you Michael and Chelsie!!!!!! You did a wonderful job out there on the dance floor! You will be on to the end if all of us have anything to say about it!!! Keep up the great work but please get some rest!! We worry about you doing it all!!

Love Eileen xoxoxox
Comment by Bobbie Fenn on September 23, 2010 at 3:30am
My husband said I stuffed the ballot box-using his phone, my phone and both of our email addresses! And we will continue to vote for you! You are the best! Looking forward to seeing you every week!
Comment by Michael Bolton Photos (Jan) on September 23, 2010 at 3:09am
Michael, you have such a drop-dead gorgeous smile. Use it more!!
Comment by June T on September 23, 2010 at 2:57am
I think the first night went well. Just keep going. We are here for you!!
Comment by Anne Summerhayes on September 23, 2010 at 1:26am
Congratulations Michael and Chelsie! I knew you would make it to the second week. Your dance steps were just need to relax and keep your frame straight. It's like your Mom told you "Put your shoulders back and your head up!!" Your beautiful smile will dazzle everyone all by itself! It's really difficult to dance when you are a singer...but you can do it! Your work ethic is so strong you will stay with it until you have it down. The biggest thing is relax and have fun! I'm sure you will be fine next week. And never underestimate the power of the Bolton Fan Base... we will have your back every week. Good Luck! Love you, Anne
Comment by Kathy Rosario on September 22, 2010 at 11:12pm
Thank you Michael and George Pennacchio for the shout out to the LAFD during this interview! I have enjoyed following you for over 20 years :) My husband, captain on LAFD, has accompanied me to most of your concerts. Thanks so much for posing for photos with us!!! Thanks also for the guitar pic the other night at the Lancaster concert!! See you in Laughlin :) if not before ;) Your energy level is impressive....take care!! Everyone continue to vote...800-868-3402...just ordered my BoltTower t-shirt :).....much love, Kathy
Comment by Laura Roukas on September 22, 2010 at 9:44pm
Well i know how u are and u are still "SMOKIN" in my book. Also i just bought the boltontower t shirt. I am telling everyone to vote for u guys. So keep up the great work. Cannot wait to see the show next week. Keep on rockin.
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on September 22, 2010 at 8:51pm
Thank you for sharing this interview with us Michael, you were both brilliant. Have set my SKY box to record this week,s DWTS, and will watch it at the weekend, can,t wait. I,m very proud of you Michael, have fun.
Love Sandra xxxx

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