Pebble Beach show in Carmel. What can I say, one of my favorite places on earth, golf heaven.

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Comment by missy-jane a. wroczynski on November 15, 2010 at 5:45am
Will you be hitting these links in 2011?
Hope so, and Enjoy!
Comment by dimos gar on September 4, 2010 at 4:04pm
it's a lovely place to relax and think. I hope yoy have a great time.
Comment by Paul Fife on August 31, 2010 at 7:00am
You work hard Mr Bolton, you deserve time off in this oh so beautiful place. I hope you write a song to express your experiences and of course living a story that most of us can only dream of. The freedom to go and do what you will is where its at, but thanks also for taking us along for the ride. love your music, love your journey.

Comment by Cynthia Hood on August 24, 2010 at 7:47pm
I agree there is no place like Pebble Beach to relax. I want to thank you for a FANTASTIC Concert in Reno. The guy sitting next to me with his wife....was there because his wife wanted to go. We had him clapping his hands half way through the Concert. The reason I say half way through is the other half I was standing next to the stage ;O) If you only knew how many people you blow away with your Aria during the Concert. So many people do not realize the range of your voice. That must be why you get a standing ovation!!!
Comment by Laura Roukas on August 24, 2010 at 5:01am
Just a great picture. Great place to play golf. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Rocio Michael Bolton The Voice on August 23, 2010 at 1:02pm
My other bid idol, Clint Eastwood, was Carmel's Major for some years... I think he lives over there!.
Comment by Jacqueline Alcina on August 23, 2010 at 4:05am
Hey, I can see your finger in the picture, but I like it :))
Comment by thresa arthur on August 21, 2010 at 4:56pm
HIi Michael, how was Reno last night? Your probubly still sleeping right now, it's 1 hour earlier for you there. That last picture was great! So glad you were able to sweeze some fun into your itinerary. I've not been to Reno yet , but a 3 day trip to Las Vegas is on my bucket list. I should check out your tour , maybe if your scheduled there in the future, I'll get a friend, fly up and see your concert! Well take care, keep your MB fan family posted, Love , Thresa
Comment by Donsimoni Bernadette on August 21, 2010 at 1:08am
Hello Micheal, Thank's for sharing this photo !! It's a nice place. It seems to be quiet and calm without clouds or people near from the sea !!! LOL In Corsica, you have some places like this but the sea is more green ! I don't have the right words to writ my feeling ! Sorry Michael, i have a lot of ideas in my heart but i have a hall in front of me : the language !!! Thank's again Michael.... I kiss you tenderly Bye BD
Comment by Maria N. on August 20, 2010 at 10:27pm
The beautiful coast on the Pacific, which in someway felt like home. Seasoned with that peaceful magic which extends to Napa Valley.
Reno today. Sweet regards,
M. N.

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