MBC 20th Anniversary Concert "Michael Bolton & Friends"

The MBC will have a limited # of lower orchestra seats available for sale beginning Monday, April 16th for $100 each. Also there will be $500 tickets which include a reception, orchestra seating and meet and greet with Michael. These tickets also need to be purchased through MBC.

The MBC accepts MC/VISA and AMEX. Or a check can be sent in the mail made payable to The Michael Bolton Charities. You can call the MBC at 203- 483-6463 or email andrena@michaelboltoncharities.com with your payment or questions.

Additional tickets will be available via the Bushnell Box Office. Pricing via Bushnell Box Office:(including Bushnell service charge of $3.00) www.bushnell.org
Balcony @ $28 each
Rear Mezzanine @ $38 each (row J and back)
Front Mezzanine $53 each
Remaining Orchestra $78 each
Event Info:
MBC 20th Anniversary Concert
"Michael Bolton & Friends"
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 - 7:30 p.m.

Performances by...
Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter, Michael Bolton
Legendary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee and founding member of "Traffic" Dave Mason
Singer, songwriter and keyboardist for the iconic jazz/rock group "Chicago" Bill Champlain

If you want to go to the ProAm golf event the next day you will need to purchase your tickets from the Travelers site at: http://www.travelerschampionship.com/tickets-packages

Views: 324


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Comment by Diane on April 16, 2012 at 10:17pm

Has anyone ordered tickets from Andrena?  Just curious, I ordered mine this morning.



Comment by Robin on April 11, 2012 at 10:59pm

Thanks for posting this here..should be a great time!!!

Robin in MD:)

Comment by Patricia (Pat) Saylor on April 11, 2012 at 9:07pm

I'll be there.  The charity has done a lot of good and  I'm willing to do whatever small part I can to support it.  (Of course, the singer isn't too bad either ... well worth the trip from Virginia.)   Thanks Andrena for all you do and for coordinating this. 


Pat (mom to 7 rescued animals)

Comment by sylvia doughty on April 11, 2012 at 9:56am

How is about we all start planning and thinking now and getting the "piggy" banks out ......we ALL meet up in CT in 2017 for its SILVER Anniversary.....now THAT would be a PARTY and I, for one, am going to start saving from this very day !! :)

Congratulations to everyone involved and not only to MB but a special, special WELL DONE to Andrena.....if you are not over in Scotland before 2017 Andrena, meet you then girl !!!!! :)))))

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Comment by meggy on April 11, 2012 at 5:34am

I'd take the very back seat if it were a little closer to my hometown, and you'd hear me All of the way up in the front row!

Congrats Michael:)! I hope we get to hear all about this event:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Comment by Dianna Shipman on April 11, 2012 at 12:29am

Gosh I wish I could go

It would be heaven

Congratulations 20 years what an achievement Michael and all the people involved should be so very very proud, I know I am proud just being aware of it :)

Love Dianna xxx

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