Watch Michael Bolton's E! interview about breast cancer - TeamMB


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Comment by Silvia PS on November 7, 2012 at 12:15pm

Thanks for the interview and your support Michael,you have no idea of how much you help me with your care!God bless you for that wonderful heart!Take care  Silvia PS

Comment by Maria N. on November 5, 2012 at 12:07am

Trying to fight and to avoid these terrible diseases, wich may destroy a person´s life and devastate the ones they love.

So difficult to find the cure and to identify the real causes. - Checking up and developing research are fundamental weapons.

Cheers for all forms of solidarity and care. Cheers for all the joint efforts, MN

Comment by Claire B. Munson on November 3, 2012 at 1:12am

Watching, i had no idea you were touched that close and that much by cancer.  Thank God and the researchers you still have the survivors with you and Thank goodness it's a more open and aware situation these days than it was in the '50's when my maternal grandmother lost her left breast to this evil thing called cancer.  Perhaps that's one of the reasons my "psuedo." is Astrix.  At seven years old i inadvertantly  saw--

Comment by Sheroda Hutchinson on November 2, 2012 at 12:04pm

Thank you for being the caring , kind hearted person you are and in helping save lives through early cancer detection and in making women aware that there is help when they are victims of abuse. You never cease to amaze me with your huge heart. I lost my friend in 2002 to ovarian cancer , my minister had cancer and was cured, my one friend's mom had cancer and recovered and my bosses wife who I looked after passed away from cancer also. So I appreciate he great work you are doing. Keep up the great work.

Your South African Friend


Comment by Barbara R on November 2, 2012 at 3:42am

Thanks for sharing the interview on here as I didn't get a chance to see it until now. Thanks to Michael for all his efforts in supporting this type of medical research. There can never be enough people like you who are doing their best to help. Courage, strength and faith to all who are affected, one way or another, by this terrible disease. 

Comment by Jayne Mallia on November 1, 2012 at 10:19pm

Well done! Thanks for supporting the breast cancer. I lost 2 sisters. 1 was only 46 and 8 years later another siser who was 53 years. 3 years later my brother passed away with cancer and my mother had colon cancer too! Thanks again for your great support!

Jayne from sunny Malta x

Comment by Robin on November 1, 2012 at 10:00pm

Thank you again MB for your continuing support for funding for the research to one day rid the world of breast cancer and other cancers! This interview is very well done!!

Robin in MD:)

Comment by sylvia doughty on November 1, 2012 at 9:34pm

Thanks so much for sharing this interview with us and to Michael for doing it and here is hopng one day interviews like this and campaigns to educate people to what is essential in self awareness examinations and the necessity to have check-ups will no longer be needed as it will be one of the most natural things, for future generations to accept, as being a part of their lives.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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