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Comment by Joana Valente on June 21, 2011 at 11:18pm

LOVE...such a complex word,full with emotions and meanings. It can be explained but most important it can be felt.We all have been experimenting that feeling,althought some aren't so sure of that feeling. That feeling is real,huge and powerful. I've learn that it doesn't really matter where am i,as long as i'm with people that i care and most of all,that i LOVE. Because in the end, i know they're gonna be there for me and the reverse,no matter what,no matter how, but i know they will because that's what us,human beings, are made of. We need each other,we live for and with each other.We need to keep, not only that love stronger,unbreakable and pure, but we also need to make it bigger enough to make everyone's life longer,easier and happier.I'm only 16 but i think that's what love is supposed to do in this world.                Much Love from Portugal.

Comment by Linda Battaglia on June 21, 2011 at 11:09pm
Love to me is when I look into my grandchildren's faces and see signs of their fathers when they were that age. No greater love can be found then that of the trusting way a small hand is placed in yours and a small face looks up to you for guidance. My grandchildren give me love every day and I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
Comment by CAROLYN RIDER on June 21, 2011 at 8:47pm
Love is everything to me because it gets me through each and every day.  Love can be found in many different places, but most of all, we need to find it in our own heart.  To receive love, you must give it unconditionally.  I feel some use the word 'love' too loosely, at times.  For true love, it will come to you when you least expect it.  It will take your breath away and knock you off your feet.  To be in love is such a beautiful thing and we are trully lucky when we find that certain someone to share it with.

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