Michael's 60th birthday is coming up in February and a number of you have asked what you could do to help celebrate that special day. There are two charities Michael would be honored if his fans donated to for his birthday. First is the Red Cross for Sandy victims as this area of the country is dear to his heart. The other is his own charity, Michael Bolton Charities for Women and Children at Risk which he started in 1993.


If you are donating to the Red Cross, you can do so on their site at http://www.redcross.org/. Afterward please email boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and where you are from and those names will be added to a list to be given to Michael. If you are donating to Michael Bolton Charities, you can donate online at www.michaelboltoncharities.com or make your payment to Michael Bolton Charities and send your donation to:


Michael Bolton Charities C/O Birthday Donation P.O. Box 936 Branford, CT 06405


Please put your name and where you are from in the notes block or email Andrena@michaelboltoncharities.com with the info to be included in the list that will be given to Michael for his birthday donations.



MB Team

Views: 699


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Comment by Maria N. on December 4, 2012 at 1:27am


- A very sweet, thoughtful proposal. Wishing good help and good will will enhance the recovering of many persons in painful situations, many helpless children in need. - Many little stones can build up huge mountains. Cheers, MN   

Comment by thida duangyai on December 2, 2012 at 5:25am

I would like to do some donation for MB charity women & children , i think this would be great thing to help people who suffer and no chance much in life ! i hope out there still have many rich people would do for this ! your little money could help many life !! I'm sure MB will appriciate for this too.

thida from thailand ,

Comment by Amie Angeli on November 25, 2012 at 9:27pm

The Red Cross was wonderful to people who came to their shelters during Sandy.  Great organization to donate to, but I suggest you earmark it "For Disaster Relief" or "For victims of Sandy."  Putting that on your memo part of the check or in notes with your donation ensures it goes to disaster relief/Sandy victims.

As for MB's charities, I've done a bit for a local shelter for battered women & children, and it is surprising how needs can be greatest where there's supposedly a lot of "affluence."  Also an excellent organization to donate to, for those who are willing & able to share.

I'm sure MB will appreciate whatever others can contribute to things he cares about, and appreciate knowing others share his concerns.


Comment by Mar Elisei on November 22, 2012 at 3:03am

Realmente, quiero felicitarte Michael por esta generosa idea de tu parte...sos una persona noble...y Dios tiene especial cuidado de vos...un abrazo y un cariño desde Argentina!! :)

Comment by Gail on November 21, 2012 at 6:24pm

The names and total amount will be given to Michael for the MBC...as I stated in the forum.  Each individual donation will not be given in the list or in the totals but there will be a record of the individual donation. If you give to the Red Cross then there won't be a total because that is an individual donation and unless you send me the amount in your email giving me your name and where you are from we wouldn't be able to have that amount (which I think those donating would understand that) but we will let Michael know who donated to Red Cross to help out his area of the country. Gail 

Comment by Robin on November 21, 2012 at 5:58pm

Thanks a bunch. Already donated to the Red Cross and will be sending up a donation for his birthday to the MBC c/o Andrena!

Thanks again, MB is going to love it!

Robin in MD:)

Comment by sylvia doughty on November 21, 2012 at 5:51pm

I should like to say again as I have already done in the thread to do with Michael's 60th Birthday gift that as far as the Red Cross donation goes that only applies to those in the States as it is to the American Red Cross and anyone outside of America cannot donate.....I tried and it would not accept not even with paypal.  Being pernickity: apart from name being given amount should also be stated as it is the total amount donated that we were wishing, on the forum, to be notified to Michael on his birthday;  names important but total amount takes precedence !


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

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