My New Year's Resolution is to make sure I'm fully present in each interaction I have with those I care about so there can be love and gratitude behind every word I say - No matter how big or small the communication is. What's yours?  MB

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Comment by Tina Berisha on January 26, 2012 at 12:11pm

What good is, shall be!

Comment by Silvia PS on January 24, 2012 at 3:27pm

Thank you Gail,for me it´s enough knowing that here I can express how much Michael´s music is important to my life,even if he never reads it I have all this wonderful family of fans that understand how I feel because they feel the same.Michael knows how much we admire him!My New Year´s Resolution is to attend a new concert in Lisbon so I´ll keep dreaming of that big day!Take care :)  Silvia PS

Comment by Annette on January 23, 2012 at 5:13pm

It is a mystery if he reads, writes, blogs, tweets, whatever.  We get to voice our feelings, opinions.  It's all good..

and if MB does read, that's just icing on the cake.  I guess Precious Emerald stirred the pot, got some insight for us all and that's appreciated.

Comment by thresa arthur on January 22, 2012 at 5:54am

Many thanks and appreciation to you Gail!  I was hoping that comment was off base. But you have brought so much comfort to me that he's really part of this...thank you and God bless you for clarifying this for us....I so.....didn't want to feel otherwise! I've followed Michaels awsome carrer since he was his family, fans and you for keeping the line of communication open!  You rock Gail!

Comment by Brigitte G. on January 22, 2012 at 12:46am

Hello MB, thanks for this question, but sorry .... I don't make New Year's Resolutions, ... the more I appreciate your !!!

Greetings from the stormy & rainy Germany to the sunny California !!!


Comment by Robin on January 21, 2012 at 3:33pm

Thank you Gail once again for clarifying that we are receiving Michael's thoughts and words on here.  It does not matter how the thoughts and words are brought here, but that they ARE from Michael.. He wants his fans to know he cares and wants us to enjoy this site and know what all he's up to..I appreciate so much your clarifying this so the fans here realize how things are being done and not get the wrong impression.  MB would not want the fans disappointed with what's posted here as not being from him, no matter how it's done..He's the best and so are all of you. Thanks again for all the hard work you put in keeping this site updated for all of us: :)

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Mark Radice on January 21, 2012 at 1:21pm

How bout this one? You could KILL it ---- >>>>

Comment by Mark Radice on January 21, 2012 at 1:07pm

Mine? I want you to record a Radice song once and for all so I can stop living like a pauper.

Comment by sylvia doughty on January 21, 2012 at 11:39am

Thank you Gail for that succint clarification as to Michael's true involvement in this website and I hope that it will alleviate the fears that those fans who only come on to the blogs to leave comments and to see what Michael is doing are assured of his devotion to his fans as much as we are devoted to him !   I do not profess to know Michael or his family but I do profess to having observed him and for anyone to insinuate that Michael would try to "pull the wool over our eyes" is, in my opinion, to not be aware of one of Michael's outstanding traits and that is for truth and honesty and I am so glad Gail that you, as our moderator and the only member on this website who has the authority to speak on behalf of Michael, our Boss, and his administrative staff, have made all those aware that when Michael professes to "listen" and "care" about his fans, as he has done on many occasions in various interviews, that his "word is his bond" !


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Comment by Spirited Dona on January 21, 2012 at 5:33am

Michael, that is a Sentiment i can 't forget, that you 've made! I think my Mom & cat visitors are impressed with the attention they get but, this is too beautiful, what you said, like a sunset, as we sail through this life!  I challenge you to make a song out of it! Saying Good Bye To Soul child/Woman singer, Etta James aka Jamesetta!


Checking out "Spirited Dona Tributes Etta James/Jamesetta-- Long Journey, Baby" on Michael Bolton:

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