Working on a new project!

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Comment by Marla Wilhelm on October 29, 2014 at 3:27am

Whatever the project is I know it will be great. I am passionate about well written songs, songs that tell a story (even the arias) . I do listen to your music constantly and watch the DVD from London which I love. Thank you for the words you write and the ones that others have written kept alive. Wish you would come to Pittsbugh.

Comment by James on October 26, 2014 at 3:48am

If it's what I speculate, then maybe michael is doing his new Christmas album that will be incorporating the songs from the Happy Honda Days commerical!! I look forward to seeing an update on the project!   

Comment by suzanne caroline waterson on October 25, 2014 at 3:07am
Looking forward to hearing the finished article . Xx
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on October 24, 2014 at 8:01pm

What,s your new project Michael....could it be a new album you,re working on? Love your songs and your voice, looking forward to hearing about whatever this project is....don,t keep us in suspense PLEASE!

Lots of love

Sandra xxxx

Comment by Patience Ogiorumua on October 21, 2014 at 9:51am
Thanks Michael for the beautiful pictures . You look great as always. I can't wait for what ever project you are working on to be released. I know it's gonna be a hit. But do give us more hints!!!. Lol. Much love.

Comment by Lisa kim on October 19, 2014 at 9:15pm

I really enjoyed your episode of immortal songs singing the legend... You are a Legend!!!!! 

any chance this project related to MJ Moon??? fingers crossed. 

Comment by thida duangyai on October 18, 2014 at 6:04am

Looking forward to hear your new project , is new album ? please Michael will love that :)  thida from Thailand, xx

Comment by Linda Gallo on October 18, 2014 at 3:14am

It appears to be a duet (at least, who knows maybe it's an album) with Rhianna - you know Chris Brown's galpal.  Will Brown Bop Bolton this time instead of Drake?  It would be like hitting her grandfather - she's younger than his daughters.  Oh, well, I guess he had to do something because Tony Bennett recently released an album with Lady Gaga...Hollywood - Follywood!  

Comment by Gwen Bolton on October 18, 2014 at 12:54am

Congrats G'pa!

Comment by Ivana on October 17, 2014 at 1:43pm

Please, Michael, record some ballads on the new CD!

You know, you are the best at.


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