Hi everyone, this blog will be an attempt to keep my friends and other site lurkers updated on what’s been going on in our little MB world. I only want to write about newsworthy items relevant to his career and life when it’s appropriate. The main reason I’m doing it is to stop repeating myself and stop having to search for previous posts. Since I’m on the site on a regular basis, I thought it would be helpful. :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie :D

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Comment by sylvie boisvert on July 9, 2018 at 5:44pm

Hi everyone, I've got a couple of links for you today. The first one is a random one I picked up on YouTube, of a recently uploaded performance of HAISTLWY Michael did in 1990:

Michael Bolton - How am I supposed to live without you (1990 Belgian TV)


The second one is a video Gail posted just about 1 hour ago: 

Who's In The Car with Michael Bolton | Youi


 It sounds like one of those car insurance commercials we have in North America too, enjoy! That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D  

Comment by sylvie boisvert on July 8, 2018 at 1:30am

Hi everyone, here's a U.K. article Sylvia shared:

I still get asked about my hair, says Michael Bolton ahead of Birmingham gig | Express & Star

By Andy Richardson

| Weekend | Published: 12 hours ago

It’s been two years since Michael Bolton – the guy who used to sell millions of records and have hair like a lion’s mane – last toured the UK.

Michael Bolton ahead of Birmingham gig  

But the record breaker is looking forward to returning to Birmingham’s Symphony Hall on October 15 for his Time, Love and Tenderness tour.

And while fans can look forward to a slew of greatest hits, they ought not to be too confident about predicting a set list. For Michael and his band plan

to change things up most nights so that they can keep the show fresh and stay on their toes.

“We are always changing it up from one audience to the next. The only thing you get tired of if you’ve been out on the road too long is the travel, that’s

when everything starts to wear on you. Flights can wear you down if you’ve been doing it too long. We’re going to play around with the arrangements for

this tour, freshen it up. It’s still going to be a greatest hits tour. Fans come for the greatest hits. They’ve gotten married to certain songs. They’ve

had their greatest and toughest moments through my albums. They’ve conceived children – or at least written about it. They want to hear the greatest hits.”

Michael makes his inspiration from other established artists. He recently went to see Fleetwood Mac in New York and they played 20 hits in a row. They

ignited his memory cells and he was hooked on their classics. When Michael hits the road, he aims for a similar ethos. Before the show, he’ll have a voice

lesson, which he’s been doing for 30 years with his teacher Seth Riggs. Such drills are essential for a good show.

“Have you ever watched professional athletes before they take to the field for a game of say soccer? Professional athletes don’t run into the middle of

a field sprinting – they stretch. Sometimes literally they’re lying on their back and being stretched by a trainer. In general they know what to do so

they don’t injure themselves. It’s the same muscles they’ve been playing professionally with for 15 years or so. Very similar to a lot of athletes preparing,

I’m doing scales. I always think of it like going to the driving range with my clubs. You start out with the light ones, the pitching wedge, nine iron,

six iron then next thing you know you take your driver out. Most people do that with their vocal coaches. They have funny sounds – not necessarily funny

haha – but funny, strange, sounds.”

He tunes in to TV shows such as The Crown when he’s on the road and enjoys the performances of stars like John Lithgow, who played Churchill. He is a fan

of Britain’s Royal Family and met the Queen at the Royal Variety Show. He stood in line next to the Spice Girls but one of them forgot to curtsey, which

caused a storm. “I don’t think it was on purpose,” he says.

“I did a show with Pavarotti in France and Princess Di was in the front row. The whole night was surreal. Bono and The Edge were performing and I was singing

with Pavarotti for the first time – in Italian. I wrote down the lyrics phonetically. He saw them and said: ‘Oh, I see what you’re doing here’. He found

it amusing. He was so gracious. Afterwards there was a dinner at Pavarotti’s Italian restaurant he owned. That’s when I walked up to Princess Diana. We

talked about the difficulty of having kids and travelling at the same time.”

Michael has visited the UK so many times that he once thought about getting a place in England. However, he is committed to a life in the USA and has a

home in Connecticut and a house next door with a recording studio in it. His daughters and six grandchildren often gather there and enjoy his pool.

“The tennis court turns into bicycle riding, which means it needs to be resurfaced every three months. They love showing up at the same time so the whole

family gathers there. It’s in New England. It’s beautiful.”

Michael has the fondest memories of playing UK shows. He’s a fan of the Royal Albert Hall, which is his favourite venue in the world. Elsewhere, he likes

The Sydney Opera House. “Once you understand the sound, you can make it a beautiful evening. I’ve done a couple of nights there. But give me the Albert

Hall anytime.”

Before hitting the road, Michael will be working with an orchestra on a new album. It’s an international affair with great staff in Los Angeles, Sydney

and New York. They communicate via their computers to get the sound spot on. He’ll also be making sure he’s in shape for his autumn tour by taking care

of his exercise and diet. “I really have to take care of myself to have a full voice. I know there are people who are singers that are smokers and somehow

they have a great voice. But eventually it’s going to catch up with you.

“Coating your vocal chords with anything will take its toll. Fortunately, with music, if you take care of your instrument, you can have a long career.

“Discipline on the road is no joke. The primary rule, which is ironic because singers have a tough time with this issue, is getting eight hours sleep.

It’s non-negotiable. And don’t drink your head off. I don’t drink on school nights, which is what I call them when there’s a show the next day.”

He visits the gym five nights a week when he’s on the road and these days he spends so little time drinking that his daughters ‘can put him under the table’.

Michael started to enjoy success at the age of 34 and then went into high gear by touring the world and writing hit albums. He worked with other artists

and still keeps in touch with Kenny G, playing the occasional round of golf.  

Read more:

Away from the road, he remains committed to his Michael Bolton Charities.

“When I started my foundation 25 years ago it was with the intention of helping people who are part of economically struggling families because that’s

something that I could identify with from my early years. The harshest period of being a starving artist is your family starving with you. After I finally

had some success, my first instinct was to try to create an organisation to help struggling families.

“What I want to do is continue raising money, providing money for shelters for more people, replicate the music programme to help as many kids as possible

who are survivors of trauma and make sure the Violence Against Women Act is fully funded and passed every six years. If I have a legacy to choose from

that would be up at the top.”

He’s watched the #MeToo campaign with interest and has been deeply affected by the number of people who have spoken out about everyday abuse – whether

sexism, misandry or other forms of prejudice.

“Everybody I know is pretty stunned. I know a lot of these people. For most of my adult life we have pushed for zero tolerance when it comes to domestic

violence against women; abuse of any kind. From what I understand that’s the lay of the law in America. It’s put into the hands now of first responders

so if police arrive on the scene and see a physical sign they remove the responsibility from the woman, so she doesn’t have to fear the looks that abuser

is capable of.

“I think it’s a strange way to have the tipping point happen in the United States where people aren’t going to stand for the behaviour that has been accepted

for a long time. I don’t claim to know all the stories, or what the truth is in every instance, and I’m against a rush to judgement. I think really bad

things can happen that way as well. But I’m for zero tolerance and the only way that happens is if women speak up. It’s been shocking and then to the point

where it’s so repetitious already now you’re expecting it on the next breaking news.”

For all of his success and all of his benevolence in the field of charity, one thing will always stand out about Michael – his hair. The star famously

had flowing curly locks and even though they were cut off many years ago, he still gets asked about them. He sympathises with younger stars such as James

Bay, who recently cut off his long hair and, like Michael, was almost as well known for his look as he was for his music.

“I have zero tolerance for hair getting overshadowed by music,” he laughs. “I think it’s funny – and hopefully for him it won’t be overshadowed by hair.

I was in the UK doing a radio promotion when I cut my hair back in the 90s. At the radio station I was doing the interview and during it all this world

news was coming through on Teletext. All of sudden it was: ‘Michael Bolton cuts hair.’ It was completely insane. But that’s pop culture I guess.

“I had grown long hair because of the Brits. The invasion had happened. We had the Stones, Beatles, The Kinks, The Zombies, all these great artists on

TV all the time so my brother and I grew out our hair immediately. Then we would get in trouble walking down the street with long hair. Guys would yell

stuff out and try to start a fight. If James Bay keeps writing and delivering strong material it’s not going to matter how long or short his hair is.”

By Andy Richardson Feature Writer -



 That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on July 4, 2018 at 4:01pm

Hi everyone, here's a video Sylvia shared and Michael just tweeted yesterday. It's the live performance he did with the Lonely Island recently: the whole performance with a bit of backstage stuff, enjoy!

"Jack Sparrow" live with The Lonely Island at Clusterfest – YouTube


Incidentally, it's labeled as "Jack Sparrow", but it starts with "Incredible thoughts" from the movie "Pop star, never stop, never stopping", but I thought it was a good way to set it up. That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 30, 2018 at 12:51am

Hi everyone, I have a bit of news our Gail posted a couple of days ago. It seems our Michael's "An audience with Michael Bolton" events planned for this fall in the U.K. have all been cancelled and ATG are slowly contacting and refunding tickets. Gail has no details, but this was completely out of Michael's control and that's all I can tell you until we have news from Gail.

Second, I have another Australian unenthusiastic review Sylvia posted:

X-Press Magazine_ Entertainment in Perth MICHAEL BOLTON @ Perth Concert Hall gets 5/10

Live Reviews - Scene

MICHAEL BOLTON @ Perth Concert Hall gets 5/10

June 28, 2018 at 02:19


Michael Bolton @ Perth Concert Hall

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Michael Bolton was, without a doubt, one of the most ubiquitous voices of the 1990s pop charts. With record sales reportedly over the 75 million mark,

Bolton’s power ballads provided the soundtrack to many a romance and heartbreak and are still held dear by his legion of adoring fans to this day.

Taste, however, is a strange thing. What to one person may be a soaring, inspirational experience might, to another, be perceived as an overly produced

and at times cheesy ordeal. Unfortunately this evening I found myself to be one of the latter. Make no mistake though, Bolton is surely well aware of his

target audience and, giving credit where credit is due, from the moment he made his way out onto the stage he gave them exactly what they had come to see.


Backed by The Perth Symphony Orchestra, Bolton strode confidently onto the stage to thunderous applause from an expectant audience who, over the course

of the evening, had no qualms about expressing their love for him with some ladies in attendance being far more vocal about it than others. Opening with

Stand By Me he followed up with The Bee Gees’ classic To Love Somebody and from the off he obviously had the crowd in the palm of his very experienced

hand as they joyfully sang along, at times almost drowning out Bolton’s trademark vocals. Moving over to take a seat by the grand piano he continued on

with his breakthrough 1987 hit cover of the Otis Reading classic (Sitting On) The Dock of the Bay before launching into this worldwide smash hit I Said

I Loved You But I Lied.


Obviously at ease with his audience, Bolton showed moments of dry wit as he joked with his fans between songs and even managed to squeeze in a plug for

his tour sponsor, a supplier of online audio books who shall remain nameless here. You Don’t Know Me was followed up by the Frank Sinatra classic That’s

Life before inviting Australian songstress Silvie Paladino to join him onstage for several duets that included To Make You Feel My Love, How Am I Supposed

To Live Without You and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. It was at this point that one of his adoring female fans decided to leap up and hand him a picture

which at first appeared to have him a little confused until she also produced a sharpie and he realised that she was asking for an autograph. Bolton again

showed his humorous side by obliging but also adding that this was the first time he’d done this as normally he’d just say “I’m doing a show right now”.


With Paladino taking her leave, Michael Bolton regaled the crowd with an insight into his experience performing with the world renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti

who taught him, amongst other things, that “Puccini is not a mushroom” before performing Nessun Dorma which, although it went down well on the night, did

seem to be a little bit of a stretch for him vocally. Georgia On My Mind followed before Bolton exited the stage and Paladino returned for a solo version

of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. With Bolton still absent, his band and the orchestra performed a curious saxophone laden instrumental version of You Are

So Beautiful before the man reappeared, seemingly taking his life in his own hands by belting out When A Man Loves A Woman from the aisles where I was

expecting at least one of his adoring female fans would try and seize their opportunity to get their hands on him but he fortunately made it back on to

the stage unscathed.


With Bolton back onstage, the between song banter was gone and the tempo of the evening picked as he bought the evening home with another of his mega-hits

How Can We Be Lovers followed up by Steel Bars and finishing off his performance with Time, Love and Tenderness. Leaving the very impressive Perth Symphony

Orchestra on stage, Bolton and his band briefly took their leave before they returned to a rapturous ovation and performed Soul Provider as their encore.

While I personally found this evening’s performance to be perhaps too slick, polished and to be completely honest, a little bland and formulaic I feel

it must again be noted that Michael Bolton definitely knows his target audience and, judging by the reactions of the crowd as they were making their way

out of the venue, tonight he delivered precisely the performance they wanted sending them all home happy.


Photos by Linda Dunjey


 It must be sad not to be a Michael fan... :D That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 24, 2018 at 3:40pm

Hi everyone, I'll let you be the judge on what you think of this article, also shared by Sylvia:

Radio13 - Time, Love & Tenderness from Michael Bolton and APO

Concert Reviews

Time, Love & Tenderness from Michael Bolton and APO

Where: The Civic Theatre, Auckland

When: 19 Jun 2018

21 Jun 2018

Deborah Raj

Georgia On My Mind.

Michael Bolton’s Symphony Tour was the epitome of cheese… Oooey, gooey, warm, comforting cheese. As the hush swept over the audience and the

Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra (APO) took their places to accompany a living legend, if beloved Aussie conductress Jessica Gethin ’s backless power suit of sorts could talk, it would’ve said, “stand by for take off; the Bolton Time Machine is about to leave the station”. It was quite apt then perhaps, that Michael Bolton emerged stage right, grasping a black guitar, to serenade us with an oldie but a goodie, Stand By Me — there wasn’t a chance in hell that this crowd was going anywhere from the moment that signature Bolton rasp left his lips.

RR MichaelBolton APO Civic 11

Further unlocking Pandora’s box of memories, the next number saw the stage set ablaze in a reddish hue to echo the sentiments of anyone who’s ever ‘loved

somebody’. It’s safe to say that ‘you don’t know what it’s like’ to witness the effect of a heartthrob of this magnitude, until you’ve heard Bolton belt

this classic out live. Inciting an “I love you, Michael” from the crowd as soon as the song was through, the smooth operator quickly chimed back saying,

“What was that?” joking that no matter how many times he’s heard it, it never gets old.

Taking us back 50 years to when this  Otis Redding

 song first made waves, Michael got comfortable for his rendition of (Sittin’ on) The Dock of The Bay. And with the way he effortless hit those high notes,

it’s hard to imagine that this crowd pleaser was released in 1987 on his album, The Hunger. He had the crowd swaying and clapping along, especially when

he expertly altered the line, ‘...left my home in Georgia; headed for the Auckland Bay’, punctuated by an epic guitar solo.

Treating us to a track perhaps more recently know by its spoof for an

Audible commercial  Bolton wittily took part in, the singer explained that the record (Said I Loved You But I Lied) took a while to break back in the day because English

is a second language in his part of the world. The famous 'panty-dropper' of a tune (complete with echo effect in the chorus) was most definitely not lost

in translation tonight. This is loosely based on the sheer number of swooning audience members… but I could be wrong, I became distracted by thoughts of

how many babies have been conceived to this song. Moving along.

RR MichaelBolton APO Civic 1

Heading into the 21st century for a tune from his album Vintage, You Don’t Know Me — the Walker-Arnold masterpiece featured an epic saxophone intro by

the amazing  Jason Peterson DeLaire

 and a piano solo that easily transported one from The Civic into a smoke filled lounge perfect for slow dancing with someone special. Following on with

something from the same era — That’s Life from his album, Bolton Swings Sinatra — the toe tapper didn’t just have conductress Gethin putting her back into

it, it was the perfect piece to showcase just what the APO can do, with the broadway-esque number performed with the pomp and ceremony it deserved.

Switching gears to what is quite likely the most romantic of genres - duets, Michael was joined by Australian songstress  Silvie Paladino

 who last set foot on The Civic stage when she played the lead role Donna in the smash stage hit Mamma Mia!The duo commenced the heartstring tugging and

tear jerking with a song written by  Bob Dylan

 and made more famous by  Adele


 - To Make You Feel My Love.

"This was old school romance at its cheesy best."

Unable to leave a tender moment alone though, Bolton joked that the next song was the first hit he ever wrote for someone else (How Am I Supposed to Live

Without You for  Laura Branigan

 in 1983) and how something amazing happens when you write for other people - food. Jokes aside, it was a pleasure to behold and sing along to a ballad

of this significance, with Paladino offering the perfect accompaniment that stood firm but didn’t overshadow Bolton’s tender crooning. This was old school

romance at its cheesy best. As was the Motown number Ain’t No Mountain High Enough that the APO clearly enjoyed playing and the emotional, uplifting rendition

of  David Foster’s The Prayer where Michael did his best

Josh Groban impression.

As if there wasn’t already enough name dropping, Bolton spoke of the time he was both honoured and terrified to sing with Luciano Pavarotti

 and how the next tune (Nessun Dorma) was dedicated to the greatest tenor of all time. It’s fair to say, with the APO and Bolton’s powers combined, it

was nothing short of magical, leaving not a dry eye in the house, especially when that last ‘Vincerò!’ showcased the precise control Bolton has on his


RR MichaelBolton APO Civic 26

Dedicating the next one to the “gracious, generous”  Ray Charles,

Georgia on My Mind had the audience swaying, captivated by Bolton’s voice that came ‘as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines…’

Returning to perform what will easily go down as one of the most memorable renditions of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, Paladino’s sweet, angelic sounds easily had the audience wondering if they had in fact died and gone to heaven. This sentiment was most

definitely on the minds of the ladies in the front rows when Bolton appeared in casanova mode (complete with glitter tux) to croon — in only the way he

knows how — the eagerly anticipated When a Man Loves a Woman.

Intending on ending the night with a bang, the iconic 80s hits that ensued had the audience noticeably transformed into younger versions of themselves,

from How Can We Be Lovers to Steel Bars (complete with the cheesy/necessary synchronised dance moves by the three gorgeous back up singers) to the clearly

beloved Time, Love and Tenderness and an encore performance of Soul Provider, it’s fair to say that Michael Bolton delivered the cheese and we were all

very ‘fondue’ of him.


 In the words of Forest Gump: "That's all I had to say about that". That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 24, 2018 at 3:34pm

Hi everyone, I have to catch up a bit and bring you 3 articles that Sylvia has shared with us over the past few days. Here are 2 reviews of the Auckland Australia show:

Concert Review With Photos: Michael Bolton — Libel

By Leah Victoria

Artist: Michael Bolton

Date / Venue: Tuesday June 19th, 2018 - Civic Theatre, Auckland

Michael Bolton has been a household name for over four decades, known for his romantic lyrics and power ballads. Having performed with some of the worlds

top artists including Luciano Pavarotti, Ray Charles and BB king, he’s responsiblefor handfuls of today’s most recognised songs.

The Civic Theatre was buzzing with fans of all ages eagerly awaiting his appearance, showing their excitement with bursts of song accompanied by a few

iconic 80’s style wigs, proving that he’s still as relevant as ever in today’s music.

Taking the stage before him was Auckland’s full Philharmonic Orchestra lead by Conductor Jessica Gethin, greeting the audience and quietly taking their

places and filling the entire stage with their impressive array of instruments.

After much anticipation Michael joins them upfront, appearing smart but casual in a pair of jeans teamed with a crisp white shirt open at the neck and

a sharp black velvet jacket, he mirrors the image of the guitar draped across him. He advises his crowd that he has only one rule for the evening, and

that is to take all the photos you want.

Queue the music. Michael and his music makers introduce the 90 min show with “Stand By Me”, and iconic number originally penned and performed by American

singer-songwriter Ben E. King, accompanied by a seriously impressive sax.

Tonight’s set was less about Michael’s own greatest hits and more about the celebration of the history of music composition and those gone but not forgotten

musicians that have inspired his career over the years.

His raspy rock n roll voice with soulful and sweet undertones is as powerful as ever, and he chose the perfect partner in Silvie Paladino to add a quality

worthy of a Disney soundtrack to his duet recital.

Beautiful, perfectly timed and emotion fuelled music, teamed with popular well-versed lyrics and a hint of comedy ensured the audience were kept on the

edge of their seats the entire set. We listened intently to numbers by Adele, Marvin Gaye, Leonard Cohen and his rendition of Nessun Dorma by Luciano Pavarotti

which he absolutely nailed!

With the loud demand for an encore, Michael stepped off the stage and joined the audience from the aisle and performed “When A Man Loves A Women” proving

his appreciation to the large number of fans that had stepped out to visit him. Closing the show with “Soul Provider” the end had clearly arrived too soon

with a very well deserved standing ovation.

I arrived at the venue thinking I might get a bit bored. I left feeling uplifted and fulfilled and anything but bored. I could have listed to him all night

long. The smiles on every face around me confirmed that there wasn’t a soul in the house that hadn’t enjoyed their evening.

Michael’s Orchestral tour is a must see for all the family! Don’t miss it!

Set List

Stand By Me, To Love Somebody, The Dock Of The Bay, I Said I Loved You But I Lied, You Don’t Know Me, That’s Life, Make You Feel My Love, How Am I Supposed to Live Without You, The Prayer, Nessun Dorma, Georgia On My Mind, When A Man Loves A Woman, How Can We Be Lovers, Steel Bars, Time And Tenderness, Soul Provider


 Here's the 2nd one:

Michael Bolton - Live @ The Civic Theatre, Auckland - Music Nation

Michael Bolton – Live @ The Civic Theatre, Auckland

Posted 2 days ago by Wal Reid

in  Concert Reviews, Music News


Wearing the sort of attire only actor Bill Nighy could get away with, singer Michael Bolton nonchalantly strolled on stage, acoustic guitar in tow. It

was a night where the audience participation was interactive and quite parochial, with Bolton warning one female fan with a sign about coming on stage,

while one cried “Blonde Adonis” (Sounded like “Blond Adonny”) and another shouting “Can I have your jacket please?”.


All sober parental behaviour that would’ve embarrassed the hell out of their kids – Well, it is Michael Bolton after all folks.

Music Nation

The Multiple Grammy award-winning singer, songwriter sartorially fashioned in jeans and plush velvet dinner jacket, was backed by the Auckland Philharmonia

Orchestra, led by edgy Aussie conductor Jessica Gethin, while flanked by his singers and band, it was an imposing sight to behold. The grandeur of the

night heightened by songs that made him (and his mullet) famous in the eighties and early nineties, archetypal Soul classics set against the splendour

of The Civic Theatre, a night hard to fault.

Music Nation

The energetic 665-year-old showed no signs of slowing down, his voice given a good workout on hits (Sittin’ On) The Dock Of the Bay, The Bee Gee’s To Love

Somebody and the Marvin Gaye classic Ain’t No Mountain High Enough with Australian singer Silvie Paladino, who impressive in her own right. She joined

Bolton for a set of duets including Dylan’s Make You Feel My Love (popularised by Adele) that really showcased their singing abilities. Saxophonist, Jason

Peterson DeLaire added smooth with his amazing Sax soloing.

Bolton has a natural resonance, his unique gravel-esque timbre a pleasure to hear live backed up with fascinating stories regarding his hits, lending gravitas

to his unique voice.

When he sings, its as if he’s hardly trying, or breaking a sweat, especially on the Pavarotti classic, Nessun Dorma. Said I Loved You But I Lied was a

prime example of his relaxed approach, while undoubtedly one of his biggest hits he ever wrote, How Am I Supposed To Live Without You, garnished the nights

biggest crowd reaction, giving goose bumps to those in attendance.

Music Nation

Michael Bolton Symphony Tour was a pleasant night, regardless of what you think of the singer. Even though he was a bit wooden, he possesses a cynical

sense of humour, the crowd outbursts of “Jack Sparrow” or “Lonely Island” referring to his collaboration with performing with the American comedy trio,

led by funnyman Andy Samberg. Bolton rueing if only he had more time.

The mighty Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra did a stellar job backing Bolton; it was a musical journey of Music’s greatest hits. Bolton’s age-defying looks & voice made for a truly extraordinary evening. I mean, what else would you expect from the singer (still) dubbed the “World’s Sexiest Man”?


 The 3rd article is a little longer, so I'll put it in my next post, be right back. Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 15, 2018 at 4:22pm

Hi everyone, Sylvia just shared this video from last night’s concert in Gold Coast Australia. It’s Michael singing “the prayer” with Silvie Paladino:


Enjoy! That’s the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D 

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 14, 2018 at 4:16pm

Hi everyone, here's an article Gail just posted:

Why Michael Bolton is getting into bed with New Zealand again - NZ Herald

4 Jun, 2018 10:30am

 5 minutes to read

Michael Bolton

By: Karl Puschmann

Karl Puschmann is a senior entertainment writer and columnist for the New Zealand Herald.



Michael Bolton is still shocked that his music is used to soundtrack baby-making. He talks to Karl Puschmann.

Michael Bolton sang with his heart in his mouth and the wind in his flowing golden brown hair. His voice, not so much gravel but more like the rough grit

that gets smoothed away before a rock becomes a diamond.

In song he asked the big questions; 'How am I supposed to live without you', 'How can we be lovers if we can't be friends', and 'Can I touch you ... there';

his passion doing away with the need for such unpassionate things as correct punctuation.

He is a soul singer of such pedigree that he trained with Pavarotti and of such pop-rock balladeering sophistication that he got away with including fret-frying

guitar solos in dramatic break-up songs. A hat tip, perhaps, to his hard-rocking roots in the hard rocking not-quites Blackjack and his own background

as a guitarist.

Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

Watch later


Michael Bolton, so ubiquitous at the tail end of the 80s and early rush of the 90s with his pleading eyes, clenched-fist chest-pulls and furrowed brows

that he became a bit of a punchline when that initial spark gave way to tired familiarity and detached cynicism made his brand of sincerity deeply, passionately


Just like the rest of the world New Zealand was not immune to his charms. We gave the singer four top 10 albums, beginning with his defining 1989 opus

Soul Provider, which housed his most recognisable, inescapable hits, and ending in 1995 with his first Greatest Hits album.

He kept releasing records, he kept touring. For a charity softball game in 1993 he formed a team with his bandmates and absolutely crushed Michael Jordan's

All-Star team of pro-athlete ringers by a score of 7-1.

And right now he's enjoying a renaissance and gaining a new audience with his reinvention as a comedic talent, taking his reputation as a smooth ladies

man into bizarre and wild places with ongoing collaborations with comedy team The Lonely Island.

Their parody song Captain Jack Sparrow has clocked up over 185,000,000 views on YouTube and last year they produced a Netflix comedy show, Michael Bolton's

Big Sexy Valentine's Special. 

Theatre review: To laugh or not to laugh - the choice is yours

14 Jun, 2018 7:00pm

 3 minutes to read

"It turned out to be so successful in a very freeing, liberating way," Bolton says from a hotel in San Francisco. "That did create a certain amount of

permission for me to have fun, basically. I've taken my career as seriously as someone can focus on something and it's really a great feeling to know that

I'm at a place in my life where I can have fun."

Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)

Watch later


It wasn't always this way. He spent his career singing heartfelt songs about falling in and out of bed and weighty songs about falling in and out of love.

"I remember being embarrassed when a journalist said to me, 'How does it make you feel knowing children are being conceived to your music?' I blushed,

I almost lost it," Bolton laughs. "I was like, 'Did you have to say that? That was not my intention.' It's a lot of responsibility when you start thinking

about children being conceived to your music."

It's a responsibility Bolton takes pleasingly seriously.

"Music is not just entertainment. It's something that gets people through the toughest parts of their lives and also something they celebrate with the

greatest times of their lives," he says. "I never take it for granted, anybody's experience in the audience. I've realised these songs are the backdrop,

the soundtrack, to people's lives."

Bolton is bringing their soundtrack to the forefront of their lives next Tuesday. He'll be backed by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and he says he's

excited. These orchestra gigs are relatively new for him. He's rarely performed with the full orchestral shebang.

"I've never ever been this hands on about all the instrumentation," he says of the process. "The experience needs to be rich and deep so whatever is emotional

about the music the orchestra amplifies, magnifies that."


"I have nothing against performing the greatest hits but adding a symphony orchestra to the hits ... You're experiencing something more full and rich and

lush. It's a beautiful experience."

Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers

Watch later


It all sounds good. Bolton's big songs, sung with his big voice, backed by a big orchestra. But there's one thing that's been troubling me ...

Around the two minute mark of his hit How Can We Be Lovers is a guitar solo. It's eight bars of perfection. A soaring journey that kicks off riffing on

Bolton's earnest melody and sending squealing notes to the skies before heading full throttle into a classic rock whirlwind and exiting on a fret-shredding

chugging yowl. It's a flash of absolute brilliance. His upcoming gig is with an orchestra but please, Michael Bolton, tell me that virtuoso guitar solo

made the cut.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of that solo," he laughs. "The solos are all intact. I'm bringing my lead guitarist. So no, you won't hear guitar solos

replaced by a cello. I promise you."


WHO: Michael Bolton

WHAT: Playing the Civic with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra

WHEN: This Tuesday night. 


That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D 

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 13, 2018 at 3:05pm

Hi everyone, in case you missed it, Gloria shared the link to Michael's appearance on "Beat Shazam" last night:


Enjoy! That's the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on June 12, 2018 at 1:35am

Hi everyone, since I’m not getting many notifications, I can only tell you Sylvia has posted the 2 following links in the past 48 hours. :D The first one is of a short video of Michael on the Project show in Australia:


The following one is a YouTube video interview he did on the show|:


That’s the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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