Hi everyone, this blog will be an attempt to keep my friends and other site lurkers updated on what’s been going on in our little MB world. I only want to write about newsworthy items relevant to his career and life when it’s appropriate. The main reason I’m doing it is to stop repeating myself and stop having to search for previous posts. Since I’m on the site on a regular basis, I thought it would be helpful. :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie :D

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Comment by sylvie boisvert on October 3, 2014 at 3:30am

Hi all, this is a promo video/interview for the “Immortal songs” program, Thanks for reading and enjoy! Sylvie :D


Comment by sylvie boisvert on October 2, 2014 at 4:45pm

Hi all, the last item of interest I want to post about today is the following:


“Grammy award-winning American singer Michael Bolton, who has sold more than 75 million records to date, will be appearing on South Korea’s TV show “Immortal Songs.”

Bolton, 61, will be the first foreign “legendary” singer to be featured on KBS 2TV’s popular program, Yonhap reported on Saturday (KST). The show will be filmed on Sept. 29 to be aired on October 11.”

Of course, this was recorded already, Michael had a fabulous time and we hope to be able to see/hear it on the KBS YouTube channel:


I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on October 2, 2014 at 4:29pm

Hi again all, a friend posted, asking news on the pending Christmas CD and this is what I replied:

“ I frankly don’t think anyone has put any faith in a new Xmas album since the  missed/shelved “Home for Xmas” in 2010, even if there have been vague mentions of it since then. The only real semblance of news we’ve had, since the last time you asked back in May, was in this  recently found  interview,


...that he was hoping to have another album out for the fall. This interview was recorded December 1 2013. I’ve speculated recently that since Michael is starting a new tour in January 2015, that he might start trying out new songs, if he has any: it just makes sense to tour while you have something to promote. Again, that’s just speculation. BTW, on the Detroit documentary, Michael said last summer that it was 90% done, but he retweeted someone from “Live in the D” on September 11 that he couldn’t wait to see them at the premiere. That’s the news for now, thanks for reading, sincerely, Sylvie :D

Comment by sylvie boisvert on October 2, 2014 at 4:24pm

All right folks, I will start this blog with a bit of older news that not everyone may know about. This is from a comment I’ve posted back on May 18, in the “Miscellany” thread:

“The only things Michael has mentionned in interviews lately, are 4 pending TV series he's involved in the creation, but as he said: you never know with television. He's also said he is conceptualizing  his next CD and he's working on his Broadway songbook.


Now, In case you don't know about it, in a nutshell, the "Motor City" project started with Michael wanting to have a companion documentary for his latest CD, but it evolved into something much bigger, having to do with the reemergence of the city of Detroit. If you'd like to read more about it:


It was first supposed to be a 6 part TV series, but there's been talk about it being a movie that was  to be released this spring, but I'm guessing it's taking longer because of Michael's crazy schedule. Now understand that all of this is brewing, but none of it seems to be nailed down, so it's anyone's guess on completion time.  “

 So, this was back in May, but more updates very soon. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie :D

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