New Years resolution #5 Dream bigger & bolder than ever!!

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Comment by Kathy Rosario on January 6, 2013 at 7:42pm

Ahhhhh...the wonders of nature :))) Dreams do come true at their right moment!!! Keep dreamin' and believing!!! Hope you are enjoying your time off Michel!! Patiently waiting for your return :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by Maria N. on January 3, 2013 at 5:06am


Up in sky, over the rainbow,

dreams come true,

as we build our way with passion

and we share our love and joy.


Comment by thida duangyai on January 3, 2013 at 4:10am

Dear Michael ,

 Happy New Year to you :) I love this beautiful picture , thank you for sharing this with us ,everybody have a dream ! and i hope your dream will come true ,whatever you wish for :)  my New Year resolution are to traval the world and to see you in concert ! this is always my dream , but i don't know when my dream will come true !!  just hope one day:)  take care, and ALL THE BEST TO YOU .

  With Love always , thida from Thailand ,xxx



Comment by Robin on January 2, 2013 at 11:19pm

Beautiful photo MB..So peaceful and what a great resolution to make..

I hope you are getting some time to relax and enjoy your vacation.

Robin in MD:)

Comment by Nic on January 2, 2013 at 10:22pm

This is not an easy one! I will never forget the first time I saw a very similar astonishing, breathtaking sky like the one in your picture ... That was in Manhattan Beach, Ca :) Yeah, we have to keep on dreaming ... maybe life itself is a dream! Somebody pinch me, please :)

Comment by Anna Mason on January 2, 2013 at 9:02pm

Love this resolution! May all your dreams come true this year, Michael!


Anna (in MO)

Comment by Mar Elisei on January 2, 2013 at 7:10pm

Que bueno!!! Tu resolución contagia optimismo y entusiasmo...definitivamente energía!!!, mirar al cielo para mí significa que todo puede ser símbolo de alegro por vos y te deseo que Dios te conceda cumplir ese sueño y te dé todas las herramientas para concretarlo: coraje, fe, fortaleza y audacia...creo q no es tan difícil...ya fijate todo lo que has hecho en tu vida!!! Desde Argentina te mando un cariño enorme y un beso, Mar.

Comment by Cara Michelle Bridges on January 2, 2013 at 7:05pm


..                                                    WITH LOVE,


Comment by Jackie on January 2, 2013 at 6:54pm

Good things come to those who wait ... I've been blessed many times in my life, and dare to dream big and bold.  May all your dreams come true, Michael.  2013 is looking good thus far!  With love and affection to my favorite guy, always ...

Comment by katia Rochet on January 2, 2013 at 6:35pm

ne jamais cesser de rêver, toujours croire en nous et quelquefois la nature nous apporte la meilleure des récompenses "nous sentir vivant".


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