Robin Williams, pure genius & constant source of joy to all. one of the nicest humans I've ever met. My heart goes out to his loved ones. MB

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Comment by Linda Gallo on August 22, 2014 at 12:44am

My heart just broke when I heard about Robin Williams' death.  I saw him perform live in Vegas at the Andre Agassi benefit concert.  The Maestro was also on the bill that night regaling us with his Rodney Dangerfield impressions.  What a night that was.  Robin just kept those jokes coming one right after the other until my sides were splitting with laughter.  No one other than the Maestro Himself could make me laugh so hard - and so deeply.  I'll be watching lots of Robin Williams films in the next few weeks.  There are so many, each one a work of art.  I'll always love "Mrs. Doubtfire" but then there's "Dead Poet's Society" - excellent and "Good Will Hunting" many - such a legacy as was the man himself.  Robin Willaism - THANK YOU for bringing laughter into my life - so often.  Thank you for making film a true work of art -.  You bequeatyhed to all of us a legacy of laughter spawned in a lifetime of love.  You will be missed.  God bless you and wing you home to the One who sent you as a Gift to all of us.

Comment by Amie Angeli on August 16, 2014 at 7:36pm

Still cannot believe the world has lost such a great giver of the gift of laughter.  He was indeed a genius.  Deepest sympathy to his family & all those who loved him.  He leaves the world a sadder place, alas, but we will remember his great gifts to us all.  Votre Amie

Comment by suzanne caroline waterson on August 14, 2014 at 11:16pm
Really sorry ment RIP xx
Comment by suzanne caroline waterson on August 14, 2014 at 11:13pm
Whisper's of sadness from the angel's I hear '
For here is a man 'who brought us such cheer !
Kind and warm ' with a heart full of fun '
For all of the movies and game's that you've done ,
You'll never be forgotten in the heart of the world '
For your voice live's forever ' and will always be heard .
Comment by Anna Mason on August 14, 2014 at 5:38pm

Couldn't agree more. I remember seeing him perform at Andre Agassi's first benefit Gala in 1995 in Vegas (you were there, too!), and Robin was hysterical. I don't remember ever laughing so much.

Anna (in MO)

Comment by Barbara R on August 14, 2014 at 5:22am
Yes, Robin will be missed. He seemed like a very nice person. May all the troubled souls find peace.
Comment by Robin on August 14, 2014 at 3:41am

Very well said Michael.  So sad for is family.  RIP Robin Williams!!

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Christine (chris ) Jones on August 14, 2014 at 12:56am

This world is a sadder place without your humour,  My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones  R.I.P  Robin

Captain my Captain  always

Chris Australia

Comment by Caroll Constam on August 13, 2014 at 10:09pm

We have lost a very talented man.  He will be greatly missed. His family in my thoughts and prayers.

Comment by Gail Knoesen on August 13, 2014 at 9:54pm

R.I.P. Robin the world of entertainment has lost a great comedian and artist.

Gail K.South Africa

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