Michael Bolton stands with Senator Murray, victims, & advocates fighting to end violence against women! #VAWANow
Michael Bolton, Sen. Murray & NCADV at US Capitol for press event urging Congress to send inclusive VAWA to POTUS NOW!
NCADV Spokesperson Michael Bolton with @SenLeahy with activist at VAWA Rally @ US Capitol. #VAWANow #JusticeforAll
NCADV ED Rita Smith speaks @ rally about partnership with Michael Bolton to end violence against women. #VAWANow
NCADV Spokesperson Michael Bolton @ US Capitol VAWA Rally says: "When A Man Loves A Woman, he does the right thing!"
NCADV Spokesperson Michael Bolton calls on Congress to do the right thing pass #VAWANow.
It is an invisible problem... Unless people speak up it will continue... It is time that people start talking... Start protecting our women and children.
God only knows what we need people like Michael who struggle to protect women from abuse.
Michael you're a great artist and a great man.
And who imitates and follows your footsteps deserves to be called a great person.
Like you!
You are great!
You deserve a hug full of light.
Thank you Michael on behalf of all those loved ones who's voices are no longer heard. I know the pain of losing someone to domestic violence and the heart break it leaves behind. On June 16th 1994 my sister Miriam Sanchez Betancourt was shot and killed by her husband in front of two NYC police officers in a Brooklyn Subway station. Miriam was 31 years old and left behind my nephews who were 1 and 5 years old at the time. Thanks to Rita Smith and all of her hard work we were able to get justice for Miriam. Thank you again and may God Bless you always!
You're doing a great job with your Charities! Keep doing what you're doing so that the awareness reaches as far as you succeeded it to be! So proud of all you do dearest Lord Sir Bolton and Thank you from all of us women and the children whom are the future generations! This is what you are meant to do, don't forget that!!! Much Love!!! - Spirited, Louise T.
Thank you Michael for standing up for women everywhere. I wish that years ago I had someone to stand up for me. I have been a fan of yours for years.
Hola Maestro,
Es maravilloso ver el esfuerzo y la constancia con la que luchas en contra de la violencia de genero, siempre me emociona mucho ver tu labor ante la desigualdad, realmente admirable y afortunadamente las gentes con tu posicion podeis luchar por que las cosas cambien...te envio mucha fuerza para que sigas luchando y un gran abrazo amigo de alguien que siempre te tiene presente.
Reina. L
Cuidate mucho
I remember hearing Officers say how in the old days when a husband was beating on his wife it was tolerated because there were no laws in place to protect the wife. Now THANKS to Michael Bolton and others the laws protect the wife and domestic partner’s. This is my chance to say THANK YOU Michael Bolton for your involvement, voice and making the effort to make a positive change in the lives of others. I always knew there was something very special about you!
Oh dear me ! this subject is very close to my heart.gasp! for i have experienced more than my fair share , makes me cry just reading it . anyway , excellent work your doing mb , keep it up ! and hope you had a great 4th of july
Hi Michael, What a great job you are doing to create awareness and to take action against violence towards women everywhere.
Here, down under, I belong to the Soroptimist International of the Hills and we host an annual domestic violence forum, helping to give women a voice and some strategies as survivors of domestic violence.
Every small action towards peace in the world makes a big difference. Love to you and yours, Maree
In Italia sono state uccise da "uomini conosciuti" più di 60 donne dall'inizio di questo anno...e Dio solo sa quante subiscono maltrattamenti e violenze. C'è bisogno di dire altro? Grazie Michael, grazie a tutti gli avvocati e le associazioni che aiutano le donne in difficoltà, in tutto il mondo. Il giorno in cui non avremo più bisogno di loro sarà l'inizio di un nuovo mondo, in cui il RISPETTO sarà la regola. Un grande abbraccio a tutte le donne!
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