and everyone who has been so supportive of me and my partner Chelsie throughout this season of DWTS: Although I don't ever lose sight of how important your support and encouragement is, there is no greater example of this than the outpouring I have just felt and fully experienced at the end of the day on Tuesday when the votes were in. Elation was what I felt and I owe it all to all of you. Thank you from the depths of my heart and please stay tuned!!!!!



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Comment by Linda (Goffin) Hudson on October 3, 2010 at 3:40pm
Dear Michael:
My husband and I voted and supported you on Dancing with the Stars!...Take it for what it was worth Michael. Some people are not blessed with giving respect & being compassinate to others. We enjoyed your dancing especially the last dance!..Bruno has gotten worse on the show the past couple of years and as everyone feels he was totally out of line and most definitely owes you an apology and to all of us fans who were watching out there. I wish I could have been there to just jump up hug your mom and you that embarrassing last night. "You" my dear cousin ( I have not met yet, but hope to do real soon perhaps) have accomplished so much in your life, well respected by your fans, family and you are blessed with integrity, respect, and love for people. Keep this thought, and forget about Bruno. "Everyone" out there agrees with you that an apology should be made to you and everyone who was watching, especially your mom. My heart broke for not only you, but her too!..As a mother, I would be devastated of such disrespect to my son on national tv. You will get your apology. Accept it as the wonderful, caring man and singer you are and let it go. Look what you have accomplished in your life!! Stand proud ! Your fans are rooting for you, even the one's that are not. May you have comfort from all your postings from the people who truly care.
Comment by Linda on September 30, 2010 at 7:40pm
I have compassion and empathy for you, Michael. I could see you were hurt; not only for yourself, but for Chelsie as well. The best revenge is to keep on taking dance lessons and get better and better and on the come back show, show them all up. Best wishes always.
Comment by sylvie boisvert on September 29, 2010 at 3:23pm
My dear Michael, to focus on the positive, we know you gave it your all sweetie and you made us very proud for first facing your fear and for working your tail off the way you did. I can’t lie and I am very disappointed that our votes couldn’t help keep you on the show, but Michael, I know there’s a lesson to be learned in there, but you can certainly leave that place with your head high, knowing you did your best. One last thing: I personally want to thank you for showing America and the world how you can still rise above the negative with grace and for giving us some of the most exciting weeks we’ve had! Thanks again for all you do sweetie, please take care of yourself so we can enjoy what we love the most about you for a very long time, God bless. Much love right back and big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Comment by rose on September 29, 2010 at 2:01pm
Too bad Michael has laryngitis. He could go back to DWTS and sing bruno back to where he came from.
Comment by Sharron Holinsworth on September 29, 2010 at 7:06am
I am done watching DWTS. Bruno needs to go. If he didn't like your dancing, that's one thing but to treat you like he did, he should lose his job on DWTS. I am so upset, you have no idea. Keep your chin up and know that you are better than this and you have so many fans that adore you and are very upset how you were treated. Look forward to seeing you in Oroville.
Comment by Cynthia Reynolds on September 29, 2010 at 5:33am
Was really disappointed that you got voted off, I know I gave you all the support I could. You are still a winner to ALL of your fans, we love you..
Comment by Patricia H. Marks on September 29, 2010 at 4:50am
Comment by Anne Summerhayes on September 29, 2010 at 4:50am
Michael..I am so upset that you had to leave DWTS tonight. I wanted Bruno to know just how strong your fan base is. We love you and we always matter what disrespectful, inappropriate people have to say. However, there is always a positive side, and that is you can relax before your tour starts again and all your fans at your concerts will show you how much we all care. This experience I hope, will not make you think twice about trying something new in the future. The other positive thing is that I don't have to hold my breath waiting to see who goes home on the next DWTS! Now, I really don't care! Love you always, Anne
Comment by Angela McGhee on September 29, 2010 at 4:16am
You make a cute dog and are a really good sport with a warm heart:)
Comment by Linda on September 29, 2010 at 4:16am
If you need anything, just ask. There are many people willing to help. Take care.

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