After so many months of planning, today is the day: The 2nd Annual Michael Bolton and Dave Mason Celebrity Golf Tournament, Benefit Concert and Dinner.  A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our fans & supporters who helped us get here.  Whether you bought tickets for the benefit (we'll see you today!) or simply reposted, retweeted, LIKED & commented, you helped us spread the word, raise awareness & sell tickets. Thank you for helping to further the very important work of The Michael Bolton Charities.


Pictures From the MBC Event

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Comment by Sandra Jeffery on September 17, 2011 at 7:13pm

Sounds like this was a fabulous event, THANK YOU for all you do for this very special charity, you are such a kind caring person Michael.

Thanks for sharing the photos, they are great!!!!
Love Sandra xxxxxxx

Comment by Kathy Rosario on September 14, 2011 at 9:42pm

You are very welcome Michael......but thank you for ALL YOU DO on behalf of women and children!!! Your compassion is heartfelt and much appreciated!!! I had a GREAT time.....especially at hole 10!!!! What a 10 that was!!!! LOL  Thank you for your kindness :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Comment by Dianna Shipman on September 12, 2011 at 11:51pm

Sounds like it was successful

You really are a great person I feel Michael :)

Love Dianna xxx

Comment by Anna Mason on September 12, 2011 at 11:03pm

I hope the event was a big success! Thanks for sharing these photos!


Anna (in MO)

Comment by thida duangyai on September 12, 2011 at 7:14am
Michael, you have a good heart, we are appreciated of your charities works to help women and childrens at risk,you are a great man ! and i wish you all the best and take care !  Love from Thailand ,T XXX
Comment by Shannon Chambers on September 11, 2011 at 8:10pm
Michael thank you so much for all the work you do for woman and children at risk. You are a hero to us all!!!! I hope you had a wonderful time on the golf course as well as at the show in dinner. Thank you so much for all that you do. It is greatly appreciated!!! Love, Shannon xx
Comment by missy-jane a. wroczynski on September 11, 2011 at 5:30pm

Hope this was a great event.  Just dedicated a new Piggy Bank to the saving a my trip next year!  CA HERE I COME!

Had great fun last year, looking forward to 2012.

Comment by Jennifer Steadman on September 11, 2011 at 4:30pm
Go on, rub salt in my wounds that I cant make it!! Ha Ha!! Hope you have fun, I'm sure it was a real blast!! Oh ignore me, I'm only jealous!! XXX
Comment by meggy on September 11, 2011 at 5:13am

It looks as though you All had a great time....You deserve it! Thanks for just being "YOU"!!!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Comment by sylvia doughty on September 11, 2011 at 2:34am

If I had known how my wee smiley face was going to appear in the photo link I wouldn't have put it in !!!! LOL.

Thanks for the "thanks" but it is because of your hard work that such an event has been brought together so successfully and it is you who should be applauded and receive heartfelt gratitude that because of your efforts we are allowed the opportunity to support such a worthwhile cause as the Michael Bolton Charities - thank you !!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

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