what a gratifying concert in tokyo!!!! At first the audience can strike you as so reserved you aren't certain they're enjoying the songs until they continue their applause and its obvious they are listening closely and feeling the music deeply. They loved the new music but "nessun dorma" stole the show. I dedicate it to the greatest tenor of all time luciano pavarotti every night since he has passed away and it always takes me to the place and time I first performed with the great one. The audience in tokyo was so respectful and appreciative. We all loved that show and celebrated with our band and crew afterwards (Photos coming- it was ryan huddle sons birthday ) in usual traditional delicious highly fattening cake and a loud surprise happy birthday song sung by all. Not necessarily in tune. - Mb

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Comment by JJ Tuijn on June 11, 2010 at 8:13pm
Dear mr. Bolton,

Me and my wife saw you're show yesterday at the The Hague jazz festival. Great as always. Good band also. Who is you're drummer? I couldn't recognize him (I'm a big drum fan). It must have been great to perform with a big band.
When are you coming to the Netherlands for a regular concert?
And one more thing if I may be a little critical: when are you giving a concert Bolton sings Bolton? More than half of the songs yesterday where covers. You have made such great albums like: "The one thing" or "All that matters". And what about you're best cd so far: the new one? Please sing more of those albums. Off course a lot of people dug the vintage and classics as well. But you're own songs for me are the best.
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Comment by wennie li on June 10, 2010 at 4:09am
i was at the Beijing Concert last saturday and it was thrilling to be so close to you. Thank you ! i hope u enjoyed it also.
are these blogs written by michael himself or the admin wrote them?
Comment by Gail Duncan on June 7, 2010 at 3:20pm
Congrads on your grand child! Happy to hear you are coming to Germany. Long ago, around 1995, I had the pleasure to backup sing in a choir with you here in germany. If you need me again, just holler ;) Be blessed and safe!!!! www.gail-duncan.com
Comment by Jan in Brissie on June 5, 2010 at 11:07am
Good to hear your talents continue to span continents.........stay safe and I hope you keep us all up to date as this tour goes on......Congrats on being a grandfather - a whole new chapter ahead for you and your family.
Comment by Debra Tennet on June 4, 2010 at 3:40pm
Thank you so much for your update Michael. Really appreciate you taking the time to let us know how you are doing. Love reading how the concerts are going and what you are up to on your travels. Take Care. Lots of Love, Deb xxx
Comment by Spirited Dona on June 3, 2010 at 7:21pm
Micheal, , youir audience in Tokyo was under a lot of Pressure! It was not widely spoken of, in America 's Press, but, as i read the sad news of Al & Tipper Gore seperating, I saw Japan 's Prime Minister is RESIGNING , due to his campaign promise to close an American Air Base in Okinawa, which did not occur either the Day you played there or the day after! .Japanese people have a sense of fun & wonderment as we do, usually! You feel like a world Ambassador of Friendship, everywhere, but at the end of the day we 're Americans! I am sure your fans were glad you came! These are hard times, reminiscent of the 60 's! Thank you!
Comment by Cynthia Hood on June 3, 2010 at 3:44pm
I just read you are going to be a Grandad! Congradulations!
Comment by Linda on June 3, 2010 at 2:28am
Watching your lips is mesmerizing. Hearing your voice is ecstasy.
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on June 2, 2010 at 9:36pm
Thanks once again Michael for your update, we really appreciate this, you are an amazing, thoughtful person and we love you so much.
Watched your DVD again last night, so wished I could have been there. Take care of yourself Michael, enjoy your travels and keep singing all those beautiful songs.
Love you always
Sandra xxxx
Comment by PRASHANT DHIRUBHAI VITHLANI on June 2, 2010 at 3:07pm
Its feels so good to hear you again Michael in "You Murder My Heart"...I am the greatest fan of your since i heard you in " Time Love And Tenderness". You have amazing voice....The way you sing from the Heart......Hope you keep on updating all your fans...Thank you so much...

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