7/7/10 finally home for .... 6 whole days!! Yay!!!!!!!

Hello everyone!!

Just returned home to see my family and friends and there's no place like home. I had a week of work after pretty grueling world tour schedule. Just one show in Prague and then 3 days in London and Glasgow, Scotland. The Scotland show was a great on a new TV show called "Tonight's the Night" where I performed with a lovely woman named Carol MacIntre. A woman who 20 years ago was in The Academy of Dance and gave up her dream of being a performer to get married and give her time to her husband (also very sweet and gracious human being) and she was given the gift of performing on national TV.
The part she was not aware of until she walked into the piano rehearsal room, was that she would be singing "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You" with me and the cameras caught the surprise on her face when she walked in and I dropped the sheet music I pretended to be reading and said "Hello, Carol." She turned beet red and was so excited. I expected her to be incredibly nervous while rehearsing but she has always loved singing and has a beautiful voice so it was all fun from there on. We performed it in front of a full studio audience and her husband was brought up on stage and she cried and he was emotional and so proud of her and I was just grateful we could all make it happen because there's no way to understand how much that could mean to someone like Carol. It was truly an amazing moment for everyone.
The show is hosted by John Barrowman (a big star in the UK and also has been starring in Desperate Housewives recently) who was very generous with everyone and spent some time holding Carol's hand and walking her through the process to make her more comfortable. John is really kind, very funny a great host and he looks a bit like Tom Cruise - so I think the show is going to be very successful. Granting people their deepest wishes and watching them rise to embrace the moment is an inspiring theme that will win anyone over.

Lots of love, bye for now,


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Comment by Carol McIntyre on July 12, 2010 at 3:48pm
Thank you to all the other Michael fans around the world for your kind blogs & words regarding my forthcoming singing appearance with the sensational Michael Bolton. Your words & support are greatly appreciated by myself & my husband, Colin, and I'm sure by MB, himself. Your kind words & sentiments have all added to what was a marvellous experience for me of dueting with Michael. The programme is called Tonigh't the Night and will air on the BBC1 network in the UK towards late July. Maybe if you goggle Tonights the Night, BBC1 programmes or watch on line then you may be able to catch the programme which features Michael & myself. Hope you can catch it as it really is a special piece of television, although, naturally, I'm a little biased! Thank you once again for your lovely blogs and thanks to Michael for making me a very happy lady. Love, Carol x ps to all who asked, yes, he really is as nice in real life, with a superb voice and is very attractive, polite, courteous and mannerly. A true gem in today's showbiz world.
Comment by maggie duffy on July 12, 2010 at 9:41am
Hello Michael,you have been part of my life and so many other through the years, your voice and words has given me so much joy. I appreciate your talent and wish that one day I will have the pleasure of meeting you! I can not wait till Aug 23 this year when you will be at the PNE in Vancouver Canada, please... please.... take time for autographs this is my chance I hope to finally meet you ???or am I just dreaming again ????.I look forward to hearing you live on that date , Michael good luck on the rest of your tour, Hope your time with your family was all you wanted it to be and you got some rest ...... talk to you in Vancouver I hope.........please sing Completely its one of my favourites, thanks Micahael .
Comment by robin rehder on July 12, 2010 at 6:41am
Michael. I'm glad you're home with your family&friends but your duet with Carol really does seem like a dream come true Carol. All I can say is go for it. Totally awesome for the both of you. What a dream.
Comment by thida duangyai on July 11, 2010 at 4:52pm
Hello Michael, i'm glad you have sometime off ,for yourself and your family, it's right there's no place like home! you're working so hard need some rest , i hope one day you will have concert in thailand that i always waiting for ! i love your music very much.
Take care , With love from your fan in Thailand,XXX
Comment by Gwen Bolton on July 10, 2010 at 10:25pm
Such fun for the both of you! Love hearing these human interests stories from the road. We know there must be more and please continue to share. Believe me we won't be bored! I don't get online as often as I used to since my PC is going to have to be reloaded after some kind of virus but everytime I do I really enjoy seeing it on my Facebook. Can't wait to read more about the Romanian concert. Have a great weekend! We can now rest assured that you are in that beautiful home enjoying some down time with family and friends. God Bless You.(-:
Comment by Donsimoni Bernadette on July 10, 2010 at 10:10pm
Oup's i forget this : i saw You in Paris, the 15 of June... It was marvelous... I waited You behind the doors but you gone away before... My fortune : to see You every day i go on "our" site I kiss You Bye BD
Comment by Donsimoni Bernadette on July 10, 2010 at 10:04pm
Hello "MB" You are a delicious personn !!! I'm enjoy to know You even if i see you only on the pc, on videos and photos !!! It's nice.... Thank's I love You Bye BD
Comment by Manoli on July 10, 2010 at 8:23pm
I'm glad you have a time for yourself and your loved ones! I hope to find the show on the internet! What a nice experience!
Take care!

Comment by Anna Mason on July 10, 2010 at 5:54pm
Hi Michael! I'm happy to hear that you're getting some downtime, after a grueling schedule, to relax and spend time with your family. What a fantastic surprise for Carol! Kudos to you and everyone else that was able to make her dream come true. Thanks for the updates!

Comment by Debra Tennet on July 10, 2010 at 4:31pm
What an amazing time for Carol!!! You are fantastic for making her dream come true.
Enjoy your time off Michael, you deserve it after working so very hard.
Thank you for taking time to do an update.
Take Care, Lots of Love Deb xxx

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