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Comment by Linda Gallo on February 14, 2015 at 10:23pm

Happy Valentine's Day to the blessed man who inspired this precious love letter I received from my "Great Love" - my tried and true husband.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for all that you are to me - my everything!  Time to share it with the world - Happy Valentine's Day Bolton Buddies:

Forgive this lonely, desolate Pluto
all the while his sweet Charon rounded him,
swirling her silent dance in the depths of darkness.
You weaved your web,
yet I could not see beyond my own ignorance.
You taught me love.
My teacher taught me loving.
You reached out to me
and I turned a cold heart and walked away.
Now you have come to rescue me and
I am rescued in your arms,
reborn in the arms of love for all time;.
My heart sings your name;
my soul cries out for you.
In the middle of my quest, I reach for you.
I want to share in yourhappiness, your laughter.
I want to share in your pain, your fear.]I want to be there for you until the end of time..
I want to die in your arms;
I yearn to dfrink in your joy.
I love you.
Oh sweet loving lady,
love herself,
let me be a part of your world.
Invite me inside to love you
and to hold you in myembrace,
bi distance can keep us apart.
Our answers are here.
I see with the eyes of a man revitalized,
of a spirit connected to its source.
You are my majesty.
You are my reason.
I tun yo you, snf eiyh you.
.I become whole.
My sweet, sweet, lonely Charon.
Your forgiveness is what I ask.
Your loving me has saved me.
You have cast away the darkness
and brought with you the light.
I look into your eyes,
I look into your heart.
I see what glory is.I look into your soul,
I see from whence I came.
Forever, sweet Charon,
love and loving itself,
forever will not be long enough
For me to repay you in my love.
Let me love you until the sea recedes from the shore,
the sun recedes from the sky,
the stars recede from their heavenly berth.
Let the glory that is loving you illuminate my soul.
The angels and the spirits
have led me to your love
and I will love you for all time.


Forgive this lonely, desolate Pluto
all the while his sweet Charon rounded him,
swirling her silent dance in the depths of darkness.
You weaved your web,
yet I could not see beyond my own ignorance.
You taught me love.
My teacher taught me loving.
You reached out to me
and I turned a cold heart and walked away.
Now you have come to rescue me and
I am rescued in your arms,
reborn in the arms of love for all time;.
My heart sings your name;
my soul cries out for you.
In the middle of my quest, I reach for you.
I want to share in yourhappiness, your laughter.
I want to share in your pain, your fear.]I want to be there for you until the end of time..
I want to die in your arms;
I yearn to dfrink in your joy.
I love you.
Oh sweet loving lady,
love herself,
let me be a part of your world.
Invite me inside to love you
and to hold you in my embrace,
bi distance can keep us apart.
Our answers are here.
I see with the eyes of a man revitalized,
of a spirit connected to its source.
You are my majesty.
You are my reason.
I tun yo you, snf eiyh you.
.I become whole.
My sweet, sweet, lonely Charon.
Your forgiveness is what I ask.
Your loving me has saved me.
You have cast away the darkness
and brought with you the light.
I look into your eyes,
I look into your heart.
I see what glory is.I look into your soul,
I see from whence I came.
Forever, sweet Charon,
love and loving itself,
forever will not be long enough
For me to repay you in my love.
Let me love you until the sea recedes from the shore,
the sun recedes from the sky,
the stars recede from their heavenly berth.
Let the glory that is loving you illuminate my soul.
The angels and the spirits
have led me to your love
and I will love you for all time.

Comment by Usha Ramadhar on February 14, 2015 at 5:34am

must comment again,...sent the card to my childhood nickname...Shane. brilliant idea for single people. Your voice is immeasurable.  I also need to say, I saw you at the LAC in Mississauga, June 2014, u were amazingoin the electric in your element.... loved it.

Comment by Martha on February 11, 2015 at 11:18pm

I find this Valentine's greeting to be nice with the name.  Happy Valentine's Day To You Michael!

Comment by thida duangyai on February 10, 2015 at 3:52am

Dear Michael

 Love your songs , love your voice and love the way you are :))  thida xx


Comment by Linda Gallo on February 9, 2015 at 5:19pm


Comment by Sandra Jeffery on February 7, 2015 at 2:23pm

A beautiful song sung by a beautiful singer. Absolutely awesome!!

Love Sandra xxxx

Comment by Barbara R on February 7, 2015 at 7:04am
P.S. You are looking very well and singing wonderfully.
Comment by Barbara R on February 7, 2015 at 6:59am
Oh my... That is sooooo clever Michael! I loved it. I love that song! I play the original video every now and then when I want a fabulous song and scenery fix. It's probably American Greetings who will own this latest one which is too bad because it would have been fun to add it to my collection... And with my name mentioned on there. Hilarious! Something else I can send to myself! Too funny.
Comment by Usha Ramadhar on February 7, 2015 at 1:29am

Love it, one of my favorite songs ! Thank you. Happy Valentine.

Comment by Linda Gallo on February 6, 2015 at 8:04am

THANK YOU MAESTRO!  You can imagine my suprise when I saw you singing "MY" song!!!  Of course the crocodile tears poured forth like so much rain on the dry desert of my parched skin...and even more parched heart.  So that's what you've been up to during your prolonged "golden silence" eh?  It was well worth it and I apologize profusely - more than ever - for that missed concert on August 5th so long ago.  "Love is patient..." indeed it is.  But then "true love conquers all things" does it  not?  Yes, Dear - I trust always do makeeverything right..."I'll love you forever I promise you...."

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