My staff thinks I need more help waking up in the morning!!

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Comment by Ann Yale on January 18, 2018 at 8:30pm

You have a great sense of humor Michael, I found this ever so funny. You’re a night owl, and I don’t blame you for going to bed in the early hours of morning and sleeping until lunchtime. Being a singer/musician I bet you’ve never had an early night in your life!!! Lol 

Place to me looks like a museum to do with a film, and definitely back in time with the old reels, clock and that other guy in clock reflection. Only I’m convinced he’s a wax work figure and do apologize to ever it is if not....

Been guessing on this one since you posted it, as to what it’s really about and why you’re there, but just maybe with that huge alarm clock and it being a well known fact that you need help waking up on a morning that you couldn’t resist making a joke of it......

In Michael Bolton time, all will be revealed!!! Lol 

Ann from Newcastle 

Comment by Elizabeth (Betty) Tringali on January 15, 2018 at 7:47pm

Sylvia:  I like the way you think.  Dvd would be terrific.  My favorite is As Time Goes By.  Hoe this comes true.  As you say- patience.

Comment by sylvia doughty on January 15, 2018 at 12:27pm

Hi Patience and spotted other guy and also where it looks very much like a "set".  With film reels and especially because they are considered old nowadays and with clock being reference to time could it be something to do with "As Time Goes By" and Casablanca ??  Michael, a while ago, made reference to something special going to happen in summer in LA ... could it be making of a live show DVD  based on "Songs of Cinema" CD as he has been asked many, many times to consider making a new DVD.  OMG I love these guessing games and only hope we actually get an answer and don't find out it's just a "joke" from Michael and being a play on words on term, he coined, for when he gets up as being "crack of noon"  and he has just moved it to "crack of one". ... will wait and see !!! lol

Sylvia   YWSF   27

Comment by Amie Angeli on January 15, 2018 at 11:28am

A cat makes a better alarm clock. Clocks? Hit the snooze button in my sleep. If I can sleep through earthquakes (except Northridge), I can sleep through any mere clock. But a cat is relentless, especially if they consider it time for their breakfast (they'll eat again later, stealing yours when you get around to it).

So what's really behind the clock? What are you holding back on us???

Cheers, votre Amie

Comment by Janet L Smith-wolfes on January 15, 2018 at 1:12am

MY peeps think THAT about me too!  LOL. As 1130 is just not getting it for most regular folks. But, if we are more productive in late hours, hey, just going with the FLOW!!!  RIGHT?!   Artists!  We are just a little different and work on different time line. YOU just do what you do Michael!  I love it and I personally don't mind if you sleep late 'cus I'm snoozing too!  See ya tomorrow 1130ish! lol. Love you, you uber talented artist you!

Comment by Suzanne Scheiner on January 14, 2018 at 8:04pm

It’s time!!!❤️❤️❤️

Comment by Anna Mason on January 14, 2018 at 7:50pm

Whoa! Now that's a big alarm clock! LOL!

Anna (in MO)

Comment by Patience Ogiorumua on January 14, 2018 at 4:14am

Lol Sylvia. I do agree we need more clues. If you zoom into the clock, there is another guy that's not Michael. There are some FILM REELS. Got me thinking, Is there a new music video on the horizon? Lol. What do you think Sylvia? Put on your detective hat ASAP. Hahah


Comment by Miroslava on January 14, 2018 at 12:37am

Can any of the staff hide this black jacket with a patent bar on the collar. As for waking, I would like to wake him up whenever he wants. My number is 206 999 999 999. Michael calllll  :-) your personal wake-up service.

Comment by Miroslava on January 14, 2018 at 12:00am

Moze li neko od osoblja da mu sakrije ovaj crni sako da patent zatvaracem na kragni :-) sto se budjenja tice ,moj broj je 206 999 999 999,rado cu ga buditi kad got to zeli :-) Michael zovi . Tvoj licni servis za budjenje :-)

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