I met Whitney almost 20 years ago at a fundraiser. She was a beautiful, gracious human being. She held hands with her band and said a prayer before going on stage. Whitney is easily one of the greatest singers in the history of music. This is a tragic loss of a brilliant artist. My heart and prayers are with her family now and always. Michael

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Comment by Robin on February 12, 2012 at 9:31pm

Yes such a sad time for her family and friends and the music industry. We lost an amazingly talented lady.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts Michael. I have been a fan of her music for years.  I'm about same age and grew up with her in some ways during her career.  She will be missed very much.

Robin in MD :)

Comment by Spirited Dona on February 12, 2012 at 9:05pm

Michael, You Have been "so" fortunate to meet the Greats, Pavarotti and now we hear a younger, in happier times, Whitney Houston! I feel sad, yet good that she is in a better place, as I "know"  there is another place after this. I posted her gospel and Dancing Song, to Remember Something happy and joyous! It is just like yesterday-- all the good moments, aren 't they?

She is "with" The Rock! In Jewish tradition, rocks are left, instead of flowers!

For fans reading this-- her dance song!

Checking out "Spirited Dona Blogs- When Whitney Houston Was a Happy, Dancing Girl with hopes!, " on Michael Bolton: http://ning.it/wbnexG
Comment by Ivana on February 12, 2012 at 8:21pm

Thank you, Michael, for your words. This is what I wanted to hear from you, just a few honest words that help me to deal with my sadness about the death of Whitney. She was really a genius and all of us will always love her. There are moments in my life I will always remember where I was and what I did while getting the sad message: death of Princess Diana, terror attack in New York on September 11, the first live concert of yours I attended, death of Michael Jackson, death of the former Czech president Vaclav Havel, death of Whitney Houston....... 

Maybe, this is your face would look while singing for her the very last song. And she would listen to your voice in the heaven.


Comment by sylvia doughty on February 12, 2012 at 7:26pm

A tragic loss indeed and as Kenny G has just said one which is looking more and more like an avoidable tragic loss !

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Comment by Sabina on February 12, 2012 at 7:10pm

Very sad day for the music. Hope she will find peace now, so far from this world. We can just remember her wonderful voice and her beautiful smile. We'll always love her.

Comment by Sandra Jeffery on February 12, 2012 at 6:31pm

This is indeed a tragic loss Michael. Whitney was a very talented artist with an amazing voice, it was such a shock to hear this news.

Love Sandra xxxx

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