Michael Bolton Admin's Comments

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At 8:26pm on November 15, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Happy Birthday to Gweeny
At 7:05pm on November 15, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Michael you are the best!! You are genuine and your heart is pure!! You are an amazing singer filled with heart and soul everytime you sing!! Your songs describe your emotions deep within you!! It's glorious and true!! Your own writings have touched my soul and spirit!! They have helped me through all my life events!! Whether good or bad!! Thank you soooo much for helping me survive this world with all your music and what you do for others!! It makes me a better person!! Truly thank you!! Sincerely, Gina
At 7:04am on November 15, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
I'm sorry Michael but this is disturbing!! I don't even think you get my tweets anymore!! Somehow someone is deleting them before they get to you!!! We need to stop this!! I know if you saw what I tweeted today you would have answered about Detroit! Find out who is causing this! Is it a team member?
At 2:04am on November 15, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Do something about it please!! It's upsetting to me and my family!!
At 11:11pm on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Thank you Michael for your voice in not just music but about people in general!! You are an amazing singer and speaker of different subjects, whether serious matters or the hilarious funny side of you!! I respect you in all you do for not just me but for all of us as fans and what you tribute to!! Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person in my life!! I've triumphed through my two sisters deaths and my mothers death!! Your songs have pulled me through it and your motivation for life and people!! I've gone through a divorce as well but it wasn't me at all!! He just wanted to live alone on his own!! I loved him but it wasn't enough!! I'm been through difficult times but because of it I'm stronger!! I have no children but love the fact I'll be teaching sometime soon!! Thank you Michael for your lovely beautiful music and all the times you made me smile and love life again!! You are truly the best man in the music industry!! You I admire for you!! GINA BRUSCATO
At 11:02pm on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
I want to express my passion against bullying and I hope to make a charity in it!! I want to make awareness of it at all ages not just school ages!! It happens at all ages and it needs to be made aware of!! Like Michael has a passion against domestic violence I do against bullying!! I want to one day collaborate the two with Michael!! Also has one getting bullied I just want to say that I was harassed by different pages but what I've said on twitter about personal info!! I was being reported to Michael for a lot of things not said to him or the bullies!! It's horrible but true!! I even had my apartment listed on twitter of the buliding I live in!! It's over because twitter suspended the page but the trauma was awful!! Also as a fan I'm going to respect Michael, his team, his employes in every matter of their pages!! I respect the other fans even ones who are not friends!! We as fans to have more respect for Michael and each other!! We need to just let others be themselves and be just that fans whether if we like each other or not!! Have a great day fans, Michael, team, admin, and all employees of Michael!! Thank you so much for all you do for us fans in having MB in our lives!!
At 3:56pm on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
You let it go too!!! Good day!!
At 4:10am on November 12, 2014, Marla Wilhelm said…
Christian,let it go.
At 1:21am on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Let's all just be fans of Michael Bolton and respect that!! Whether we are friends or not!!
At 1:19am on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
I'm respectful to the admin in letting them know how I was bullied on twitter!! Don't comment what I post to them and Michael!! This is for them only!! I'm respecting the wishes of MB admin in saying I'm done with all of it!! Enough said!!
At 1:01am on November 12, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
I grew up to Michael Bolton more than half my life!! I know this mans soul better than a lot of people!! I've loved his kindness and support to others and compassion for music!! His music has cured my soul in many ways!! Please don't respond to my comments about getting bullied!! Thank you have a good night!! I'm respecting the admin in letting this go and they have too!! So let's all be fans of the best of MB!!
At 11:32pm on November 11, 2014, Marla Wilhelm said…
I find the previous comments despicable. Obviously you know nothing about the man Micael Bolton is. No I do not know him but in away we have grown up together. You can not possibly know the the soul of this man. This is a sight for people to write about the music and the passion of Michael Bolton
At 2:13am on November 11, 2014, Emilia said…
hello Michael Bolton !!! I'm your fan since i was 12, never had the opportunity to be at a concert, I'm Portuguese but I am living in london know that last year you were but
I have not had chance to see you, back please so I can be able to realize the dream of seeing you even if it's once in a lifetime love you ;)
At 4:25pm on November 8, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
I never approached any enemy fans thank you for lying about that!! I never said I was in a relationship with MB!! Ever!! You lie!! My phrase for him as he knows it is #myman that is all!! I never threatened anyone but you all have!! Stay away from me NOW LIARS OF ME!!!
At 1:13pm on November 6, 2014, Christian Gina Bruscato said…
Can't wait for Cleveland!! It'll be fun!! Ice show bucket list!!
At 6:36pm on October 28, 2014, john said…
this message is for Michael

do you remember performing with some folks many years ago in the New Haven Connecticut area Tom was the drummer and his wife Ruth was the singer?

if so ruthe is now my wife and she would like to hear from you I thought this would be a cool Christmas present just to hear from you


At 5:48am on October 18, 2014, Ernest Slanina said…
Sorry I did say. My mom's Birthday is November 8th and I was trying to get the autographed picture for her birthday. Thank you
At 5:44am on October 18, 2014, Ernest Slanina said…
Hi my name is Ernest,
I have a story and a request. The request is for an autographed picture?
The story is: In 1993 or 94 you Played at Blockbuster Pavilion in Gen Avon, I was about 9-10 years old. My mom and I were at that concert and it's one of my most favorite childhood memories. We had hotdogs and share a Pepsi and you "sang"(lol) to her. In 2013 i was living in Las Vegas I bought tickets and gave to her for Mothers day the show June 2013 and was at the East Cannery Hotel and Casino. Our seats were where you sing in the audience on a little stage and you "sang to her again"(lol). If you can email me I can give you me address? My email I signed up with.
At 1:47pm on August 16, 2014, PAUL REPRINTSEV said…


At 1:47pm on August 16, 2014, PAUL REPRINTSEV said…

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