Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval. I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like. Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year. 1- I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me. For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US. Email me, Sally, at MYSCRTPSSN@gmail.com and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope). 2- Another option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture. When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us. 3- you can also. Send me your note via snail mail and I’ll put it in a card for you. I’m open to suggests and will do what I can to make this easy for us both. Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65! Looking forward to hearing from you, Sally
Hi Payten, personal messages are recieved through your in-box on the forum. My guess is that you most likely disabled your E-mail alerts not to get E-mails anytime you get a PM etc. Well, I figured you hadn’t seen it so I thought I’d ask my friend Robin first, because she had posted her own address and she forwarded me the mp3 so it’s all good Payten! Thanks for taking the time to respond. Hope you’re doing well. I’ve read that you’ve been posting a bit more lately so it’s nice to read you. :D Take care and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
HiPayten, I'm just checking if you got my PM sweetie. I talked to Bonnie and she told me she already got your mp3. I didn't want to post my E-mail address for the world to see so I PM'ed you, but don't know how often you check your in-box. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from CanadaP.S.: BTW, I've been advertizing your offer so you might get a few more requests! :)
Hey Payten, good to hear you’re finally getting some “Me” time, sounds like last month might have been a little rough… I’m in a similar situation: my boys are back in school, all I have to do is get my daughter to find a job, wish me luck! Oh yes, it’s a great time to be a Bolton fan! In 1995, an interviewer asked Michael how he juggled it all and he said:”controlled mental illness”, I think the poor kid is having a relapse! I just hope he’s taking care of himself… Take care Payten, hope to see you around! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Payten, good to hear from you! Poor kid: 12 hour shifts? I guess extra hours are nothing to sneeze at, although it makes for a poor social life. So does that mean that you’re a nurse? Wow, working in a birth center… I had no idea there was such a thing as a baby season! Lol Good job at having babies listen to the good stuff right from the start! You seem like a very thoughtful person Payten, I’ll bet you’re a very popular care-taker… :D I did check out Steve Balsamo on Youtube and enjoyed “Immortal”, “Well of souls” and a very poignant “Gethsemane” with an interview on the BBC: he mentioned he was quite moved by his experience playing Jesus. Back to Michael, check out Jaana’s experience on the “Michael Bolton’s concert in Romania”. She and Florin were abel to attend the press conference Michael gave, photos and videos! Also, have you heard about the new Xmas CD out in October? I don’t know how late you are in the news. Well anyway, hope you find ways to relax, glad you’re well and hope to see you posting again soon, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Payten, just checking up on you because we haven't heard from you in a while. I thought of you yesterday because I was listening to one of my ALW CD's with Steve Balsamo. I think I'm gonna have to buy the "Jesus Christ Superstar" '96 soundtrack! :D Well take care sweetie and hope you're doing well. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Oh yes Payten, whew, what a voice!! I do have that version, well, studio version: Steve Balsamo rocks! The first time I heard "Gethsemane" was by Michael Bolton and I think it took me 3 days to recover! Girl, I'm not kidding, to hear him sing those words, with that voice? Lord have mercy... I'd be curious to hear who else you've heard it from. Now, here's the second version I've heard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG8C8MFzMcg
Funny enough, I enjoy his lower register and the emotion in his voice... Let me know what you think... I have all his CD's... Oh, by the way, thanks a million for the live version, I love it! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hey Payten, just thought I'd let you know that Jennifer uploaded "Garden of Gethsemane" on the "songs I would like Michael to cover" page and I know you wanted to hear it. Good Lord, what a song! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
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Michael has a milestone birthday coming up in February 2018. I ran an idea past Gail that passed with approval.
I have small cards that are 2.5X3.5. The idea for the card is not to say happy birthday, but you have room to put a few sentences to tell Michael why you love him, his music or how his music helped you in hard times. It’s should be big enough for a wallet size photo if you would like.
Then when he’s home sitting at his desk, he can pull 1 or 2 cards to read when he has the time. Our words will be with him all year.
1- I request a SASE, and I will send you a card. Write your note and put in your picture. When your finished, mail it back to me.
For those out of the country, I checked with my postmaster and she said you can put your own postage on the return envelope equivalent to $1.15 US.
Email me, Sally, at MYSCRTPSSN@gmail.com and I can give you an address to send your SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).
2- Another option that isn’t as personal, is to email me a short note and I can cut and paste it onto a card for you. I don’t want to handle pictures this way because I’m not that computer literate and don’t want to make errors with something as personal as a picture.
When all the cards are gathered, I’ll put them in some sort of decorate box. And the box of cards will be Michael’s birthday gift from us.
3- you can also. Send me your note via snail mail and I’ll put it in a card for you. I’m open to suggests and will do what I can to make this easy for us both.
Your welcome to share my email with anyone you think may be interested in contributing to Michael’s milestone 65!
Looking forward to hearing from you, Sally
Funny enough, I enjoy his lower register and the emotion in his voice... Let me know what you think... I have all his CD's... Oh, by the way, thanks a million for the live version, I love it! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Talk to you soon!
Love Eileen xoxo
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