Amie Angeli's Comments

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At 5:36am on September 15, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…
Bonsoir Amie, I'll respond to your comment soon, but just wanted to let you know that Gail, the forum moderator, suggested we'd watch the Emmys next Sunday night. She couldn't tell us anything, but I thought you might want to know. Take care and bonne nuit! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 4:55pm on September 12, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, oh yes, I know what it’s like, when you’re supposed to be productive and get lost on YouTube for a couple of hours! Lol Amie, you’ll have to forgive me, when you mentioned commuting to work, I was surprised, because I thought the life of a writer was all  spent between a dingy, disorganized office and a glamourous jetset life: I never imagined people having dayjobs. :D Well my friend, I’m sorry to hear you are out of a job, but you live in Westport so things can’t be too too bad, or is that another one of my misconceptions? Yep, family is my major priority, keeping in touch, together and happy, despite hindrances, let-downs etc. You’ve mentioned having many noms  de plume, I’m guessing that’s to accommodate your various waves of inspiration? So is there one more lucrative than others? Just curious. So even though, it might keep you from meeting people, do you enjoy your anonymity? Well Amie, I’m glad your landlady seems to be out of the woods. My opera buddy is a very active 81 year old and I want to be her when I grow up, but she wouldn’t go body-surfing! Lol Have you ever included her “character” in one of your books? :D Wow, I can’t imagine what it would be like to just happen to see Michael around town… Lucky you! :D Oh, before I forget, in case you haven’t heard, MB will be on the Wendy Williams show on Wednesday. It’s syndicated so could be anywhere.  Well my dear, I gotta go but it was nice hearing from you as usual. Take care Amie and I’m sure we’ll talk soon. Hugs, sincerely, ton amie Sylvie

At 3:20pm on September 7, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, how completely amazing that your friends used to be Michael’s neighbors! I’ve heard that his houses are Mediterranean style villas, are there many similar ones in the area?I’m just wondering if this is a style in the area or something someone had built in a chosen style before MB bought them. Amie, you always seem so involved with your writing, I didn’t know you had a “day job”. I feel silly, why wouldn’t you? OMG your landlady sounds like quite a woman!One of my aunts who’s in her 80’s went skydiving a few years back, but the only way I’d go would be if Michael invited me himself! Lol I do wish your landlady the best. Oh boy, “best maide plans of mice and men”, that’s the story of my life, my dear! I’m a good planner, but execution is like my boys and doesn’t listen. :D  My celebration went fine Amie, thanks for asking. I hope you’ve had a productive weekend. My eldest daughter is coming home from Europe for a couple of months due to a technicality with her status but I’ll be very glad to see her, even for a little while! Prends soin de toi Amie and I’m sure we’ll talk soon. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 8:33pm on September 2, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, thanks for the precision about your Bday. Irene arrived Sunday here. I think it’s cute that you call Michael’s house “the pretty house”. :D We got married on my birthday so both are on the 30th. Since you had already wished me “bon anniversaire”, I took it for both! :D I hope everything is back to normal in Westport. Amie, being backed up on your schedule, is that your own restrictions or do you actually have a deadline? Also, are you doing any legwork to get MMB published or do you present more than one offering to a publisher    at a time? Just curious. Well, my boys are back in school but catching up is a slow process, not enough of 24 hours in a day so I’m out. Porte-toi bien Amie and don’t be a stranger! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 3:42am on August 30, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonsoir Amie, you’re welcome for the links. I’m really glad that it didn’t take too long to get the power etc back. Sorry to hear about the flooding though. Well, Irene did make it here and we’ve had strong winds and rain like there was no tomorrow, but we got the usual: fallen trees, the odd fallen lamppost, lots of branches everywhere and a couple of glass panels off a downtown building. There was a bit of local flooding and a lot of people without power this morning, but we were spared, thank God! OMG, yesterday was your birthday? Well, a very happy  belated birthday mon amie! Funny how I would have pegged you more as an air sign… Well, hope everything else goes back to normal soon and thanks a lot for checking in. Oh, btw, I was thinking of you this morning: I borrowed “L’essentiel de Francis Cabrel” from the library. I have to say my favorite songs from him are the ones where he just sings and plays the guitar: it almost doesn’t matter what he’s singing about! :D Well,  that’s it for now ma chère, but I’ll get back to your PM as soon as I can. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 9:14pm on August 28, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, just came here to deliver musical presents. I was looking for a version of “Scarborough fair” I’ve heard on the radio this morning, but came across these and thought you’d enjoy them.

Cannon in D harp version

Cannon in D flute & orchestra

Scarboro fair fantasy

Scarborough fair Gregorian chant

Have a nice Sunday! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 8:50pm on August 14, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, oh I’m so glad you like it! I just thought this was fitting because it’s very pretty melody-wise and it can mean so much more if you read between the lines. I’ve PM’ed you the lyrics and better translation than Bablefish. I figured that since he was French , it would work also. Thanks a lot for the ego boost Amie!lol Oh good grief, the nerve of some people: you’re right, this shouldn’t happen in Westport. As I’ve said, Jimmie’s song is interesting but I’ll have to give it a more thorough listen because I’m more of a voices person. Thanks for sharing about his life though. Oh my, Amie, you are a girl after my own heart: I love your description of how one should listen to music! Yes mam, that’s the stuff! Personally, I think it’s the only right way to listen to Michael… :D Thanks for the good wishes. Take care sweetie and have a great week. bisous et câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada

At 4:00pm on August 14, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Rebonjour Amie, don’t worry about your response, we all have lives and by the sounds of it, recentering yourself after completing MMB  was like a rude awakening! J When’s the last time you were out of Dodge girl? It’s none of my beeswax, but it sounds to me like sometimes you need to just see   people and take out the recycling of your mind, know what I mean? Well, Serena certainly picked a good moment to be quiet, didn’t she? Lol I’m glad it gives you time to tighten up MMB though. Well my dear, I checked out YouTube when you mentioned Jimmie Spheeris' "Blown Out" and got lost on there for an hour last night. Interesting song but I’d never heard of Jimmie before.  BTW, for what kind of mood do you need a song? The one I gave you last night is 20 + years old but it’s a French staple.  If you check out the lyrics, it basically talks about this guy’s love and admiration for this woman of substance who seems to have lived a lot and has learned to focus on what matters and let the rest go. It’s a very poignant song.  Wow, I’ve just had a mental glimpse of what that would sound like, translated and sung by Michael, phew! Oh we’re all fine here in Pleasantville Amie, thanks for asking! My boys are enjoying what’s left of their vacation and I hope to hear from my girls. I’m planning to go visit my opera buddy soon just so we can enjoy the day together, between our 2 birthdays and my husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in a couple of weeks. Now isn’t that the portrait of picket fence perfection? All we need is a backporch swing! Lol Oh Amie, change of subject, have you heard Michael’s new SILYBIL duet with Agnes Monica?

Let me know what you think. I’m out of room girl so take care and keep in touch. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 6:55am on August 14, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, I shouldn’t check E-mails past a certain hour… I’ve just read your message and got lost on YouTube… :D I was thinking, if it’s a song you want for both Luc-Laurent and Jen, try this one on for size:

This is the original artist Francis Cabrel and I just love this song. It’s called: “Je l’aime à mourir”, which loosely translates to: “I love her to death”. A line of the song struck me as fitting Jen. It goes: “she must have done all the wars to be so strong today”, what do you think?I’m not sure if this is the type you’re looking for but thought I’d suggest anyway. I’ll check in the morning if there’s something I want to add to my response, bonne nuit! Hugs, sincerely, ton amie Sylvie :D

At 5:05pm on July 22, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour mon Amie! Merci pour ton message! Well, there you go girl, I’ll have you practice! Lol  But seriously, I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve had French lessons Amie, but I’m sure you’re doing better than I am with my Spanish lessons I had in high-school, although some of the vocabulary has stuck with me. Oh, I love the name Luc-Laurent, well Laurent anyway, but that really works together. There’s this French theater actor named Laurent Bàn and if he’s as gorgeous as his voice, wow! He did the French soundtrack for the 2004 movie “Phantom of the opera”. I just fell in love with his gorgeous voice and did some serious lengthy research to find a recording of his, but it was worth it. Amie, I’m sorry sweetie, it’s “mon Coeur”, sorry… :D Oh I thought of you this morning: they’ve just reopened the Insectarium! Lol Girl, you really should get a job as Michael’s assistant or something: I’ve just herd he’s going to Aruba in September! :D So is the weather as brutal in Westport? It’s in the high 90’s + humidity here this week. I’m keeping busy though, even if it’s listening to a poetry book while sewing in front of the fan: I can’t stand being idle in this weather: it’s oppressive. Out of curiosity, aside from traveling, do you have a life plan or specific purpose set for Serena yet?  As I’ve said before, I’m not much of a novel reader Amie, but I feel like I’ve gotten to know your characters almost as friends… :D Well, happy inspiration Amie, take goodcare of yourself. Au plaisir de te reparler. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 5:11pm on July 15, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, I was only bugging you about the accents and such, don’t mind me… :D As far as I know, it’s quite easy to switch your keyboard to “multi language” in a menu and then switch it back. I have mine set on it by default. Oh, you know what? I wouldn’t even have known that the cedilla was missing from your “Francois” because Jaws pronounced it properly!The expression you were looking for was “coup de foudre”, but I’m sure you remembered that as soon as you clicked on “add comment”. :D Hmm, I didn’t know FYE sold used items. Oh I’m with you about being traditional Amie: I need a hard copy of CD’s and not something that can disappear as soon as you have a computer glitch. Oh Amie, lol that was too much info about the undees but I know intimately what you mean! Lol You know, sometimes I’m curious to know what’s the time-span you are willing  to devote to hum-drum life… Although, you seem to have traveled more virtually and through books than physically since we’ve started writing. Speaking of traveling, my “Gems” has finally stopped and got here 2 days ago! I agree it is a gem and Michael is getting growing attention for it and it’s about time. We’re all fine here, enjoying summer, thanks for asking. Well, I’m out of room but kudos again for the completion of MMB and keep me posted on Doc’s name. :D Bien à vous, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada

At 4:40pm on July 12, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…
Amie, félicitations! I'm sorry sweetie, I want to take the time to respond properly to your messages and try to go with "first recieved, first to respond to" but had to at least congratulate you! Somehow, that seemed to go faster than expected so good for you! Take care sweetie and hope to write again soon! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 4:59pm on July 4, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, I’ll give you”A” for effort and “B” for execution! Lol Aside for missing the accents and cedilla )é ç) which I’ll excuse, you weren’t far. You see “voile” is for “a sail”, “vole” is for “fly”, but the sentence construction is very nice, I’m impressed! :D I guess you do have a point about “War and peace”, I never gave it much thought. Oh good grief, good thing I’m not a writer! Lol I just thought it went with inspiration, kind of like songwriting. My boys did go watch the fireworks last Friday, but I thought:ehh, you’ve seen them once, you’ve seen them all… ;D My daughter has a TV but only to watchDVD’s because she says it’s nicer to just chill as you’re watching and she watches TV shows on-line. Sorry sweetie, “Burn notice doesn’t seem like my kind of show… Have fun in Cambodian research! I still don’t have my “Gems” although the mail is now running so I’m researching Eva Cassidy for now. Hopefully, Canada will accept in-coming packages any day now. Amie, don’t you shop on-line sweetie? I’m sure you can find your old tapes on CD on Amazon, most likely new or nearly new from sellers. Or, don’t you believe in buying digital from either ITunes or even Amazon and put on an Ipod? There is such a CD as “The early years” but it’s a compilation of his Bolotin songs. So has Jen’s big itch been scratched yet? :D OMG, what a clever idea about auctioning off the rights to “name that character”! Oh Amie, just please don’t go with Pierre or Jean-something! Lol How about something like Raphaël Francoeur or something? It’s strange how today, English names are popular in France with a French pronunciation, which sounds horrid to me but what do I know? Hey, here’s a thought: browse through a French phone book!  Take care Amie, best regards to your gang and bonne chance! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada P.S.: Heureux quatre juillet!

At 4:55pm on June 28, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonjour Amie, wow, comments certainly accumulate, don’t they? Well, postal matters seem to be on the verge of settling, but I’ll believe it when I get a stack in my mailbox!  Nothing much changes around here but my eldest son,  is at least keeping busy, waiting for his job training boss to call him.  I also kept hubby busy last weekend because he had an extra holliday, the St-Jean-Baptiste, Québec holliday on the 24th. We also have Canada day on July 1st but he’ll be working then. Any plans for July 4th? Hmm, I didn’t know you paid so much attention on astrology for certain activities. That reminds me of the book “Memoirs of a geisha”. Sorry, I have no idea about “Burn notice”, what is that series about? Oh I love your description of Amie! Lol lol Dumb question but is the amount of words something you determine, something you’re just comfortable with or something publishing companies dictate? Just curious. It’s funny how “The hunger” has come up in conversation 2 or 3 times before, just in the past couple of days here.  Did you see the blog contest to win a free signed CD on the main page? Let me know if or when you get “Gems”. Sweetie, I hate to correct you, but it’s “mon amie Canadienne”, because of the 2 A’s can’t follow: a little grammar lesson! :D Oh boy, the “send” doesn’t work in the PM’s? Helpful hint: if it doesn’t, refresh your page, it might tell you that you’ve exceeded 4000 characters and that’s why it won’t send! Lol Been there, done that. Isn’t that silly? Well thank you Amie, this was very entertaining. Take good care of yourself, my best to Jen and Serena and we’ll talk soon. Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie du Canada

At 8:54pm on June 15, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, I don’t know where you get your creative juices girl, but they sound like a power to be reckoned with! Wow, your gang must have been here the one day in May it was nice… You know, it amazes me how many trips you didn’t take since the beginning of the year and I’d be exhausted in your shoes! Lol Hmm, I didn’t know the St-Laurent cruises started that early… I guess they have to maximize their season. Can you believe that it took until today for the Stanley Cup hockey finals? It’ll be 88 degrees today here. You have to be a die-hard hockey fan to still follow that. My dad was a hockey fan. Wow, sounds like they’ve had a busy couple of days! It sounds like building and discovering characters as they evolve must be interesting and rewarding somehow. Oh yes, definitely run with the inspiration as it comes! You’ve mentioned not finding your man, are you looking all that hard Amie? And don’t some people advertize  for traveling companions? My guess is that Michael doesn’t travel purely for pleasure so although  I’m sure he meets lovely people, I don’t know if he could introduce yu to anyone fitting your traveling profile. J Well the  temps go up and down: we’ve had low 60’s 2 days ago and 88 today. We’ve just had the Grand Prix, which was a huge deal and U2 is coming in a few weeks. We also have a rotating postal strike and until it’s resolved, we only get mail 3 times a week. My daughter in Norway has a job interview today and my boys are almost done school. Michael is on the Regis show tomorrow and some fans have mentioned getting the shipping notice for “Gems” today. Amie, have you heard the “Gems” vignettes on Youtube? Girl, it’s gonna be a whopper and I can’t wait to hear it! Well, that’s the news for now. Prends soin de toi mon amie et à bientôt! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie du Canada

At 2:59am on June 9, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Bonsoir my globe-trotting friend, long time no see! Amie, if you don’t mind my saying so, I think you need an assistant to book your travels! Lol Oh I’m really glad to hear the new novel is coming along and your muses are hard at work!  It’s funny how you remind me of me when I’m making a music box… Sometimes I have to put them aside for a little while and let them “simmer” for a while though. But it’s a lot of fun when the creative juices are flowing! Ooh, thanks for the progress report on everybody’s lives! Lol Well, I’m not surprised Kurt and his kids left for Hong-Kong, we had miserable weather while they were here so you didn’t miss anything… :D I have a couple of questions Amie: first, have you ever based a character on your own personality or are they all (main characters) based on one fasset of your personality? Or do you model them on people you know or would like to be in another life? Sorry, that was one more question than I expected… :D My next question is: why send Michael the manuscript now? Haven’t you written this book years ago? Michael is on the Loveline show tonight 10:00 PDT. True he’s very busy these days. He’ll be on the Regis show next week and then back on tour and promoting “Gems”. Yes, my life is sane and a big snoozer next to yours mon Amie, but that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it! A little hum-drum, lots of music and as much MB as I can handle and I’m just fine, thank you! Take care of yourself Amie, physically and spiritually and happy adventures to Jen in HK! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 4:07pm on March 2, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, about the weather, the annoying thing is that we get a small taste of spring for a couple of days and then boom! Then it drops down to colder than before. BTW, I’m from the old school and do understand inches so no conversion necessary. :D Thanks for the info about your books: I posted it here:

So there you go, free publicity! :D Amie, may I ask how long it usually takes you to find an agent? And pardon my ignorance, but is an agent a person who’ll do the legwork for you with publishers? Just curious. Well good luck to you if you decide the sell your share of the condo and saving up for Panama. Uh-oh, dare I ask what was wrong with Mexico? Lol boy is my life hum-drum next to yours! Lol My boys are off from school this week and we’re trying to orchestrate my eldest son moving into his sister’s room, since she moved out, but it’s a slow process. Oh Amie, in more interesting news, did you hear about the “Hitman returns, David Foster & friends” CD/DVD? Michael sings 2 duets in it: one with Seal and 1 with Lara Fabian. I haven’t watched the DVD yet, but the CD is only a sampler and only contains the  duet with Michael and Seal on it. Some of the rest is interesting though. It was released yesterday and will air on PBS over the month of March. BTW, have you given any thought to going to any MB concert in your area? There’s one in Mass this week and one in AC. Well, to me, it’s your area! Lol All right, out of room. Take care Amie, talk to you soon. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 9:01pm on February 24, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, I so admire people who get interested in literature. Most of the reading I do is media-related or entertainers biographies and books related to music or the brain or both. I was very pretty proud of myself for reading”Great expectations” though and love it. I’ve “seen” “A tale of 2 cities” years ago and want to tackle that after a beautiful mixed pile I have. Sometimes we need to revisit old friends”. Oh Amie, I need to ask for a new friend, what are the titles of your books that mention Michael? I’m also asking so I can give you free publicity! Lol Amie, why don’t you sublet your condo? And may I ask why you HAVE to go to Panama? Just curious. Oh Amie, your Xmas adventures summed up to me how you love to live your life so flying on a wing and a prayer and by the seat of your pants seems quite accurate! Lol  Oh yes, the used undees… The girl might have been a tad intoxicated, took them off in front of everyone, including her boyfriend (who was quite proud of her achievement apparently)  and threw them on stage, not once but twice! Lol I never understood the mentality behind that, clean or used… It certainly made for an interesting review! Lol Bonne chance on all your endeavors, mon amie and may God be with you, you might need it… :D Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 3:55pm on February 20, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Amie, good to hear from you! I actually asked you this, because I thought it might be one of your aliases! ;D Someone mentioned a book by Jane Green with the mention of Michael, so thought I’d ask. So Jane Green is not actually on the forum, that I know of anyway. Hmm, is this a new author you’ve discovered or simply felt like “renewing” with an old friend? 7 books in 2 weeks? Sounds like an easy read! Valentine’s day was good, thanks for asking. Hubby always finds the sweetest cards. This year’s card sang “You send me” by Sam Cooke and I got the latest Josh Groban CD so that was nice. So why don’t you plan to go see Michael, silly? If I had the opportunity, I’d sure grab it! Hey, spring is coming so if you’ve got the travel itch, go ahead and scratch! lol I hope everything is going well for you sweetie. I’m itching for new music myself and  hope to hear about relief soon… It’s been much warmer in the past few days and the days are getting longerso it’s encouraging, but it’s only February and I’m in Canada so I’m realistic about hopes of early spring. Okay, have to get off this thing. Take care Amie, happy reading and hope we talk again soon. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 4:01am on February 20, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…
Hi Amie, long time no see! Quick question: have you ever herd of an author named Jane Green? Just checking. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

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